John Bolton: Swamp Creature

Kristol has lost all credibility. Bolton is the swamp poster boy. War mongering a-hole.

Bolton has shed the sharpest, clearest light to date on the inner workings of this "administration." Pandemonium, confusion, incompetence, and ignorance at a shocking level.
Bolton has shed the sharpest, clearest light to date on the inner workings of this "administration." Pandemonium, confusion, incompetence, and ignorance at a shocking level.

Plenty of folks coming out to dispute his claims.

Former Bolton chief of staff says ex-boss 'couldn't figure out how to' work with Trump Former Bolton chief of staff says ex-boss 'couldn't figure out how to' work with Trump

I would also point out there were a massive amount of leaks under his watch and yet none of these highly disturbing yarns made it to the press.

If people want to waste their money on another BS political fictional novel go for it. That's what Bolton was shooting for. He has always been trash.

P.S. I always liked your avatar.
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So the book's going out, Bolton is probably going to have to pay large legal bills, or worse, and the allegations/fight over the Trump administration's conduct may be battled in the courts (and on the news) for months.

Sounds like a win-win

So the book's going out, Bolton is probably going to have to pay large legal bills, or worse, and the allegations/fight over the Trump administration's conduct may be battled in the courts (and on the news) for months.

Sounds like a win-win


Take solace in that.

I'll just depend on the facts.
Trying to stay awake listening to Bolton. Lot of butt hurt there. Clearly Trump didn’t understand Bolton’s value... just ask Bolton. 😂

Listening to his war hawk ass talk Im so glad he was kicked to the curb. The silver lining in this book is no admin will trust him again going forward. Hope he has to spend any money he makes on legal fees.
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This has to be the most blatant example of mainstream media bias I've seen in a long time. As I was going through the channel guide tonight I saw that a primetime hour long special was on ABC devoted solely to John Bolton's book. This is a hard news piece, not an hour bought and paid for by Bolton or by the Dem party. It is of course a hit job on the President by one of his enemies. The hour is not an inside look at the Presidency with sources to balance Bolton. It's all about his book. We have FCC laws that prohibit this sort of thing. That's why the opposition party gets to run a response to the Pres State of the Union. This is a way for the Press to throw out mud on this President. During the Obama years, Bernie Goldberg published a book called a slobbering love affair. You didn't see the networks run any specials on that.

This is an example of blatant bias in the Press. Here they are picking political sides. No balance. This really ticks me off
This has to be the most blatant example of mainstream media bias I've seen in a long time. As I was going through the channel guide tonight I saw that a primetime hour long special was on ABC devoted solely to John Bolton's book. This is a hard news piece, not an hour bought and paid for by Bolton or by the Dem party. It is of course a hit job on the President by one of his enemies. The hour is not an inside look at the Presidency with sources to balance Bolton. It's all about his book. We have FCC laws that prohibit this sort of thing. That's why the opposition party gets to run a response to the Pres State of the Union. This is a way for the Press to throw out mud on this President. During the Obama years, Bernie Goldberg published a book called a slobbering love affair. You didn't see the networks run any specials on that.

This is an example of blatant bias in the Press. Here they are picking political sides. No balance. This really ticks me off

The trumpers should lean on the white house inner circle folks that wrote flattering tell alls about Donnie Exotic to counter the scores of "hit jobs" that come from the same.

Fair and balanced, problem solved.
The trumpers should lean on the white house inner circle folks that wrote flattering tell alls about Donnie Exotic to counter the scores of "hit jobs" that come from the same.

Fair and balanced, problem solved.
At least you agree that it isn’t fair and balanced currently, not that it’s a surprise.
At least you agree that it isn’t fair and balanced currently, not that it’s a surprise.

Are you suggesting it's a conspiracy that all of Trump's chosen insiders are shtting on him without merit?
Are you suggesting it's a conspiracy that all of Trump's chosen insiders are shtting on him without merit?
Where in the world did you get that? You provided a solution to the MSM being unfair and unbalanced so I was just applauding you for acknowledging that the coverage isn’t currently fair and balanced. I think you’re giving my mental ability too much credit to suggest I could say one thing and mean another.
Where in the world did you get that? You provided a solution to the MSM being unfair and unbalanced so I was just applauding you for acknowledging that the coverage isn’t currently fair and balanced. I think you’re giving my mental ability too much credit to suggest I could say one thing and mean another.

I didn't say anything about the MSM at all, they aren't the White House insiders writing books about Trump being an incompetent buffoon.

The only 'balance' would come from WH insiders writing books challenging the constant flow of criticism from those people who know Trump best.
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