Joe the President Telling It Like It IS

Let the record also show that Jan 6 hasn't even crossed the minds of any reasonable person since about Jan 7. A group of unarmed numbskulls are not able to enter the U.S. Capitol building unless allowed to do so. Even then, it would be but for a moment (if an actual "invasion" had taken place) because local law enforcement and military would end the "conflict" in seconds.

Jan 6 has become like TDS Tourette Syndrome. . . . The immediate comeback when anyone brings up the abject failure that is our current administration.
Let the record also show that Jan 6 hasn't even crossed the minds of any reasonable person since about Jan 7. A group of unarmed numbskulls are not able to enter the U.S. Capitol building unless allowed to do so. Even then, it would be but for a moment (if an actual "invasion" had taken place) because local law enforcement and military would end the "conflict" in seconds.

Jan 6 has become like TDS Tourette Syndrome. . . . The immediate comeback when anyone brings up the abject failure that is our current administration.

You're not allowed to tell numb skulls that fact bc they'll call you a threat to democracy.
Biden said MAGA's are against the USC..Please spare me with yet another lie.

Fact is dont believe in the USC
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How would you know what the liberal media tells people to think? Attacking me does not answer the question I asked. Do you go along with overthrowing our government and making Donald Trump dictator like he wants to be.
I didn’t answer your question because it’s dumb as hell. Overthrowing the government and making Trump dictator? Are you serious or just stupid? …. Don’t answer that
this boogey man enemy in your head ain't me. You look like just another member of the Poor Me! Pity Party, blaming everybody who doesn't kiss your ass for all of your personal shortcomings in life. Oh poor Reb! Poor Reb! He wants his political power back, to keep the n-words down!
I suggest you seek a mental evaluation


I finally found someone in real life that admits actually voting for Biden. It is a moron...naturally...but i found a pink unicorn

Edit: sorry bout the rain. I am AMAZED that this genius also called everyone who voted for Trump or describes themselves as a patriot a RACIST!!!! Can you believe it?

Bb85....Loother....either of you mental midgets in Charlotte NC today??? What about OP?


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Let the record also show that Jan 6 hasn't even crossed the minds of any reasonable person since about Jan 7. A group of unarmed numbskulls are not able to enter the U.S. Capitol building unless allowed to do so. Even then, it would be but for a moment (if an actual "invasion" had taken place) because local law enforcement and military would end the "conflict" in seconds.

Jan 6 has become like TDS Tourette Syndrome. . . . The immediate comeback when anyone brings up the abject failure that is our current administration.

From your lips to Gods ears bro. The amount of delusional libs who still let Trump live rent free in their heads is inconceivable to a rational minded person . They are few in actual number, but as usual much louder than anyone else .

Rent. Free . Wow.


I finally found someone in real life that admits actually voting for Biden. It is a moron...naturally...but i found a pink unicorn

Edit: sorry bout the rain. I am AMAZED that this genius also called everyone who voted for Trump or describes themselves as a patriot a RACIST!!!! Can you believe it?

Bb85....Loother....either of you mental midgets in Charlotte NC today??? What about OP?

Dodge owner, by definition an idiot.
I don't want us to be a democracy... That's fancy speak for mob rule

Sadly many of the folks these days that attended public schools do not grasp this. As usual....nearly zero liberals do. Steady dragging down the averages with ignorance.

We live in a representative republic. Not a true democracy, which is "mob rule". We are a representative republic in which our reps are elected democratically to best represent (in theory) their voters as they shape public policy, and sometimes even the laws of the land.

To be more specific kids...we live in a Constitutional Representative Republic....where in addition to the aforementioned facts, each citizen thereof has certain inalienable rights enumerated in a Constitution. Meaning we have rights which cannot be taken away...spelled out in a very important document which can only be altered in VERY specific circumstances...that require an overwhelming majority of our lawmaking reps to agree on the exact addition or change to that document, the Constitution.

We democratically elect our representatives, but we certainly do not live in a "true democracy ".


I finally found someone in real life that admits actually voting for Biden. It is a moron...naturally...but i found a pink unicorn

Edit: sorry bout the rain. I am AMAZED that this genius also called everyone who voted for Trump or describes themselves as a patriot a RACIST!!!! Can you believe it?

Bb85....Loother....either of you mental midgets in Charlotte NC today??? What about OP?
I'm banking on some poor fool lost a bet on App ST beating TA&M, and had to put that sticker on his truck. The American flag is a dead giveaway.
I didn’t answer your question because it’s dumb as hell. Overthrowing the government and making Trump dictator? Are you serious or just stupid? …. Don’t answer that

Yes, I am serious. If you want to talk about being stupid, pretending that Donald Trump did not try to overthrow the 2020 Election and the U.S. Constitution on January 6 is worse than stupid. That is aiding and abetting treason. Stupid is not a defense.
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Yes, I am serious. If you want to talk about being stupid, pretending that Donald Trump did not try to overthrow the 2020 Election and the U.S. Constitution on January 6 is worse than stupid. That is aiding and abetting treason. Stupid is not a defense.
You need to change your name from vol main to outhouse. Because you are full of it. What a pathetic troll yoy are.


I finally found someone in real life that admits actually voting for Biden. It is a moron...naturally...but i found a pink unicorn

Edit: sorry bout the rain. I am AMAZED that this genius also called everyone who voted for Trump or describes themselves as a patriot a RACIST!!!! Can you believe it?

Bb85....Loother....either of you mental midgets in Charlotte NC today??? What about OP?

What a damn hypocrite that person is. Driving a gas guzzling HEMI??? They should follow their views and buy an EV.
Yes, I am serious. If you want to talk about being stupid, pretending that Donald Trump did not try to overthrow the 2020 Election and the U.S. Constitution on January 6 is worse than stupid. That is aiding and abetting treason. Stupid is not a defense.
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Yes, I am serious. If you want to talk about being stupid, pretending that Donald Trump did not try to overthrow the 2020 Election and the U.S. Constitution on January 6 is worse than stupid. That is aiding and abetting treason. Stupid is not a defense.

That's why it's a cult. They simply ignore his anti-American behavior and his corruption, they are weak of mind, body and spirt so they gravitate towards absolute authoritarianism without accountability.
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