Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Joe Biden is racist hasnt been revealed by Trump. Its. even revealed by Biden, Kamala Harris, Booker and plenty of black Americans that reacted to Bidens latest.
.... and Trump's own Press Secretary called him a racist. Sorry, I just don't see this narrative as being a winner for you guys.
.... and Trump's own Press Secretary called him a racist. Sorry, I just don't see this narrative as being a winner for you guys.
Ok? Again, Trump isnt the one propagating the Biden is racist stuff. Harris was, Booker was, now black Americans are because of what BIDEN said. Not Trump. Your "But Trump..." attempt is pathetic.
You really believe that Barack Obama's Vice President for 8 years is prejudiced against African-Americans? Or is it more likely that you don't like Joe Biden anyway, and that you are just seizing upon an opening for a purely political attack? To use an old conservative line: THIS IS FAKE OUTRAGE.

BB, what else would you call a guy who thinks it’s rare to find a clean, articulate black man? How about someone who segments children as white or poor? He has demonstrated a pattern of comments like this. If he were not a Democrat he’d already have been run out of office and you and LG would still be foaming at the mouth over it.

You should stop making excuses for racist Joe and deal with the facts that have been sitting in front of you for years. This is not new stuff.

Also, it’s not fake outrage...because I’m not outraged. Just pointing out some facts for you.

.... and Trump's own Press Secretary called him a racist. Sorry, I just don't see this narrative as being a winner for you guys.


CNN certainly didn’t cite that in their article.

Kayleigh McEnany called Trump comment 'racist,' 'hateful' and 'not the American way' in 2015 - CNNPolitics

(CNN)New White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was a harsh critic of then-candidate Donald Trump before she became a fierce advocate for him, including calling comments he made about Mexican immigrantsin 2015 "racist."
Before becoming a prominent pro-Trump commentator during his first campaign, McEnany said it was "unfortunate" and "inauthentic" to call him a Republican. McEnany made the comments in a series of panels on CNN and Fox Business.
McEnany, at the time a Republican writer and Harvard Law student would go on to defend Trump as a CNN contributor during the 2016 presidential election year. After Trump was elected, she served as a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee and the Trump re-election campaign, before being named White House press secretary in early April.
In 2015, McEnany was particularly critical of statements Trump made while announcing his campaign, in which he said Mexico was sending immigrants to the US who were "rapists" and bringing drugs and crime to the country. Trump added that "some, I assume, are good people."

"To me, a racist statement is a racist statement. I don't like what Donald Trump said," she said in an exchange on CNN in late June 2015, in which she compared his remarks to comments about Jewish people made by the Rev. Al Sharpton in the 1990s.
McEnany added that Trump's comments were "derogatory" and as "equally hateful" as Sharpton's.
"Donald Trump has shown himself to be a showman, I don't think he is a serious candidate," she added. "I think it is a sideshow. It's not within the mainstream of the candidates."
McEnany did not return multiple requests for comment. During a press briefing on Friday, McEnany attributed her past comments to "watching CNN" and "naively believing some of the headlines" during the first four weeks of the 2016 presidential election.
"I very quickly came around and supported the President," she said.
During an appearance as a commentator on Fox Business' "Kennedy" on June 23, 2015,McEnany criticized Trump's rhetoric saying he didn't deserve to be polling second in New Hampshire.
"Donald Trump is number two and doesn't deserve to be there," McEnany said.
"I appreciate his boldness and I think some of his rhetoric got the base excited, but it is not welcome rhetoric," she said. "Some of the things we heard in his speech when he said, when Mexico sends people across the border, they're sending criminals and rapists and maybe some good people. Look, the GOP doesn't need to be turning away voters and isolating them. We need to be bringing them into the tent. Donald Trump is the last person who's going to do that."
Speaking on CNN on June 29, 2015, McEnany added Trump was hitting at a "real problem" with a "porous border," but also said his comments were wrong.
"I want to make clear, I don't support what Donald Trump said," she added. "I think he said something very unartful, very inappropriate."
McEnany said Republicans wanted border security, but did not support deporting undocumented immigrants.
"I think the mainstream Republican does not want to send the illegal immigrant back to Mexico. I think that they're here to stay, that's not the American way. We're not going to ship people across the border. There has to be some path to citizenship. So, in that sense, I don't think Donald Trump is consistent with mainstream Republicans. There's going to be a path."
A day later on CNN, McEnany called Trump "a Republican in name only" who needed to apologize for his comments.
"That's the problem with Donald Trump is he can't apologize for his own statement. And not apologizing, he's losing credibility on what is a credible issue. The Obama administration just last year released 600 illegal immigrants who had criminal convictions," she said.
"I don't want to claim this guy," she added. "Donald Trump, if we're going to be honest, is a progressive. He supports eminent domain. He supported tax increases before. He's donated 300,000 to Democratic candidates. So, the fact that the Republican Party is now having to claim him, is both unfortunate, and to me, inauthentic. Because this is not a true Republican candidate. And the fact that he's being portrayed as such in media is troublesome and not accurate."
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Her exact words were, "To me, a racist statement is a racist statement. I don't like what Donald Trump said." Kayleigh McEnany said in an exchange on CNN in late June 2015, in which she compared his remarks to comments about Jewish people made by the Reverend Al Sharpton in the 1990's. McEnany added that Trump's comments were "derogatory" and as "equally hateful" as Sharpton's.

I don't have a link, but this article is easily found by simply doing a Google search of:

"Kayleigh McEnany called Trump comment 'racist,' 'hateful' and 'not the American way' in 2015 CNN May 7, 2020"
Her exact words were, "To me, a racist statement is a racist statement. I don't like what Donald Trump said." Kayleigh McEnany said in an exchange on CNN in late June 2015, in which she compared his remarks to comments about Jewish people made by the Reverend Al Sharpton in the 1990's. McEnany added that Trump's comments were "derogatory" and as "equally hateful" as Sharpton's.

I don't have a link, but this article is easily found by simply doing a Google search of:

"Kayleigh McEnany called Trump comment 'racist,' 'hateful' and 'not the American way' in 2015 CNN May 7, 2020"
So your racist is an acceptable racist. Got it
Her exact words were, "To me, a racist statement is a racist statement. I don't like what Donald Trump said." Kayleigh McEnany said in an exchange on CNN in late June 2015, in which she compared his remarks to comments about Jewish people made by the Reverend Al Sharpton in the 1990's. McEnany added that Trump's comments were "derogatory" and as "equally hateful" as Sharpton's.

I don't have a link, but this article is easily found by simply doing a Google search of:

"Kayleigh McEnany called Trump comment 'racist,' 'hateful' and 'not the American way' in 2015 CNN May 7, 2020"
Your exact words were

“.... and Trump's own Press Secretary called him a racist.”

Last I checked a comment isn’t a person
I’m not sure how this gets categorized as anything other than the raging bigot category.

Your exact words were

“.... and Trump's own Press Secretary called him a racist.”

Last I checked a comment isn’t a person
Last time I checked, accusing someone of making a racist statement is also accusing someone of being a racist. At least, that is the logic currently being used by Republicans against Joe Biden. I assumed you wanted to be consistent here? Not so? How surprising that you would have a double standard. LOL.
What I’d really like to know is how do all of the people who have been calling Trump a racist for the past 5 years give Biden a pass?

The obvious answer is that it’s purely political.
That and because Biden is their guy who can do no wrong in their eyes.....just like his boss Obama gets away w/it..
Biden has been in office for 40 years & never has done anything really to write home about but now he wants to come in & fix whatever there is to fix. Get it back to the old Obama dark days of restrictions on everything. Ship all our jobs out to China because Joe has such a great money making rewarding relationship with China.
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That and because Biden is their guy who can do no wrong in their eyes.....just like his boss Obama gets away w/it..
Biden has been in office for 40 years & never has done anything really to write home about but now he wants to come in & fix whatever there is to fix. get it back to the old Obama days of restrictions on everything.

If I had to go by my social media feed, you're wrong about that when it comes to my age group. They seem to be turning their backs on him.
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Last time I checked, accusing someone of making a racist statement is also accusing someone of being a racist. At least, that is the logic currently being used by Republicans against Joe Biden. I assumed you wanted to be consistent here? Not so? How surprising that you would have a double standard. LOL.
Keep trying Bowel Breath
.... and Trump's own Press Secretary called him a racist. Sorry, I just don't see this narrative as being a winner for you guys.

This really shouldn’t be so difficult to understand. Trump is not getting any sizable number black voters to vote for him in November, but that’s not even remotely the goal here. Trump’s odds of reelection increase greatly if black people to stay home on November 3rd, so the hope is that black denizens of Detroit/Milwaukee/Minneapolis/Philadelphia feel disillusioned enough with Biden to not show up at the polls.

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