John Adams makes light of CBJ's "Power of One" slogan

It's all non-sense; pep talks, Inky Johnson, the Seven Maxims, the "I will give my all to Tennessee" sign, heck even running through the T.
They play on the emotions of these kids so much that when its time to play, they need a nap.

Imagine the energy and concentration available if they could warm up in the complex, get bused to the gate (out of sight from the fans) and walk out and just play the game! :crazy: literally just pissed on things that make Tennessee Football...Tennessee Football.

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It's said often around here, but yeah, Adams can be a real prick.

"While brick-by-brick is a program theme, there's another theme for this season: "The Power of One," as in one moment, one play, one practice, one game, one mind-set and one team."

Those who haven't been indoctrinated might suggest that two is twice as powerful as one, or that three is three times as powerful as one."

F John Adams

John Adams: Putting Butch Jones

You know you're helping him make money, by sharing this right?
Come to think of it... They are just slogans.. Even CBJ and Charlie make light of the brick by brick in a commercial .

One thing that I have learned... Slogans and smack talk don't win football games.
Actually, the only way we'll ever be rid of him is if folks call up the KNS distribution and advertising and cancel their subscriptions and ads while giving them an earfull of why.
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I can honestly say that I haven't read a John Adams article since I found VolNation in the summer of 09... It's unfortunate that it took me that long to find VN.
I still read the newspaper (gasp) and John Adams is a prick on a majority of his articles.

Newspapers are a dying breed so they look for shock value to sell papers. I actually think that dissing the Vols creates the opposite effect than they are looking for.

So the dinosaur that is John Adams is best left for people like me that take his banter for what it is.
Though my morning always begins with reading and only reading the sports page in the News-Sentinel, I always avoid reading the left side of C-1 if Adams picture is there. His columns are rarely on point, and his humor only succeeds in being sarcastic. One good thing though; putting his picture in the floor was effective in house training the puppy.
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My email battle with Adams continues....his comment is in black...mine in orange...

As you typed that rubbish did you think to yourself, "I'm ONE clever guy!"

Did you stop to think you are the only ONE laughing at it?

Do you realize I'm not the only ONE that thinks your piece flat out sucks?

Did Jesse Smithey ask you to not mention his name with this garbage as ONE of your colleagues?

You would've been better off if ONE desperate soul would've bothered you so this had never been posted.

Sadly...the byproduct of that ONE dog treat will end up being more pleasant and productive than this ONE piece of excrement you produced.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 29, 2014, at 4:04 PM, "Adams, John" <> wrote:

Not as lame as a coach making it the theme for his season.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 29, 2014, at 3:24 PM, "S.L. Casey" <> wrote:

Your article "Putting Butch Jones: The Power of One theme to word....LAME.

Have one good day.

S.L. Casey

Sent from my iPhone

The only thing "I" about john Adams IS his phone.
Knoxville has a population above 180,000. Sooooo, why can't the News Sentinal find a more competent front page sports section guy? This I don't understand.:no:
Adams is definitely more than "ONE" brick short...:loco:

I'm sure CBJ could really give a shi!! what adams thinks..
Adams is like Barney Fife at a UFC event ... hey, everybody, look at me! I am relevant! I really am! Ya gotta believe me!
Adams is like Barney Fife at a UFC event ... hey, everybody, look at me! I am relevant! I really am! Ya gotta believe me!

Actually be Barney with the sense to try an get Adams outta there for doin the "Hey I'm relevant" shist.
Adams aint got no sense.
Come to think of it... They are just slogans.. Even CBJ and Charlie make light of the brick by brick in a commercial .

One thing that I have learned... Slogans and smack talk don't win football games.
Tell that to Vince Lombardi and Knute Rockne.
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Have voiced similar comments to KNS about Adams in the past. As long as McElroy is there that rag will be yellow, like Adams.

Let it die a slow painful death. I actually enjoy watching the old media suffocate on its own vomit.
Adams is one of the top reasons why they are such a joke IMO. Weidmer at TFP Chattanooga is cut out of the same sensationalist cloth. The reason I quit devoting any attention there a decade ago. Patrick Brown seems to try to actually report though from what I've seen.
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I thought it was kind of funny.

All of the slogans and catch-phrases are a bit sophomoric. Just play football.

It was one of the dumbest Adams' articles I've read. Apparently Adams, despite the fact that fall practice is about to start and opening week is a month away, could not come up with a single football article to write about, so made up a day in his life of One. Bravo Adams. You bored me to tears yet again.

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