John Bolton: Swamp Creature

I like Nikki Haley. I wouldn't mind her as the first female President.

This has to be the most blatant example of mainstream media bias I've seen in a long time. As I was going through the channel guide tonight I saw that a primetime hour long special was on ABC devoted solely to John Bolton's book. This is a hard news piece, not an hour bought and paid for by Bolton or by the Dem party. It is of course a hit job on the President by one of his enemies. The hour is not an inside look at the Presidency with sources to balance Bolton. It's all about his book. We have FCC laws that prohibit this sort of thing. That's why the opposition party gets to run a response to the Pres State of the Union. This is a way for the Press to throw out mud on this President. During the Obama years, Bernie Goldberg published a book called a slobbering love affair. You didn't see the networks run any specials on that.

This is an example of blatant bias in the Press. Here they are picking political sides. No balance. This really ticks me off
Look for a 1-hour special on his niece’s book next. Did I mention she’s a PhD psychologist?
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