Joe the President Telling It Like It IS

There's fighting like hell in a civilized forum and then there's fighting like hell in the streets. Do you not see the difference? What did those peep do after Trump told his crowd to fight like hell and sent them in the street to the Capitol? When they got there, they did exactly what Trump had told them to do. They literally fought like hell. Isn't that right? Are you too ridiculously dishonest to admit what millions of people have seen and heard with their own eyes and ears? Wow, dude. That is low down.

Who did they fight?
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Who did they fight?

How can you not know that they fought the Capitol Police? Lookit, I going to put you on ignore because there is no place in a discussion with me for someone who is so outspoken and uninformed -- or just flat out lying. Bye.
This is one of the better breakdowns that illuminates the “mostly peaceful” narrative.

During that period, there were 8,700 protests nationwide; 574 were declared riots with violence and other criminal acts. The violence was limited to 7% of protests, the report said.

This is where the 93%-95% peaceful protests comes from.

574 violent riots out of 8700 “protests” ain’t all bad!
This is one of the better breakdowns that illuminates the “mostly peaceful” narrative.

This is where the 93%-95% peaceful protests comes from.

574 violent riots out of 8700 “protests” ain’t all bad!

Yep it’s like anything , 99.9% of our football games don’t have mustard bottles on the field . But that’s not the narrative that gets pushed it will be a reporter standing next to the bottle shaking his head and talking about how disgraceful it is . CNN had a different narrative of the protests instead of going with the horrific story they went with peaceful .. mostly

FYI .. I enjoyed the mustard bottle and thought is was funny
Think about that though. 8,700 protests for George Floyd? The amount of dumb can't be underestimated. How much of this were opportunists? It turned into a key 2020 democrat campaign strategy.
How can you not know that they fought the Capitol Police? Lookit, I going to put you on ignore because there is no place in a discussion with me for someone who is so outspoken and uninformed -- or just flat out lying. Bye.

Isn't this your thread Leon? Now you are mad and throwing temper tantrums. Do you see how that makes you look?
Dude, the BLM protests were peaceful until people who were not even part of the protests came out and started rioting. You mention dementia, so let me ask if you do not have sense enough to understand the difference between the peaceful protests and the violent riots. The peaceful protesters begged the rioters to stop. Some of the protestors even formed lines in front of stores to protect them.

Lol, billions in damages. enough said. If jan 6th was "violent" they did a poor job. Vol Main, you're clueless. Nothing more. The J6 is nothing compared to the blm and Antifa protests. How many bystanders were harmed by the antifa and blm riots? Countless. Don't even bring your crap and try to say those j6 were violent.
"MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They did not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election and they're working right undermine democracy itself." President Joe Biden

Just delusional. Your party did not accept Trump's election and your deep state spent 4 years undermining his presidency. But you're fine with that. You're fine with the deep state creating false evidence from day one. Yet you say that Maga is anti-constitution? If it wasn't for Maga Republicans our republic would way worse than it is now. You idiots want to federalize elections and take away from the states. You're a political joke
How can you not know that they fought the Capitol Police? Lookit, I going to put you on ignore because there is no place in a discussion with me for someone who is so outspoken and uninformed -- or just flat out lying. Bye.
Welcome to the club @BreatheUT. He ignored me, too.

Can someone let VolMain know I saw his pathetic, venomous post in the FF after the Vols victory. It was disturbing insight into his mental instability and absence of character.
It was deleted...and quickly.
Just delusional. Your party did not accept Trump's election and your deep state spent 4 years undermining his presidency. But you're fine with that. You're fine with the deep state creating false evidence from day one. Yet you say that Maga is anti-constitution? If it wasn't for Maga Republicans our republic would way worse than it is now. You idiots want to federalize elections and take away from the states. You're a political joke

I think Happy is off his meds.
Welcome to the club @BreatheUT. He ignored me, too.

Can someone let VolMain know I saw his pathetic, venomous post in the FF after the Vols victory. It was disturbing insight into his mental instability and absence of character.
It was deleted...and quickly.

I think it's the first time I've been put on ignore. I've never put anyone on ignore. It really says more about the poster going on a rant with all of these nonsensical thread starters then gets pissed about the responses.
I gave you a link to Maxine Waters encouraging violence if they didn't get the verdict they wanted in the Floyd case, so to say Democrats don't do it is a lie on your part.
We had high ranking Democrat call for attacks on SCOTUS members and then it actually happened
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