Johnathan Stewart



Senior Member
Jan 7, 2005
I thought I read in yesterday's Tennessean that Stewart was going to announce between USC and UT today.

Anyone heard anything?
Patrick Turner is between USC and Tennessee,
Jonathon Stewart is Between Wash St Oreogon and Tennessee
Kenneth Phillips is visiting Knoxville as we speak wii be here through Tuesday.
Said he could make his decision whies he is here.
Probably won't happen. :(

If we get none of the three, I will be upset. If we get one, I will be satisfied. If we get two, I will be ecstatic. If we get all three... They might as well just give Tennessee the 2006 AP national title right there.
wow you really think so?
fulmer has a good way of messing up recruits

i think we only get two

do you think he has the balls to go to miami and announce it in tennessee.
man thinking about it we going to beat usc out of turner and the national championship
what about phillips. think he has the balls to announce he is going to maimi while in ut
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 17, 2005 5:33 PM
what about phillips. think he has the balls to announce he is going to maimi while in ut

Hey, with a 4.4 40 he can run out of any damn situation he wants to.

Miami doesn't necesarilly have the best look going into next season, but the sheer number of players they put in the pros has to be enticing to any player.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 17, 2005 8:30 PM
I have a feeling we will get both stuart and turner

Too much WR competition happening in USC right now.

..and not here?

Jayson Swain
Robert Meachem
Bret Smith
Chris Hannon
CJ Fayton
Sinclair Cannon
Todd Cox (Rookie)

For sure here, but USC's WR are that good as well. We saw what happened this last season, their starters were dropping like flies, everybody thought their passing game would get worse... But it only got better. Vols can potentially match that for sure, and I think we will, but how often do you hear about something like that?
well i just wanna know how we go from a team that bearly won every game they did excepet one (texas a&m) and now were going to win a national champ. i have a hard time picturing it. ok adjusting the dial on my mind................ alright no i see how.
I think that if he were onboard with the Vols he would have committed already....he's from Nashville. I'm thinking that he wants to get away from here, but whatever. I really don't care either way.
Last season had many questions going into it. Now we know where our strengths and weaknesses are. Jason Allen will be leading the d-backs, not to mention they will get a MUCH easier time with Mahelona leading what could turn out to be the best pass rush in the country. All we gotta do is get our guys to learn how to properly cover and tackle.
i think he just wants to explore options and take his trips to other campuses. hes proably never been to some of these states. i know thats what i would want to do. lets see either go to the 2 time national champs or go to a team that has a good chance next year to knock off the 2 time champs. hard desicion.
A lot of teams are looking to be in the same position we see ourselves in.

Texas, Florida, Michigan, Ohio State, Iowa, Virginia Tech...

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