Joe the President Telling It Like It IS

You lost me with this lie, "Unlike you, I want this country to be successful no matter who is in office." A lot of peep cannot resist ending their post with a foolish insult. That is how you started yours, by believing something that is not true in order to think something bad about somebody. Why do you do that, to feel superior? How can you possibly not know how wrong that is? It seems like every day that I see Republicans inciting division, before blaming Biden for the division they are fueling. I do not want our nation to be united with fascists and the followers of a wannabe dictator. I want us to do better than that. FYI, I always hope that a new President be a good President, so your "unlike you" comment makes a bad impression.

We knew Biden was going to be a worthless pos. He’s been an imbecile his entire life. You can hate trump but his policies were infinitely better.
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He's right. You can't claim to be pro law enforcement and defend 1/6. Totally incompatible.
You also can't say "defund the police" and then have a problem with 1/6. Or support autonomous zones like Chaz yet decry 1/6. Let's be honest. We're seeing plenty of hypocrisy from both sides. People are basing opinions on what's politically convenient.
You can if you apply the law equally. People see the disparity numbnuts. Jan 6 is blown out of proportion. Sure, make an example of the worst and move on. Trying to tie this to Trump is what people are balking at

This is the kind of garbage reporting that earns the media organizations the label “fake news”:

“The president then turned to the attack on the Capitol. Bringing his speech full circle, he talked about the police officers who lost their lives in connection with the Jan. 6 riot.”

7 people died. 4 in the crowd and 3 police officers.

1 of the 4 in the crowd that died was shot by law enforcement. Another had a heart attack. Another is depicted as having been crushed by the crowd. They actually died of an accidental overdose. The 4th death was from a stroke.

Of the 3 officers that died “in connection with the 1/6 riot”, Smith and Liebengood committed suicide days later. The media depicts Sicknick as having died from injuries sustained while physically engaging with protestors and as having died Jan 7th after having been attacked by the mob. Sicknick actually died the next day after suffering multiple strokes - natural causes. But that narrative with the edited clips paint the picture that it was an “insurrection”.

I hate the liars on Left - the politicians, the media, the corrupt DOJ weaponized by the Dems, the dumb entertainment industry sheep, the tech/social media oligarchs. It really is organized crime and they are trying to steal our country and our freedoms.
You are confused. Joe Biden is a good man, who is competent and doing a good job on most issues. Your post is an apt description of Donald Trump and his supporters, not Joe Biden. Ding. Ding. Ding.
That second sentence is definitely in the top 5 funniest things I've seen someone post on Volnation.
He's right. You can't claim to be pro law enforcement and defend 1/6. Totally incompatible.

Well no; the notion that ANYONE defends violence on 1/6 is a strawman Biden erects so he can knock it down. He literally said nothing about the '20 riots for three months, and then was only an oblique reference to violence generally. The FBI & DOJ still can't bring themselves to actively investigate BLM and Antifa. Yet, they were down for the struggle creating six years running now of Russia collusion.

The FBI and DOJ are corrupt, political tools who directly influenced the 2020 election with yet more Russia hoax. Denouncing bureaucratic corruption isn't 'not supporting law enforcement' you cheap intellect. When it's Biden's time, if there's karma it'll be slow and agonizingly painful for the damage this evil bastard inflicts with vile rhetoric.
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This is the kind of garbage reporting that earns the media organizations the label “fake news”:

“The president then turned to the attack on the Capitol. Bringing his speech full circle, he talked about the police officers who lost their lives in connection with the Jan. 6 riot.”

7 people died. 4 in the crowd and 3 police officers.

1 of the 4 in the crowd that died was shot by law enforcement. Another had a heart attack. Another is depicted as having been crushed by the crowd. They actually died of an accidental overdose. The 4th death was from a stroke.

Of the 3 officers that died “in connection with the 1/6 riot”, Smith and Liebengood committed suicide days later. The media depicts Sicknick as having died from injuries sustained while physically engaging with protestors and as having died Jan 7th after having been attacked by the mob. Sicknick actually died the next day after suffering multiple strokes - natural causes. But that narrative with the edited clips paint the picture that it was an “insurrection”.

I hate the liars on Left - the politicians, the media, the corrupt DOJ weaponized by the Dems, the dumb entertainment industry sheep, the tech/social media oligarchs. It really is organized crime and they are trying to steal our country and our freedoms.
/The End
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