Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more



Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2009
It's clear that Joe Biden will be the D nominee for President. I think we should keep up with a document the ongoing deterioration of whatever is going on with him, potentially going senile. Either way he isn't fit to be President.

-On going history of groping and smelling women and children
- All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.
-Don't be a horses ass
-Telling a voter he's "full of s**t"
-Telling a voter he (Biden) doesn't work for him
-Telling a female voter she's a lying dog face pony soldier
-He's an O'Biden/Bama democrat
-Continues to forget Obama's name
-Thinks he's running for the Senate
-Often forgets which state he's in
-Confuses his sister for his wife
-Needs a chair to sit down for Sundays debate
-Confuses Chris Wallace for Chuck Todd

I'm sure I missed some so I will rely on others to help keep the list updated.
We have seen Joe on the campaign trail display the following:

Mental decline, difficulty thinking and understanding, confusion, delusion, disorientation, forgetfulness, making things up, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, inability to create new memories, inability to do simple math, or inability to recognize common things.

He has also shown aggression, agitation, irritability, meaningless repetition of own words, personality changes, restlessness, lack of restraint, or wandering and getting lost

Gonna armchair Geriatrician this one and say he has early Alzheimer's.
We have seen Joe on the campaign trail display the following:

Mental decline, difficulty thinking and understanding, confusion, delusion, disorientation, forgetfulness, making things up, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, inability to create new memories, inability to do simple math, or inability to recognize common things.

He has also shown aggression, agitation, irritability, meaningless repetition of own words, personality changes, restlessness, lack of restraint, or wandering and getting lost

Gonna armchair Geriatrician this one and say he has early Alzheimer's.
I agree. If his family wasn't simply trying to get richer off his position they would sit him down and tell him it's over.
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We have seen Joe on the campaign trail display the following:

Mental decline, difficulty thinking and understanding, confusion, delusion, disorientation, forgetfulness, making things up, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, inability to create new memories, inability to do simple math, or inability to recognize common things.

He has also shown aggression, agitation, irritability, meaningless repetition of own words, personality changes, restlessness, lack of restraint, or wandering and getting lost

Gonna armchair Geriatrician this one and say he has early Alzheimer's.
...and which one of these things can't also be applied to Trump?
He withdrew from the 1988 Presidential race after admitting to plagiarism and lying about his educational background and accomplishments.

Not only is he losing what little mind he had, he is a lying and corrupt piece of scum career politician. Nobody in their right mind would cast a vote for him. It's way beyond time for a serious third political party that can be a serious contender for office.
This thread is about your candidate, you have 500 threads on Trump. Stick to the topic or go bash Trump in one of your other threads.

LOL, wut?

The campaign is by definition a comparison. I'm saying a dead Biden is a better president than a live Trump. This is true because Trump is a massive net negative for the US.

A neutral do-nothing Biden is better than a net negative Trump.
LOL, wut?

The campaign is by definition a comparison. I'm saying a dead Biden is a better president than a live Trump. This is true because Trump is a massive net negative for the US.

A neutral do-nothing Biden is better than a net negative Trump.
but but but Trump. Fact is you can't defend your boy going senile
LOL, wut?

The campaign is by definition a comparison. I'm saying a dead Biden is a better president than a live Trump. This is true because Trump is a massive net negative for the US.

A neutral do-nothing Biden is better than a net negative Trump.

No it’s not, you whine and moan more than a pre pubescent teen. Enjoy the next five years!
I expect Biden to struggle greatly once the long days and nights start taking toll. They are going to have to work extremely hard just to get him to November. His VP pick wil be very important.

I'm not saying this with derision or humor.
...and which one of these things can't also be applied to Trump?
Which one cant also be applied to you and I? The biggy is the mental degeneration which, and I like Biden, he has been showing increasing signs of the more he speaks. Trump is more like a bumbling buffoon. Biden is straight up having mental difficulties.

I left out confusion during the evening hours because I honestly haven't seen the times at which Biden says or does some of his crazy sh!t..but I'd wager its in the evening hours...
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Which one cant also be applied to you and I? The biggy is the mental degeneration which, and I like Biden, he has been showing increasing signs of the more he speaks. Trump is more like a bumbling buffoon. Biden is straight up having mental difficulties.
I don't think President Trump is a bumbling buffoon I think he's doing a great job.

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