Jerry Green

Ahha! a deadly snipper(ALLVOL) from the bush takes out TNVOLS1 just as GUNNER ran out of AMMO. The UT Board of Trustees have sent Smokey out to pull TNVOLS1 out of the line of fire to safety, but can he survive his wounds? Stay tuned as the adventure spins!

I agree with you. These are the facts. Like I said before I am still waiting for some facts on why Green was considered such a horrible coach. His record speaks for itself.


I think your commentary is hilarious.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Yeah I know what you mean Gunner, I crack myself up!..speaking of crack. What was the Tall Guy and his Posse(Trustees) smokin when they let Green go? Small minds want to know.
Call it what you will but I bet I'm alot closer to the facts than most.

Oh and for your info Dickey had nothing to do with his firing whatsoever.
Originally posted by gunner@Mar 7, 2005 1:15 PM

I agree with you. These are the facts. Like I said before I am still waiting for some facts on why Green was considered such a horrible coach. His record speaks for itself.


I think your commentary is hilarious.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



His record speaks for itself. Boy, I was proud to watch my Vols play the #12 seed in the NCAA tourney! What was the score of that mis-match? I am pretty sure we got embarassed by 30 points on national TV. Just one example. Jerry Green had a wealth of talent and failed to produce. Once the fear that Kevin O. put in the team was gone, the team took a downward slide. There was not a single team of JG's that could run anything out of a simple half-court set. We ran better motion offenses at Bearden when I was there! His teams continually lost it at the end of the season when you should be improving. Just my opinion and I do understand the game of basketball.
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Mar 7, 2005 4:46 PM
Call it what you will but I bet I'm alot closer to the facts than most.

Oh and for your info Dickey had nothing to do with his firing whatsoever.


I hate to keep pointing this out to you so this is the last time I will do it. You have yet to present a single fact about Green being a horrible coach or person. Yea, he was up and down but his record indicates he was mostly up.

Not to mention he was the only UT coach in the last 20 something years to win in Lexington against a good Kentucky team.

Compare him to the likes of Buzz, O'neil, and Houston and he is light years ahead.

Again, please bring some facts to the table not just hearsay about who Green pissed off or what you didn't like about him.


Originally posted by gunner@Mar 7, 2005 5:27 PM

Not to mention he was the only UT coach in the last 20 something years to win in Lexington against a good Kentucky team.

Compare him to the likes of Buzz, O'neil, and Houston and he is light years ahead.

Didn't Wade Houston and JG have the same amount of wins against Kentucky?
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Mar 7, 2005 2:35 PM
Yeah I know what you mean Gunner, I crack myself up!..speaking of crack. What was the Tall Guy and his Posse(Trustees) smokin when they let Green go? Small minds want to know.

I don't know what they were thinking, but I bet a lot of people are rethinking that decision now. At the time most people were upset about the poor postseason preformance, and utimately I think that is what did Green in. He was a victim of his own success. I would still rather win 20 plus games a season and lose in the first or second round of the NCAA Tourney, than to have a team that struggle to win half of their games.



Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@Mar 7, 2005 5:32 PM
i cannot believe we are arguing about this. :flush:

Yea, I agree with You this has become pointless, I guess that's what happens when the men's BB team stinks, and the start of football season is six months away.


1984-85 thru 2004-05
Don DeVoe 3-7 wins in 85, 87 & 88
Wade Houston 3-8 wins in 90, 92 & 93
Kevin O'Neill 0-6
Jerry Green 3-5 wins in 99 & 00
Buzz Peterson 1-7 wins in 02

in the last 20 years UT coaches are 10 - 33 against Kentucky
with DeVoe, Houston, Green & Peterson all getting wins.

Using your anology Green is no better than Houston
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Mar 7, 2005 7:25 PM
1984-85 thru 2004-05
Don DeVoe 3-7  wins in 85, 87 & 88
Wade Houston 3-8 wins in 90, 92 & 93
Kevin O'Neill  0-6
Jerry Green  3-5  wins in 99 & 00
Buzz Peterson 1-7 wins in 02

in the last 20 years UT coaches are 10 - 33 against Kentucky
with DeVoe, Houston, Green & Peterson all getting wins.

Using your anology Green is no better than Houston

Acording to your own stats Green posted a better wining percentage than Houston verus Kentucky. The percentages vs. the cats:

Houston .272%
Green .375%

You forgot to mention that Houston never beat the Cats in Lexington either. Try something else.


Is it safe to say that we have established that Gunner and TNVOLS1 don't agree on this topic?
You can say that. But then again unlike gunner I don't want a want at all cost program.
I go back to my original point. There's only one way in college basketball to win 20 games a year and get yourself fired . . . piss off donors.
You mean you don't have a take on the basketball coach that was fired 4 years ago?? :lol:
Well, I guess we will call this fight a draw, because your using pencils and now everyone is so bored they're asleep. CBC is snoring! I was hoping TNVOLS1 would reveal some of his connections to the Posse but I don't think I could keep my eyes open any longer even if he did. I wonder if he is really Mike Hamilton?..maybe he's a UT Trustee. Gunner, you did good, but man, when your spinning, you have to keep the top turning fast, but your a good Weeble because you wobbled and still didn't fall down!
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Mar 7, 2005 9:06 PM
You can say that. But then again unlike gunner I don't want a want at all cost program.

:blink: Don't know where you think Green was winning "at all costs" that would be detrimental to the University? Jerry Green ran a clean program (and he won).... unlike the UT President that had him fired who also was fired himself for disgracing the University. Matter of fact the last 2 UT Presidents have been fired in shame.

I have found no information that Green cheated. I have found no information that players were getting arrested (unlike the football program -- I guess you guys think Fulmer sucks too! :unsure: ). Throw out some facts if you've got 'em...

Green averaged 22.3 wins per season. The best season in UT history prior to Green's arrival was 22 wins. GREEN AVERAGED MORE WINS THAN THE BEST SEASON EVER IN UT HISTORY.

And yes, not only did Green beat Kentucky regularly, he also had Tennessee winning the SEC East 2 out of 4 seasons.... and winning the overall SEC 1 season. And guess what.... HE DID IT WITH HIS OWN RECRUITS!

Everybody keeps pointing out the 30-point loss in the NCAA during his 2nd season. They seem to not mention the fact that the Vols won 2 games in the NCAA tournament the following season and were in the sweet 16. There has also been postings of losing down the stretch. Sure, Green's last season, they finished the stretch run with a 6-10 record.... but the season prior to that, the Vols were ranked wire-to-wire and finished 11th in the final AP poll.

If all it takes is one season to get fired, especially with the bar set at getting fired after winning 20+ games..... why is Buzz Peterson still employed???

I would rather get into the NCAA tournament and lose than not go at all ..... or even LOSE IN THE NIT! How many postseason wins does Buzz Peterson have again?? Kevin O'Neill???

And when donors get more power than the employees of the University, I think it might be time for those high and mighty donors to :censored: They are only interested in the feeling of power they get... not the best interests of the students or the University.

I agree with the article in today's Tennessean where Green says that the powers that be at UT do not want a 3rd power program at UT. Maybe Pat Summitt felt threatend by the success of Green?, because she was very vocal at the time about getting rid of him..... she also helped select Buzz as the next coach. :unsure:

I'm not arguing the point about Jerry Green anymore. It is quite evident that the ones arguing against Green and the facts are clueless on the subject. Its like trying to talk to a brick wall with those folks. Hope ya'll like sub-.500 basketball! Because that is what the Vols had before Green and are having after Green too!! You have had zero (0) facts to back up anything you've posted. ciao


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