Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

So the warden has been reassigned. And the two staffers assigned to monitor him are now put on leave. I wonder if they’ve been put on suicide watch too or not yet?

Jeffrey Epstein 'special observation' watch protocols went unheeded in hours before death: reports

Jeffrey Epstein 'special observation' watch protocols went unheeded in hours before death: reports

An investigation will probably show those two guards apparently won an unheard of lottery, decided on foreign travel to parts unknown, and they don't expect to be found or return to the US ... ever.
He’s well below the Clintons on the continuum.
A signature trait of an elitist is an eagerness to boast about material possessions. It's someone who views others, not by the content of their character but instead, by how much money they have. While the Clintons have often been guilty of down-playing their net-worth and trying too hard to pass themselves off as frugal, I am not aware of any boasting. If you are, please provide a link to at least one example. However, I'm sure that we have all seen that Donald Trump is just the opposite of that. Trump has inflated his net worth, claiming to be worth as much as $8 billion (over twice as much as where Forbes places him) and he frequently boasts during his own campaign rallies about the luxuriousness of his apartment and how much money he has. Trump will do this even when he is speaking in very poor locales, such as West Virginia and Mississippi, where the average annual household income is below $80,000.

I'm sorry, but Trump is not well below anyone when it comes to being an elitist.
A signature trait of an elitist is an eagerness to boast about material possessions. It's someone who views others, not by the content of their character but instead, by how much money they have. While the Clintons have often been guilty of down-playing their net-worth and trying too hard to pass themselves off as frugal, I am not aware of any boasting. If you are, please provide a link to at least one example. However, I'm sure that we have all seen that Donald Trump is just the opposite of that. Trump has inflated his net worth, claiming to be worth as much as $8 billion (over twice as much as where Forbes places him) and he frequently boasts during his own campaign rallies about the luxuriousness of his apartment and how much money he has. Trump will do this even when he is speaking in very poor locales, such as West Virginia and Mississippi, where the average annual household income is below $80,000.

I'm sorry, but Trump is not well below anyone when it comes to being an elitist.

The Clintons don't downplay their wealth, they outright lie about it. Especially in 2001 when Hillary claimed they were essentially paupers without a home.
The Clintons don't downplay their wealth, they outright lie about it. Especially in 2001 when Hillary claimed they were essentially paupers without a home.
Fine... whatever. That makes them liars; not elitists. When Trump lies about his wealth, it's in the other direction.
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You really don't believe the Clintons are elitists? Seriously? Do you believe any Democrats are elitists?
I can see an argument for them being elitists, in how they have conducted themselves professionally. There is an arrogance for how rules of procedure, etiquette and laws don't apply to them. In this thread, I was specifically objecting, not to the perception of the Clintons, but to the claim that "Trump is well below the Clintons" on being an elitist. Once again, I don't believe that Trump is "well below" anyone in that regard. Trump is an elitist personified.

Watch the 2011 documentary "You've Been Trumped" some time. It's about how Scottish landowners go head-to-head with Donald Trump to prevent the construction of a golf resort on an environmentally sensitive stretch of coastline. Trump's behavior is abusive and belittling to them. He personally insults them and their properties. All because they won't sell him their land that they have lived on, in some cases, their entire lives. He considers himself better than them, just because he has more money. He is an elitist.
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