Jobs report

Sit down kid, i've been consistent on fiscal responsibility from day one here. The right's narrative on being responsible stewards of american tax dollars has been and continues to be a joke.

You doubling down on that idiotic narrative by attacking the left instead of attempting to defend the actions of the current administration speak volumes.

...and in the mean time, it is the best employment situation in 50 years. In keeping with the holiday spirit, I am willing to re-gift my Peach Mints to you. You're welcome.

Good - more manufacturing growth in US

He’s killing China - the Chinese government is devaluing their currency to fight the impact of the tariffs - won’t be able to do that forever.

Bailing out farmers ≠ manufacturing jobs
If I am reading the article correctly the government in giving the farmers 4 times the amount that they are losing because of the tariffs. WTF?
If I am reading the article correctly the government in giving the farmers 4 times the amount that they are losing because of the tariffs. WTF?

Nutty huh?

"Still, a team led by Zheng estimated the trade conflict depressed U.S. soybean prices by only 36 cents per bushel in its first year, a period in which the bailout program paid soybean growers more than four times that: $1.65 per bushel. "

Makes Obama Reagan-phones look like a bargain, gotta make that base happy though.
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Nutty huh?

Makes Obama Reagan-phones look like a bargain, gotta make that base happy though.
Just like your boy wanted with government provided health insurance for all, easier to get on and stay on food stamps. Gotta make that base happy though
Wage Growth Tracker - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Current real wage growth is 3.5 %

Real wage growth in July 2016 when everyone thought Clinton was going to win was 3.6%

Look at the trend lines -- they started up under Obama and have been holding steady with some increase under Trump. But any historical view shows that real wage growth is not to be laid on the altar of the Cult of Trump.
Wage Growth Tracker - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Current real wage growth is 3.5 %

Real wage growth in July 2016 when everyone thought Clinton was going to win was 3.6%

Look at the trend lines -- they started up under Obama and have been holding steady with some increase under Trump. But any historical view shows that real wage growth is not to be laid on the altar of the Cult of Trump.
Just like your boy wanted with government provided health insurance for all, easier to get on and stay on food stamps. Gotta make that base happy though

I don't disagree. Wait, was this supposed to be a gotcha? Awww. Look at you, trying so hard.

The difference between you and me on this subject is that I don't defend any entitlement program and i have no sacred cows, despite your repeated assertions to try and paint me as a tax and spend libtard. Very clearly your blinding liberal blame and raging cognitive dissonance prevents you from being honest with yourself. Truthfully, I don't blame you and hold no ill will - you've never been very good at this.
Your implication was that they were tied together, otherwise - so what?

Manufacturing jobs is as relevant to the $28B taxpayer funded farmer bailout as is the price of paint thinner in the himalayas.
And why do you think manufacturing jobs are coming back instead of going to China?

Apple just opened a new plant in Texas.
And why do you think manufacturing jobs are coming back instead of going to China?

Apple just opened a new plant in Texas.

So what? Is your argument that the artificial market forces of tariffs are a good thing for future corporate earnings? Believe me, the US manufacturing will collapse the instant the goods and services can be purchased from China again for a fraction of the cost. The billions in suck up money paid to the farmers will still be gone - in the meantime, China is developing networks to buy what used to be american ag from other countries.

Unless your argument is that manufacturing is coming back because of the $28B farmer bailout (which would be dumb), then you're still having trouble recognizing the difference and distinction. Farmer payoffs do not equate to manufacturing jobs.

It's not that hard.

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