Johnny Majors thinks UT will be more disciplined under Butch Jones

He's endorsed every coach since CPF. Not sure it means a whole lot.

In fact, the only coach he hasn't endorsed over the last 25 years won a national championship... Maybe it's the kiss of death?

Exactly. He LOVED Kiff and Dooley.
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So why didn't he put greater emphasis on recruiting and why didn't his practices have great tempo, with no players standing around and why didn't his teams put a premium on leadership and why didn't he deal with his prima donnas, like Bray, with the touch of a jack hammer and why didn't we hear and see a lot more about the process?

Or, did you mean he just likes to stand in front of the mirror and dress like his favorite SEC coach?

Pretty sure the imperative word in the statement you are addressing it TRYING to be like Saban. No one was comparing him to Saban - just stating that he was aspiring to be him - and came up well short.

he spoke a lot about the process, personally I think he was into it in year one, then when he lost to KY in year two he threw in the towel and said F it - I will suck so they fire me.
Not sure I understand What you are trying to argue.

He was hired because he was a Saban protege. He even said his coaching style was more like saban than his dad. Ok he failed to coach like saban and we get that. But his intention was to model his program after Saban.

You can't fix Alabama, I mean stupid. Don't feed the trolls.
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I really hope so, but not to sound like the negavols...but how could we not be MORE disciplined.....number one problem this team has had lack of discipline and coaching leadership through the past few troubled years.

CBJ so far is saying and doing things right I have high hopes for him....maybe finally we can get back on track....but we got a long way to go to restore the discipline this team had when it was great.

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