I am not saying they aren't entitled to make a profit and I'm not saying that the tax should be sufficient to cripple them or cause prices to move higher simply by virtue of the amount of the tax.
But, let's say an individual oil corporation's profit margin was the same, and hypothetically at 10 %, over the last five years. Let's say that the actual dollar amount of profit went from $10 billion in first quarter of 2003 to $40 billion in first quarter of 2008 and that it was based on the fact that their profit dollar amount was magnified by the increase in the raw product they buy, transport, and then refine here.
If they paid a windfall tax of just 10 percent of that ($ 4 billion), they'd still have had their raw dollar profit go from $10 billion to $36 billion. In the meantime, if that was done across the board for all of Big Oil, the U.S. Treasury would have had the stimulus package paid for and perhaps some dollars could be bought back to boost the dollar's value in the exchange markets.
Are you forgetting that profits go to the owners of the company? Those owners are you and me pal (and millions of others via direct stock, mutual funds and pension funds). You aren't taking money from Exxon - you are taking money from millions of owners.
If one of the candidates proposed something along those lines, I think the outcry from the free market people and the Big Oil spokespeople would be absolutely overwhelmed by the tidal wave of support from the millions of us who are paying for those profits every day.
I know and understand your arguments against it, at least in basic terms. But one of the reasons that Obama is so popular is that the index of suspicion out there in real every day America is that the game has been rigged for awhile, that the Chaneys and Bushs -- who are both personally extremely wealthy because of their ties to this industry -- helped out in the shennanigans, and the biggest mistake that the Republicans could ever make is trying to shift blame from the companies making unheard of profits to the environmentalists.
I thought you were seeking objective evaluation and not intellectual dishonesty. Please back up with facts how Bush/Cheney manipulated events to create record profits for oil companies. This is pure spin.
Like it or not, that's the perception.