Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

That would be impossible. You would pass out and your hands would release before you go to that point.

Heard a theory of tying sheet to something and other end around your neck. Turn your body over-and-over to twist sheet tighter, maybe enough to cut off blood/oxygen. No hands needed.
Heard a theory of tying sheet to something and other end around your neck. Turn your body over-and-over to twist sheet tighter, maybe enough to cut off blood/oxygen. No hands needed.
I can see this. You would need it to continue to strangle you after passing out. Your own hands couldn't do this.
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More from Vicky Ward, suggesting what we already know, which is that pedo island was blackmail operation:

Interesting quote from the article Ward is tweeting: Ghislaine Maxwell had one other thing to tell this woman: “When I asked what she thought of the underage girls, she looked at me and said, ‘they’re nothing, these girls. They are trash.’”

Remember, this is what the elite think of all of us. We are nothing but trash, to be used, abused, and destroyed.

True, but you do have to remember the story is that she recruited rather than kidnapped the girls. At some point we have to as a society decide if adolescents are adults or kids ... one or the other. I personally have a problem with the thought that kids too immature to act rationally (ie, can be enticed or recruited for money and a good time) are sufficiently mature to matter on matters of policy ... gun control, politics, etc. Of course it's a scandalous thought, but what of the comparison between recruiting kids for sex and recruiting kids for dead end educational paths ... those and many others are about the gullible and money/utility that they can provide ... in fact, one of the favored liberal/democrat paths to corruption.
Man, can you imagine the information flow if you could get Q, Maxwell and Assange all in one room to spill the beans? We might pass out from information overload and being just generally sick to our stomachs.
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Or which Interstates are N-S and E-W.

I have to admit that there are a few even numbered interstates that seem to go more north and south than east and west. And you do have to see the irony in US70 which splits into 70N and 70S while travelling east and west. But in all fairness, the weirdness in highway naming convention pales in comparison to the proliferation of some very nutty traffic circles. I've always thought that engineers should demand that "traffic engineers" give back the title "engineer" and quit demeaning the rest of us.
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Interesting quote from the article Ward is tweeting: Ghislaine Maxwell had one other thing to tell this woman: “When I asked what she thought of the underage girls, she looked at me and said, ‘they’re nothing, these girls. They are trash.’”

Remember, this is what the elite think of all of us. We are nothing but trash, to be used, abused, and destroyed.
They do and we are for the most part compared to other countries . This whole I don’t live in the greatest country with the most freedoms , lowest taxes and most available options that I can choose from on anything you can come up with is a fallacy . From a standpoint of being elite inside our system I’ll go back to hobnobbing with other elites, playing golf on courses that you couldnt sell everything you own get on to and play 18 holes , jet setting around the world on your own private jet . You know just the basics .

I was referring to GoVolsDR's post. I do not believe that is what elites think. That is what elitists think. Big difference between being an elite and being an elitist.
Most Americans are comparatively elite, most Americans are not comparatively elitists (by GoVolsDR's definition)........even though some admittedly are
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I think it goes beyond just having greater wealth and access. To me it's a mental state.
Otherwise, every person from a third world country could accurately describe most every American as an elitist.

A state of mind that might lead you say something like this?

"I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait.

And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the *****. You can do anything."

Note: sorry mods, or mod-bot, for dropping "the p-word". I am going to offer a line of poetry by Gertrude Stein in penance.

"Push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea."

If you don't like that, I have some Georgia O'Keefe paintings you might like.
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A state of mind that might lead you say something like this?

"I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait.

And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the *****. You can do anything."

Note: sorry mods, or mod-bot, for dropping "the p-word". I am going to offer a line of poetry by Gertrude Stein in penance.

"Push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea."

If you don't like that, I have some Georgia O'Keefe paintings you might like.
Trump is definitely an elitist.
I mentioned Bounty for its strength, and it is the "quick picker-upper".

Exactly. I'm thinking sleeping in and on Bounty might lead to mutiny, though ... or at least a lot of sleepless nights and crabby (and likely homicidal) people. The military screwed up making a suicidal Bradley Manning sleep in the buff ... should have simply given him all the rope ... or sheets (and exercise bar) he needed.
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Exactly. I'm thinking sleeping in and on Bounty might lead to mutiny, though ... or at least a lot of sleepless nights and crabby (and likely homicidal) people. The military screwed up making a suicidal Bradley Manning sleep in the buff ... should have simply given him all the rope ... or sheets (and exercise bar) he needed.

Someone claimed prison bedding can be made of paper. Never heard of it myself. Sounds comfy though.

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