Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Yeah, the "unfit to be president" line of attack is shaky when your own candidate is Donald Trump.
He's been President for 3 1/2 years and I'd say most people have seen it as an overall success. Definitely not a catastrophe. The "unfit for president" attack gets shaky by now when it's used against Trump.
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If he was in full dementia, or had been dead for 3 months, he'd still be a better president than Trump.

FFS dude how the hell do you think we got where we are now? Instead of "Well no matter what my lousy candidate is less lousy than your candidate." how about you and yours do something crazy like have an actual good candidate? You know, where the justification for your stance isn't, in your biased opinion, you think you can polish your turd to a shinier gloss than the other turd?

Contemplate that there is much to support the idea that the only reason we have Trump is the best you could do is Hillary. So now you follow that up with...Biden?
He's been President for 3 1/2 years and I'd say most people have seen it as an overall success. Definitely not a catastrophe. The "unfit for president" attack gets shaky by now when it's used against Trump.

Literally none of the approval ratings agree with your assertion, and that's in the US. It's no secret that he's not popular globally.
Trump is running on an overall very successful first term. The fact that the Dems are running a creepy dementia patient on the platform of "Well, at least he's not Trump"...

That's a bold strategy, Cotton.

What about Trump's horrible incontinence problem? What if his diaper busts open during the debates? Won't that hurt his chances?
He's been President for 3 1/2 years and I'd say most people have seen it as an overall success. Definitely not a catastrophe. The "unfit for president" attack gets shaky by now when it's used against Trump.
I think youre spot on...and I am not a Trump supporter or even a voter. Trump has overseen some things I like a lot. And some things I despise a lot. I don't find him to be cognitively dull.
Biden has always been a human gaffe machine. I have no way to discern if his current mental acuity is in decline or if it's same ol' Gaffezooka Joe.
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Literally none of the approval ratings agree with your assertion, and that's in the US. It's no secret that he's not popular globally.

The world doesn’t determine who our president is going to be. They’re pissed because Trump has made them fiscally accountable for the time being which is a far cry from the last limp wrist we had in office.
I think youre spot on...and I am not a Trump supporter or even a voter. Trump has overseen some things I like a lot. And some things I despise a lot. I don't find him to be cognitively dull.
Biden has always been a human gaffe machine. I have no way to discern if he current mental acuity is in decline or if it's same ol' Gaffezooka Joe.
He has always been known for gaffes but lately he's been aggressive and forgets a lot of stuff, something more is going on
What about Trump's horrible incontinence problem? What if his diaper busts open during the debates? Won't that hurt his chances?
Incontinence does not require a faulty brain. There could be a physical impairment causing the issue.
The world doesn’t determine who our president is going to be. They’re pissed because Trump has made them fiscally accountable for the time being which is a far cry from the last limp wrist we had in office.
The left have an obsession with what the world thinks of our President, I have never really understood why
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Literally none of the approval ratings agree with your assertion, and that's in the US. It's no secret that he's not popular globally.
His approval ratings are in line with most first term presidents when reelected. To claim that a president in his first term with a 45% approval rating is seen as "unfit to be president" is asinine, especially considering the comparison is an untested potential candidate with a habit of forgetting his name, what he's running for, and sucking his wife's finger on stage (when he's not confusing her for his sister).

How many global votes are expected to be written in?
He has always been known for gaffes but lately he's been aggressive and forgets a lot of stuff, something more is going on
Not necessarily. I understand why you want it to be true. But that doesn't make it true. Could be a combination of much more under the watchful eye of the media (making same number and types of gaffes but just more opportunity to see it) plus confirmation bias on your part.
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The world doesn’t determine who our president is going to be. They’re pissed because Trump has made them fiscally accountable for the time being which is a far cry from the last limp wrist we had in office.
I kind of like that the rest of the world doesn't see our president as their care bear.
I would say the following:

* I also perceive that Biden has definitely lost a step or two in the last 4-5 years.
* Even Sanders' campaign has made an issue of this. They usually did it by comparing energy levels between the two. But it was pretty obvious they were alluding to a claim that Biden could not stand the rigors of a full on campaign or being President.
* It was predictable that the Trump machine would characterize it as full on dementia or Alzheimer's, though that is quite an exaggeration, in the extreme. There had long been hints of it. But I saw Giuliani on Fox the other night and he was outrageous in his claims, all with a smirk on his face, that Biden has some diagnosable mental loss or infirmity (I pause to note the irony of that coming from Giuliani).
* Time will tell. I do believe he will get the nomination and we will see how he does on the trail for the next 6 months. Based on what I've seen it is not nearly as extreme as you make it out to be, but if in fact there is a real problem we will certainly see it through that process.
* Trump needs to be careful about how he addresses this. I really do not see in Biden any effect beyond normal aging. If Trump and his team go overboard on how they characterize that, they risk alienating the entire population in that age range because they will identify with the minor things observed to date.
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* Trump needs to be careful about how he addresses this. I really do not see in Biden any effect beyond normal aging. If Trump and his team go overboard on how they characterize that, they risk alienating the entire population in that age range because they will identify with the minor things observed to date.

You are literally the worst at predicting outcomes. Trump will only alienate those who are already opposed to him. He will do what he does. And, he will likely win re election. I came to terms with that realization when EL essentially threw in the towel after one of the more recent D debates.
I would say the following:

* I also perceive that Biden has definitely lost a step or two in the last 4-5 years.
* Even Sanders' campaign has made an issue of this. They usually did it by comparing energy levels between the two. But it was pretty obvious they were alluding to a claim that Biden could not stand the rigors of a full on campaign or being President.
* It was predictable that the Trump machine would characterize it as full on dementia or Alzheimer's, though that is quite an exaggeration, in the extreme. There had long been hints of it. But I saw Giuliani on Fox the other night and he was outrageous in his claims, all with a smirk on his face, that Biden has some diagnosable mental loss or infirmity (I pause to note the irony of that coming from Giuliani).
* Time will tell. I do believe he will get the nomination and we will see how he does on the trail for the next 6 months. Based on what I've seen it is not nearly as extreme as you make it out to be, but if in fact there is a real problem we will certainly see it through that process.
* Trump needs to be careful about how he addresses this. I really do not see in Biden any effect beyond normal aging. If Trump and his team go overboard on how they characterize that, they risk alienating the entire population in that age range because they will identify with the minor things observed to date.

This reads like a party that's just relieved to get the socialist out of the spot light so they can hope not to lose the house.
This reads like a party that's just relieved to get the socialist out of the spot light so they can hope not to lose the house.
Any early predictive models coming out about the House and Senate after the election?
I would say the following:

* I also perceive that Biden has definitely lost a step or two in the last 4-5 years.
* Even Sanders' campaign has made an issue of this. They usually did it by comparing energy levels between the two. But it was pretty obvious they were alluding to a claim that Biden could not stand the rigors of a full on campaign or being President.
* It was predictable that the Trump machine would characterize it as full on dementia or Alzheimer's, though that is quite an exaggeration, in the extreme. There had long been hints of it. But I saw Giuliani on Fox the other night and he was outrageous in his claims, all with a smirk on his face, that Biden has some diagnosable mental loss or infirmity (I pause to note the irony of that coming from Giuliani).
* Time will tell. I do believe he will get the nomination and we will see how he does on the trail for the next 6 months. Based on what I've seen it is not nearly as extreme as you make it out to be, but if in fact there is a real problem we will certainly see it through that process.
* Trump needs to be careful about how he addresses this. I really do not see in Biden any effect beyond normal aging. If Trump and his team go overboard on how they characterize that, they risk alienating the entire population in that age range because they will identify with the minor things observed to date.

Both candidates need full tests and all of it released to the public at the same time.

Trump has been having more and more episodes of slurred speech, saying the wrong words, and difficulty remembering things as well. Does he lie constantly because he doesn't know what the truth is? His risk factors of being overweight, not sleeping, having panic attacks, make him the more likely candidate for cognitive decline disease.
You are literally the worst at predicting outcomes. Trump will only alienate those who are already opposed to him. He will do what he does. And, he will likely win re election. I came to terms with that realization with EL essentially threw in the towel after one of the more recent D debates.
Took you that long huh?

I read LG's list and rationalizations and just thought, "then wait for the well-timed Ukraine, finance and family dirt to hit that already shaky house of cards". I really do suspect there's a ****-ton of dirt that will come out of that, and Trump is licking his lips.

The good thing about the accusations against Trump and the non-stop colonoscopy the Ds have put him through is that the rounds have been fired. The public is in the eye rolling stage every time they roll something out. I suspect there's not much else to learn about him, and all they'll really have is the same old warmed over tripe.

But I suspect they're just getting warmed up with Biden, his family, and the Obama administration.

That house of cards may be as stable as it'll ever be again.
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Both candidates need full tests and all of it released to the public at the same time.

Trump has been having more and more episodes of slurred speech, saying the wrong words, and difficulty remembering things as well. Does he lie constantly because he doesn't know what the truth is? His risk factors of being overweight, not sleeping, having panic attacks, make him the more likely candidate for cognitive decline disease.
Now tell us about Biden
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Both candidates need full tests and all of it released to the public at the same time.

Trump has been having more and more episodes of slurred speech, saying the wrong words, and difficulty remembering things as well. Does he lie constantly because he doesn't know what the truth is? His risk factors of being overweight, not sleeping, having panic attacks, make him the more likely candidate for cognitive decline disease.

This is the other side of the OP coin. Both of you doing the same thing for the same reasons.

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