It's official. Who's with me?

Meh... he kind of won those fights and it lead to Disney forking up more $$$ to Florida so I will say that is a win. He didn't get exactly what he wanted or asked for but he got them to pay more.

It was the culture wars aspect of it that most people down here in Orlando thought was stupid. Although Disney and the theme parks are obviously a huge part of the economy here, fact is that most of us average working folks never interact with it in anyway, except when at the airport.
It was the culture wars aspect of it that most people down here in Orlando thought was stupid. Although Disney and the theme parks are obviously a huge part of the economy here, fact is that most of us average working folks never interact with it in anyway, except when at the airport.

The real play was to get the money from Property Tax they were behind on. Culture Wars issue was just tied around that. Disney has (in some areas) toned it down. However, there was no "Disney must do x or y will happen" with regard to the Culture War arguments.
Do you consider Trump to be socially conservative? I do not

I tend to agree, he really doesn't care that much, himself. But the far right of the party hijacked his administration last go 'round on it, especially with some of the judicial appointments.

I will add this, since you brought it up: when Trump took office he relied a lot on the Steve Millers and Federalist Society advisors to pick the judges. He had virtually noting to do with it and deferred to them. As a result, the bench took a decided turn to the right, way too far in my opinion (and I am not speaking of the Supreme Court, I mean the lower court judges).

I am watching the appointments by Biden, and it seems to me they went to the polar opposite extreme with some of their picks. So I also think a consequence of the political division caused by the parties is an overly-politicized bench.
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I tend to agree, he really doesn't care that much, himself. But the far right of the party hijacked his administration last go 'round on it, especially with some of the judicial appointments.

I will add this, since you brought it up: when Trump took office he relied a lot on the Steve Millers and Federalist Society advisors to pick the judges. He had virtually noting to do with it and deferred to them. As a result, the bench took a decided turn to the right, way too far in my opinion (and I am not speaking of the Supreme Court, I mean the lower court judges).

I am watching the appointments by Biden, and it seems to me they went to the polar opposite extreme with some of their picks. So I also think a consequence of the political division caused by the parties is an overly-politicized bench.

From what I’ve seen of the court, Republican nominees only seem radical by comparison to the left wing judges. If we were too take the Supreme Court for example and look over the last 30 years or so, I think the records of those elected by republicans (Trump included) would be far more moderate than those elected by democrats
I changed my voter registration to Independent. Reasons:

1) I find myself unable to agree with either party on what I would describe as at least half their platform.

2) I am fiscally conservative and think the Dem party is out of touch with the need to reform spending. Not that the GOP has been a whole lot better, but at least they have a willingness to address it.

3) I am socially liberal and think the GOP is extremely out of touch with reality on this. On the flip side, seems to me the Dem party apparatus is largely using those society might view as outcast or lesser, to virtue signal and its insincere.

4) I have not voted FOR a Presidential candidate in many cycles.

5) I have not voted FOR a gubernatorial candidate in I can't remember how long.

6) Party politics is exacting too great a toll on the country. Too much identity politics, too much us vs. them. Not enough us and we.

7) I grew up in a Dem household but even in their later years my parents were getting fed up with the same things I was.

8) Florida is a closed primary state and so this takes me out of voting in the primaries. But that has not mattered in a long time.

So that's it. The electronic paperwork is in. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand Trump, that has not changed. But I can't abide Harris much, either.

Good luck to all on your own decisions, and follow your conscience, be it middle, left, extreme left, right, or extreme right.
This post convinced me to vote for Trump over Harris. Thanks for assisting me in making this tough decision.
@lawgator1 last question if you don’t mind.

The rhetoric from the left often paints Trump as an extremist. It seems that outside of his lower court nominees you disagree with that statement.

Is that fair to say or do you consider him a radical in other domains as well?

I ask because I consider Trump very moderate (it’s why I’m not really a fan).
Law, I've been an independent voter ever since I was old enough to vote, and wasn't blocked from entering polling locations. I'm certain you already know it, but you will be ridiculed not being a member of the Republican or Democratic herd or sheeple. Repubs especially, namely the Trump-infected, will denigrate you the most. As you have seen in this forum, even when post things that fall in line with their view, they will still attack you. But congratulations on deciding to do your own thinking instead of letting a party tell you how to think, vote, donate, or whatever other political activity you engage in. All you can do is just pity the creatures who are violently allergic to thinking for themselves rather than being led about by a chain attached to a nose ring on their face.
Do any of the third party candidates have a chance?

RFK Jr is probably the most competitive candidate we have had in a while but the answer is no. Frankly, most Independent parties take a single issue from either major party and are just more radical on that issue. They try to do that to lobby votes against the main parties.

Libertarian is the only realistic third-party with any merit and even then, half their party/base resides in the Republican party under the Rand Paul faction.

However, based on lawgator1's posts, it sounds like the Libertarian party would be his best prospect.
Law, I've been an independent voter ever since I was old enough to vote, and wasn't blocked from entering polling locations. I'm certain you already know it, but you will be ridiculed not being a member of the Republican or Democratic herd or sheeple. Repubs especially, namely the Trump-infected, will denigrate you the most. As you have seen in this forum, even when post things that fall in line with their view, they will still attack you. But congratulations on deciding to do your own thinking instead of letting a party tell you how to think, vote, donate, or whatever other political activity you engage in. All you can do is just pity the creatures who are violently allergic to thinking for themselves rather than being led about by a chain attached to a nose ring on their face.

Dude, I think you just know a lot of messed up people. None of my friends have tried to push me into a party and I have friends on both sides. Sure, they may argue at times about candidates.

You just need to find a better crowd. Do you live in DC or something?
Law, I've been an independent voter ever since I was old enough to vote, and wasn't blocked from entering polling locations. I'm certain you already know it, but you will be ridiculed not being a member of the Republican or Democratic herd or sheeple. Repubs especially, namely the Trump-infected, will denigrate you the most. As you have seen in this forum, even when post things that fall in line with their view, they will still attack you. But congratulations on deciding to do your own thinking instead of letting a party tell you how to think, vote, donate, or whatever other political activity you engage in. All you can do is just pity the creatures who are violently allergic to thinking for themselves rather than being led about by a chain attached to a nose ring on their face.
4) I have not voted FOR a Presidential candidate in many cycles.

"I'm Voting For _________ Because"

Biden because he isn't a petulant 6 year old.
Dude, I think you just know a lot of messed up people. None of my friends have tried to push me into a party and I have friends on both sides. Sure, they may argue at times about candidates.

You just need to find a better crowd. Do you live in DC or something?
The funny thing, volhou, I was neither talking to you nor about you personally. But you know how it is. with the Trumpies, everything is personal, and about you folks.
The funny thing, volhou, I was neither talking to you nor about you personally. But you know how it is. with the Trumpies, everything is personal, and about you folks.

I am not trying to be mean, I just don't see the hatefulness (from either party) that you keep talking about in my day-to-day interactions.

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