The total value of my investments, and probably most other average investors, has gone through thge floor, thanks to George Bush. I wouldn't mind paying a little more taxes if the market would go up.
Can you summarize for us why you think the market went belly up? I will agree that Bush's Keynsian/liberal policies and reactions during the last couple of years of his presidency have contributed to the problem. But far from being the "failed policies of the past"... they are very much in line with Obama's "failed policies of the present". Bush baled out corporations... Obama did it bigger. Bush signed a Dem Congress crafted stimulus plan... Obama did it bigger.
Early in his presidency when he still somewhat behaved as a conservative, Bush signed significant tax cuts in answer to a double dip recession (partly due to 9/11). Almost immediately, jobs were created and net tax revenues went up.
The biggest factor in the collapse was sub-prime loans which is the direct result of a liberal law passed by the Dems and Carter back in the 70's. As a companion, Freddie and Fannie were huge factors in the collapse. The third major factor is the liberal/Keynesian ideal of regulation and gov't control but "safety nets". The best regulation of the market comes from the fear of catastrophic business failure. Dem policies muted that fear and had people investing in improbable schemes because there was no risk to them.
For instance, I know someone who invested in an ethanol plant. The gov't guaranteed his principle. He literally couldn't lose even if the company failed. Only the taxpayer could lose.
It sounds good to paint yourself as being for small business, investors and families, but just who is suffering now? Small business, investors and families, That's who. Thanks again to George Bush.
Do you really think these people are hurting because taxes are too low? Do you think they are better off having rescued large corporations who made terrible business decisions? Do you think they were helped when the gov't bought GM stock with their money and gave it to the UAW? Maybe you think it is good for them when their employer's taxes go up and prevent them from expanding business, paying for better benefits, or giving good raises?
Bush's blame stems directly from doing the exact things Obama has done but bigger.
The people you are really for, big business, is not hurting at all though.
Really? The ones who aren't tied in snug with Dems ARE hurting. The ones who aren't getting baleouts and free taxpayer money... are suffering along with the rest of us.
There is a reason that the really big businesses (GM, Microsoft, Goldman-Sachs, et al) give as much or more to Dems as they do Republicans. Big gov't will ALWAYS accommodate these big business/big labor types. The Dems will always write them loopholes or exceptions. If they get hit in one place, they'll get some kind of credit or special treatment in another. Regulations are actually a protection for them... it prevents competition from getting into the game.
The US auto industry is the classic example of big gov't, big business, and big labor monopolizing an industry. They have snuffed out domestic start up competition leading to a very unhealthy industry.