January 5th Insurrection (Kazakhstan)

We shall see. Apparently, they've already arrested one cabinet member with ties to Hunter Biden. Who knows what else (or who else) they may have found.
Oh Iā€™m sure they will shortly march out several accused of trying to over throw the government and you will be on here touting their accusations as a statement of fact. That is one of the constants in this forum.
Oh Iā€™m sure they will shortly march out several accused of trying to over throw the government and you will be on here touting their accusations as a statement of fact. That is one of the constants in this forum.
And you believe everything that comes out of NATO/The State Department.

You asked me about being sure of the reported concentration camps in Xinjiang, China, so I can't help commenting that if you want to be sure of something, The Daily Mail is not the source for you to use. A cousin living in UK once told me that we would not take anything in that paper as fact. It might be sort of accurate or it might be entirely false. So over the past few years, I've watched its reporting enough to avoid it.
You asked me about being sure of the reported concentration camps in Xinjiang, China, so I can't help commenting that if you want to be sure of something, The Daily Mail is not the source for you to use. A cousin living in UK once told me that we would not take anything in that paper as fact. It might be sort of accurate or it might be entirely false. So over the past few years, I've watched its reporting enough to avoid it.
Do you watch network news? Read the NYT?
The Stans are heating up for a bizarre reason..all after we left a Stan. Weird.
Possible weapons transfer to operatives?
I'm too good at this...

China Offers Kazakhstan Assistance As President Says Afghan Militants Infiltrated Country | ZeroHedge

According to the AFP, "Speaking with European Council President Charles Michel later Monday, Tokayev said militants from Central Asia, Afghanistan and the Middle East were behind the unrest."

Oh, so will China now get the same scrutiny as Russia? They both share a border with Kazakhstan and have some skin in the game.
So, looks like we found a smoking gun...

Escobar: After Kazakhstan, The Color Revolution Era Is Over | ZeroHedge

On my Central Asia travels in late 2019, pre-Covid, it was plain to see how western NGOs ā€“ Hybrid War fronts ā€“ remained extremely powerful in both Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Yet, they are just one nexus in a western nebulae of Hybrid War fog deployed across Central Asia, and West Asia for that matter. Here we see the CIA and the US Deep State crisscrossing MI6 and different strands of Turkish intel.

When President Tokayev was referring, in code, to a ā€œsingle center,ā€ he meant a so far ā€˜secretā€™ US-Turk-Israeli military-intel operations room based in the southern business hub of Almaty, according to a highly placed Central Asia intel source. In this ā€œcenter,ā€ there were 22 Americans, 16 Turks and 6 Israelis coordinating sabotage gangs ā€“ trained in West Asia by the Turks ā€“ and then rat-lined to Almaty.

The op started to unravel for good when Kazakh forces ā€“ with the help of Russian/CSTO intel ā€“ retook control of the vandalized Almaty airport, which was supposed to be
turned into a hub for receiving foreign military supplies.
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The Stans are heating up for a bizarre reason..all after we left a Stan. Weird.
Escobar: After Kazakhstan, The Color Revolution Era Is Over | ZeroHedge

Back in November, Patrushevā€™s laser was already focused on the degrading security situation in Afghanistan. Tajik political scientist Parviz Mullojanov was among the very few who were stressing that there were as many as 8,000 imperial machine Salafi-jihadi assets, shipped by a rat line from Syria and Iraq, loitering in the wilds of northern Afghanistan.

Thatā€™s the bulk of ISIS-Khorasan ā€“ or ISIS reconstituted near the borders of Turkmenistan. Some of them were duly transported to Kyrgyzstan. From there, it was very easy to cross the border from Bishek and show up in Almaty.
All roads lead back to Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden Tried To Broker Energy Deal With China's State-Owned Oil Company: Emails | ZeroHedge

The Daily Mail obtained the emails from what is alleged to be Hunter Bidenā€™s abandoned laptop, showing him travel to Beijing and Kazakhstan in an effort to broker the oil deal in the two-year period. At that time, he tried to negotiate the deal on behalf of a Ukrainian energy firm named Burisma where he was a board member, according to the outlet.

According to the emails, the plan was for the Kazakh government to award drilling rights to CNOOC, while Burisma would operate rigs and wells in the Central Asian country.
Putin had his chance to take over Kazakhstan 6 weeks ago and did nothing.

If you are going to compare Putin to Hitler, ask yourself what would Hitler have done in that same situation if his ultimate goal was to build an empire...

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