Jim Harbaugh and the Blueprint for Buildling a Program

Jim Harbaugh is one of the best coaches in the country--not just a good leader but also a tough, demanding, hypercompetitive guy. He played in the NFL for several years, I believe, so he knows Xs and Os and no doubt brought some pro cachet to Stanford. The thing about Stanford teams is that they almost always very fundamental and rarely beat themselves. They may not win--but they don't make stupid mistakes. They play hard and they play smart. Butch and his staff seem to take a similar approach. If Butch ratchets up the recruiting and proves 3/4 the coach that Harbough is, we'll be in good shape.

He damn near single handedly got Indianapolis to the Super Bowl in 1995.

The guy was a really good QB on some awful teams.
Sorry but this post is kind of stupid...you know Harrington hasn't played at Oregon in about 12 years, right? 12 years ago we were a much different program as well.

My folks live in Washington, I have friends in portland. The area has gotten a little bigger, but the place hasn't changed much. They are still upper middle class that haven't had to fight for their lives before.
Why is it a prerequisite to post ones age? Being old, middle aged, or young doesn't make an opinion any more or less valid than any other opinion.

Honest question.
Why is it a prerequisite to post ones age? Being old, middle aged, or young doesn't make an opinion any more or less valid than any other opinion.

Honest question.

Because many of the younger posters only have negative attitudes and apparently don't believe in anything. It's a completely different attitude than people over a certain age. Not ALL, but most.
Because many of the younger posters only have negative attitudes and apparently don't believe in anything. It's a completely different attitude than people over a certain age. Not ALL, but most.

What are you considering young? And are you lumping in "realistic" with "negative"?
Because many of the younger posters only have negative attitudes and apparently don't believe in anything. It's a completely different attitude than people over a certain age. Not ALL, but most.

Have you watched any UT football the past 8 years or so?

It's pretty understandable why the attitude of younger fans is a tad sour right now.
I've said all along that if the games end fairly close, that's a moral victory. If our guys fight till the end, play hardnosed ball, make fundamental tackles, I'll be happy.
Have you watched any UT football the past 8 years or so?

It's pretty understandable why the attitude of younger fans is a tad sour right now.

They lack the perspective of having grown up with Tennessee as a perennial top-10 program, then watched them bottom out and rise up again to greater heights, secure a national championship and then bottom again. When you have watched this game long enough, you realize that ALL programs go through peaks and valleys. Absolutely nobody is immune to this principle. Unfortunately, Vol fans who came of age in the last 6-8 years have witnessed only the temporary demise of a great program. Soon, they will have the privilege of witnessing its resurrection.
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i am a duck fan and what i admire most about stanford is their ability to play good football while at the same time maintain extremely high academic standards. if i recall you have to have an 1700 SAT score and a 3.5 GPA before they will even look at a students application for acceptance. harbaugh referred to his players as "warrior geeks".

as i see it stanfords environment is a kind of two edge sword with respect to recruiting. on the one hand high academic achievers who are also good football players tend to flock to palo alto. on the downside they have to reject a lot of otherwise suitable players who would otherwise be college material because they dont meet their high academic standards.

try to imagine vanderbuilt becoming one of the flagship teams of the SEC. thats sort of what stanford has done in the PAC12 and im still sort of scratching my head as to how they do it.

1700 is 100 more than the high score when I took the test. Can someone translate this for the old farts like me?
I agree, Jim Harbaugh is a hell of a coach, look at how quickly he turned around the 49ers. That said, I kinda wish he had stayed at Stanford a bit longer, I know the NFL was too good to pass up but I would have liked to see how that team would have looked with him right now.
Majority of coaches who turn out to be great have a fisrt year upset like Harbaugh did. CBJ needs to get one if he is da man.
Jim Harbaugh is a great coach and all.I'm just on board with CBJ's blueprint to build TENNESSEE.SORRY.
They lack the perspective of having grown up with Tennessee as a perennial top-10 program, then watched them bottom out and rise up again to greater heights, secure a national championship and then bottom again. When you have watched this game long enough, you realize that ALL programs go through peaks and valleys. Absolutely nobody is immune to this principle. Unfortunately, Vol fans who came of age in the last 6-8 years have witnessed only the temporary demise of a great program. Soon, they will have the privilege of witnessing its resurrection.

You're not telling me anything I don't already know. I was watching this team when Majors came home. I understand peaks and valleys.

The point is this:

the guys on here b-tching and moaning about how negative all the younger fans are don't seem to understand what you said. Most of these kids don't remember the 98 national championship.

An incoming freshman was 2-3 years old when Goodrich intercepted the pass and Peerless caught that bomb against FSU.

It's all about perspective and many posters here have an incredibly myopic view of things.
I understand. The sad part is those "realist" will never understand the real pride that some of us have in UT. Not just winning football, but the kind of pride that you feel when you see a picture of The Hill or the torch or a maple tree in all it's fall glory. Their loss...

BS!! I'm a realist and I have the same pride as u described. So saying something like this is just foolish and stupid.
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Tough, fundamentally sound football will never go out of style.

It's what has won Bama their championships and what Harbaugh installed at Stanford.

stanford is tough fundamentally sound football for players with IQ 130+. its mensa football and it has a certain appeal. but it cannot be replicated just anywhere.

you seem to want to compare alabama and stanford as similar kinds of football programs and perhaps they play similar styles of football but they achieved those results by vastly different methods.

if alabama had stanfords academic standards they would struggle to be a middle of the pack SEC team.

have fun watching us destroy the trees this year though.
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i am a duck fan and what i admire most about stanford is their ability to play good football while at the same time maintain extremely high academic standards. if i recall you have to have an 1700 SAT score and a 3.5 GPA before they will even look at a students application for acceptance. harbaugh referred to his players as "warrior geeks".

as i see it stanfords environment is a kind of two edge sword with respect to recruiting. on the one hand high academic achievers who are also good football players tend to flock to palo alto. on the downside they have to reject a lot of otherwise suitable players who would otherwise be college material because they dont meet their high academic standards.

try to imagine vanderbuilt becoming one of the flagship teams of the SEC. thats sort of what stanford has done in the PAC12 and im still sort of scratching my head as to how they do it.

See many fans on here don't understand the difference between the "warrior geeks" harbough was handed over and had to get and the players Dooley had to deal with. Reading the OPs post I was just waiting to get to the Dooley jab and not surprised when I got to it.

Please understand that many on here are unable to separate differences in situations, and how they effect outcomes differently.
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See many fans on here don't understand the difference between the "warrior geeks" harbough was handed over and had to get and the players Dooley had to deal with. Reading the OPs post I was just waiting to get to the Dooley jab and not surprised when I got to it.

Please understand that many on here are unable to separate differences in situations, and how they effect outcomes differently.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

And you are unable to separate the difference that Jim Harbaugh is a good head coach that commands and earns respect, while dooley is not and just expected respect because of his title.
See many fans on here don't understand the difference between the "warrior geeks" harbough was handed over and had to get and the players Dooley had to deal with. Reading the OPs post I was just waiting to get to the Dooley jab and not surprised when I got to it.

Please understand that many on here are unable to separate differences in situations, and how they effect outcomes differently.
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harbaugh wasnt exactly handed "warrior geeks" when he took over that program. imho when harbaugh took over they were more geek than warrior. up until 4 years ago stanford was an easy target for us...probably the perrennial third worst team in the (then) pac10 ahead or washington state and oregon state. harbaugh turned them into warriors. mostly they were unheralded players. a lot of 3 stars...some 2 stars. how he got them to improve so dramatically i cannot exactly say. it is no doubt some big secret, but the one thing i did notice is that in the last 4 years the physical conditioning aspect of stanfords players has improved dramatically. so im thinking they came up with a more effective strategy with respect to weight training and physical conditioning...thats gotta be part of it because thats how we improved also.

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