Jabo Lee issues?

I thought Jabo had SAT/ACT issues but thought I read he passed the re take with flying colors..????
SPEED, we need speed and Jabo's got some.

IF you have problems with the SAT/ACT just keep taking it over and over and over. Eventually the law of averages will tilt in your favor.
It baffles me that kids cannot qualify academically. Every teacher I had would give you a C for doing homework and attending class. IMO an academic DQ shows a lack of work ethic.
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Man high school must have become real tough since I left it in the 90's...

Dude, school has gotten harder because we don't give these kids a chance. This past year, the Florida state test referenced camels in one of the questions. Thankfully, they got rid of the question, but I'm not sure how they thought anyone would know what a camel was, especially since they stopped letting cigarette companies advertise to kids. I'm pretty sure I never would have passed my kindergarten animal exams if not for those ads. In the culture wars, our kids come out as collateral damage. It breaks my heart. :crazy:
He runs hard and is a VFL it seems, but just don't think he has an SEC skill set for a RB. A 4.58 40 just won't cut it against most of the defenses in the league. Would love for him to prove me wrong though.

I agree that his speed isn't blazing, but for some tough short yards on 3rd and 4th down, he could be just what we need.
You can make a first down when you carry the DL with you, Alden is a strong young man wanting PT. :yes:
My personal feeling at the time and now is that pulling a good RB was a prerequisite for JG to get his price to stay. No one seemed to want to blame him but he was the lead recruiter and position coach for a series of RB's who said no... and not just 4/5* RB's. UT at the end was down to taking a 3* RB recovering from a severe injury who also had grade problems. It seems no quality RB was clamoring to play for JG.

or no good rb wanted to play for his boss
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My personal feeling at the time and now is that pulling a good RB was a prerequisite for JG to get his price to stay. No one seemed to want to blame him but he was the lead recruiter and position coach for a series of RB's who said no... and not just 4/5* RB's. UT at the end was down to taking a 3* RB recovering from a severe injury who also had grade problems. It seems no quality RB was clamoring to play for JG.

or no good rb wanted to play for his boss

Probably both correct. It's disappointing that Jay was unable to land a big time back, but he also came into a pretty bad situation. Dooley didn't help him and for all we know he just didn't think he'd get along with Butch.

I will say I thought our running backs improved under JG. Neal in particular seemed to make some big improvements from past seasons, at least up until his injury. I thought Lane looked pretty good last year too, but for whatever reason he always seemed to be in the dog house.
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He runs hard and is a VFL it seems, but just don't think he has an SEC skill set for a RB. A 4.58 40 just won't cut it against most of the defenses in the league. Would love for him to prove me wrong though.

Emmitt Smith says Hi...he's running a little late...because...he..ran consistently 4.6 or slower during his playing...career
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