Him sitting out the game to prepare and yet fall short of his needed time as a burner hurt. Maybe having another big game against Clemson might have boosted him more. It's hindsight to guess outcomes. Neither way is assured before you choose, the results become what they are.
I just never saw him as a "burner", he faster than many, but he's not elite. He wasn't even close the the fastest on the team. Without the wiggle, juke, great hands, precision routes, coupled with his size, he's just an average to slightly above receiver. That's what the NFL thought as well. He might play above that, but it's unlikely that he'll see a second contract. Someone faster, bigger, more elusive will replace him.
Now I know his brother, father, cousin Richie and uncle will all come to his defense. I don't care, I've got you on ignore already. Said this before the draft and got proven last night. He's not Tennessee's greatest receiver, not even in the top 10. His Bkoff award doesn't mean anything against guys like Willie, Carl, Marcus, Larry and the Parks Pearless, those guys in this era, and offense would have him on the bench or transferred out.
I wish him well and if he proves me and many wrong, I hope the Tennessee fund benefits as well.