Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

He doesn’t regret a damn thing. I’m surprised his handlers let him do an interview of any kind. That gaffe machine has been in DC for 40 years and if he has a plan to fix anything, he had plenty of time to fix it when he was VP.

Big amen to that. Pervert Joe is nothing but a big blow-hard do nothing Democrat.
The media will be twisting themselves into a pretzel to soften the blow to racist Joe.
You really believe that Barack Obama's Vice President for 8 years is prejudiced against African-Americans? Or is it more likely that you don't like Joe Biden anyway, and that you are just seizing upon an opening for a purely political attack? To use an old conservative line: THIS IS FAKE OUTRAGE. If you cared anything at all about racism, you wouldn't defend Donald Trump as much as you have (over Charlottesville and other such dumb things he has said and done).

For the record, even Donald Trump's current press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, said that Donald Trump was a racist back in 2016. She said this on CNN and the video of that comment is readily available on YouTube. This "Joe Biden is a racist" crap is not a winning strategy for Team Trump.
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You really believe that Barack Obama's Vice President for 8 years is prejudiced against African-Americans? Or is it more likely that you don't like Joe Biden anyway, and that you are just seizing upon an opening for a purely political attack? To use an old conservative line: THIS IS FAKE OUTRAGE. If you cared anything at all about racism, you wouldn't defend Donald Trump as much as you have (over Charlottesville and other such dumb things he has said and done).

For the record, even Donald Trump's current press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, said that Donald Trump was a racist back in 2016. She said this on CNN and the video of that comment is readily available on YouTube. This "Joe Biden is a racist" crap is not a winning strategy for Team Trump.
For this #SleepyJoeBiden incident it boils down to this:

1) it doesn’t matter what white voters think
2) it only matters what black voters think

If you think that’s wrong, watch the video below

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You really believe that Barack Obama's Vice President for 8 years is prejudiced against African-Americans? Or is it more likely that you don't like Joe Biden anyway, and that you are just seizing upon an opening for a purely political attack? To use an old conservative line: THIS IS FAKE OUTRAGE. If you cared anything at all about racism, you wouldn't defend Donald Trump as much as you have (over Charlottesville and other such dumb things he has said and done).

For the record, even Donald Trump's current press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, said that Donald Trump was a racist back in 2016. She said this on CNN and the video of that comment is readily available on YouTube. This "Joe Biden is a racist" crap is not a winning strategy for Team Trump.
Joe Biden is racist hasnt been revealed by Trump. Its. even revealed by Biden, Kamala Harris, Booker and plenty of black Americans that reacted to Bidens latest.

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