Except that if Obama has done the exact same thing in this exact same situation then all the Dems would be saying how great his response was. And that’s how we know this is nothing more to Dems than another excuse to bitch about Trump. Overall he has handled it pretty well from the early China ban to bringing together the private sector to help. I’m not saying he has been perfect in everything but no one would be, especially since this is so unprecedented as the media and Dems claim.I don’t want to get political in a thread talking about death and destruction of people’s financial well being, but whether the alternative was Hillary or Jeb! or Kasich or whichever candidate you want to select, this is exactly what Trump supporters were warned about. That he would not know how to best lead the government during a crisis.
My "shot" had a point, while yours was purely juvenile. EL let his/her politics override his/her sense of decency. People are sick, and some are dying, and some seem to be gleefully using the tragedy to attack Trump. That's just pathetic.I'm not butthurt at all by pointing out your ill conceived slight toward EL. Kinda looks like you just up and took a shot at EL. so I thought I should do the same to you.
So do these loans in the recent 2 trillion stimulus bill have to be paid back or is this gifts? Same with money to taxpayers. Will this have to be paid back like W's stimulus bill 12 years ago or is it a gift that will never be paid back and just added to the debt permanently?
Keep the faith brother. You're just the type of guy Trump looks for in a loan underwriter.
Getting pissy that you can’t do your Sunday brunches with the girls anymore eh?
Yeah you’re definitely missing the girls at Sunday brunchThe election of Trump now has the potential to be the worst decision EVER by the American voters. Oh wait, we the American people actually didn't want him. It was all that vacant land in the flyover states that elected him, which you just love.
Oh and he was elected by the same process that every other POTUS was elected by as called out in the Constitution. If you don’t like it quityerbitchin and get the Constitution changed girl.The election of Trump now has the potential to be the worst decision EVER by the American voters. Oh wait, we the American people actually didn't want him. It was all that vacant land in the flyover states that elected him, which you just love.
You play stupid games you win stupid prizes. This is what donald was voted for, because he is a business man. Who woulda thunk that a failed business man would be a disaster. I am shocked.....shocked i tell you!Except that if Obama has done the exact same thing in this exact same situation then all the Dems would be saying how great his response was. And that’s how we know this is nothing more to Dems than another excuse to bitch about Trump. Overall he has handled it pretty well from the early China ban to bringing together the private sector to help. I’m not saying he has been perfect in everything but no one would be, especially since this is so unprecedented as the media and Dems claim.
Seriously you’re deranged. Who could possibly be preventing these job losses, and what would that policy be? We all knew this would happen, you seemed to be shocked and furthermore feel Democrat leaders would have avoided it. When Democrats want even more restrictions of society which would lead to even more losses. Duterte wants lockdown violators shot, I bet that gives you a tingle in your no no place thinking about all that big government power.Keep the faith brother. You're just the type of guy Trump looks for in a loan underwriter.
ask the supporters in the politics forum, this is why they voted for him....to shake things up. He's not only shaking things up, he is destroying everything he touches. His inaction has had a ripple effect on businesses, the economy, and families.The election of Trump now has the potential to be the worst decision EVER by the American voters. Oh wait, we the American people actually didn't want him. It was all that vacant land in the flyover states that elected him, which you just love.
LMAO yeah Trump single handedly cause the corona virusask the supporters in the politics forum, this is why they voted for him....to shake things up. He's not only shaking things up, he is destroying everything he touches. His inaction has had a ripple effect on businesses, the economy, and families.