UT will have to ride this out unfortunately, so we may as well get used to it. They'll have to give him a 4th year simply so the next candidates wont hold it against UT for not giving him that. The coaching fraternity is tight, people need to understand that. As a guy who's tried to be a supporter of Cuonzo simply because he is the UT coach and I really hoped things would come together. My worst fears are coming true, and Cuonzo is the poster boy for the Peter Principle(in a nut shell, some people will be promoted far above their capabilities). I wanted to believe this guy had a plan. He doesn't. I'm watching the game and Stokes at one point tries to bring the ball up the court like he's a ball handler. He had it batted away of course and the camera cut to Cuonzo was one of no reaction. He didn't call a TO until we went down 35-20 or something at that point. The team played totally lost and I must say the coaching was lost to. There wasn't a coach on that bench that had the first clue. There might be hundreds of coaches who would've had some clue to keep that game semi close. I'd have rather had the last coach in the pecking order from some teams bench leading us last night instead of Cuonzo. Some of them have probably forgotten more about strategy than Cuonzo obviously will ever know. Cuonzo is obviously a guy who looks at how something is written up and could go out and do it as a player. But, now HE has to be the brains of it and cant get it done.