John Adams - The eternal pessimist of all things orange

If that last sentence is true, I'm guessing that this is the only time in history when a gator fan would cheer for the Vols.....

There wasn't a Gator fan alive or dead that wasn't cheering on the Vols in January of 1999.
to blow PR smoke just to please the fans. That's why being a sports columnist in a college town is a tough job. You are supposed to tell it like it is, not like how the coaches or the fans wish it would be. And what exactly has he had to be positive about for the last decade +? We've suxed.

He was genuinely upset when we beat USCjr
With all due respect, other than Oklahoma having a ridiculous amount of turnovers and handing the game over to Tennessee, I can't think of any reasons either.

Tell us how you think UF would fair against OU... and why.
Adams is a realist and not a homer. People hate him for being honest.

You can call him whatever you like but he relishes in UT's failures and the disappointment of UT fans. He enjoys it... and barely makes an effort to hide the fact that he does. He thoroughly enjoyed the decline and fall of Fulmer.

He's certainly not a homer but he's far from a "realist".

The best thing anyone can do is to not reward him. Don't read his stuff. Don't buy his stuff. Ignore him.
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You can call him whatever you like but he relishes in UT's failures and the disappointment of UT fans. He enjoys it... and barely makes an effort to hide the fact that he does. He thoroughly enjoyed the decline and fall of Fulmer.

He's certainly not a homer but he's far from a "realist".

The best thing anyone can do is to not reward him. Don't read his stuff. Don't buy his stuff. Ignore him.

If you have a News Sentinel home delivery subscription, cancel it, and tell them why.

If you advertise in the Sentinel, find a different source of advrrtising like targeted coupon mailers, and cancel your advertising with the Sentinel. Tell them why. That it's because Adams is much less than a quality sports reporter. In fact, he sucks at what he does, and the Sentinel pulls vacuum for retaining him so long.
With all due respect, other than Oklahoma having a ridiculous amount of turnovers and handing the game over to Tennessee, I can't think of any reasons either.

Well that's because you're not a Tennessee fanboy - something we expect all local media to be.
For those who want a unanimously homer local media like you find in Bama country I suggest that next time you support the hiring of a head coach with the attitude and record of a Saban. If John Adams feared loss of access to information from a championship program he'd write what he's told to write. For now he's got nothing to lose by printing whatever thought crosses his mind.
That jerk isn't a pessimist, he simply hates everything Tennessee and always will.

I never read anything from that useless paper anymore.

For those who want a unanimously homer local media like you find in Bama country I suggest that next time you support the hiring of a head coach with the attitude and record of a Saban. If John Adams feared loss of access to information from a championship program he'd write what he's told to write. For now he's got nothing to lose by printing whatever thought crosses his mind.

Give me a break. Adams has been negative about all things Tennessee even at the height of our success as an athletic dept. from 1996-2002 when Tennessee won National Championships in Football (1998), Women's Basketball (1996-1998), Track (Outdoor 2001 and Indoor 2002) and made the NCAA Sweet 16 in Men's Basketball (2000) and the Baseball CWS (1995 and 2001)...You are right that he's not a homer. He's also not funny, informative, insightful or interesting.
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Years ago an Anonymous Vol Fans sent a moving company to the home of then UT head coach Bill Battle. Anyone know the home address of Mr. Adams??.....
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Years ago an Anonymous Vol Fans sent a moving company to the home of then UT head coach Bill Battle. Anyone know the home address of Mr. Adams??.....

Dump truck of BS would be more appropriate. Then the moving van. A small one for a small minded man.
to try to turn this into a serious discussion, what are the reasons all of you would have for tennessee beating oklahoma this weekend?

Ok troll, I'll play ur silly little game but 1st list me the reasons Virginia tech beat Ohio st. Obvisouly it looks like we'll get beat everyone says we'll get beat but that's why they play the game for 60min..what chance did u give app st against Michigan?
Give me a break. Adams has been negative about all things Tennessee even at the height of our success as an athletic dept. from 1996-2002 when Tennessee won National Championships in Football (1998), Women's Basketball (1996-1998), Track (Outdoor 2001 and Indoor 2002) and made the NCAA Sweet 16 in Men's Basketball (2000) and the Baseball CWS (1995 and 2001)...You are right that he's not a homer. He's also not funny, informative, insightful or interesting.
Hard to compare pre Internet era with the present. I doubt that many folks outside the Knoxville area knew who he was back then.
Ok troll, I'll play ur silly little game but 1st list me the reasons Virginia tech beat Ohio st. Obvisouly it looks like we'll get beat everyone says we'll get beat but that's why they play the game for 60min..what chance did u give app st against Michigan?

Well, obviously that's why they play the game.

Of course, all the cliches that have ever been used are true.

Beyond the "any given saturday" stuff, there isn't a whole lot there.

Get mad at me or John Adams all you want, but that's the reality here.
Ok troll, I'll play ur silly little game but 1st list me the reasons Virginia tech beat Ohio st. Obvisouly it looks like we'll get beat everyone says we'll get beat but that's why they play the game for 60min..what chance did u give app st against Michigan?
Don't stop believing. I'll be applying the same logic when my Mercer Bears visit GA Tech next year.
Tell us how you think UF would fair against OU... and why.

I think about the same with Florida as I do with Tennessee.

I think Florida could compete, but would expect them to get whipped solidly.

There are some differences. Muschamp has a lot of familiarity with Oklahoma having been at Texas and I believe Florida has a better defense. Florida also has personnel who have played in and won big games on the road.

However, I would anticipate that Florida would struggle offensively, especially up front, and eventually, if not immediately, the Sooners would roll.

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