They focused on a common theme and merely hinted at it after the credits. That and the vastly better CGI and acting/casting helped make up the vast lead that Nolan had given the DC Batman franchise. Never have gotten the Superman character and story right and EVERYONE growing up knew who he was. Not so Iron Man or Thor...even Captain America would draw a blank gaze from some asking about my comic books in grade school.DC can't hold Marvel's jock when it comes to well timed releases and cohesive plots. DC's problem is desperately wanting to keep pace with Marvel though they are years behind. They make decent to good films but Marvel is making great ones.
She is gorgeous. My type and everything: tall, dark hair, dark eyes. But that still doesn't make it a good movie. Transparent, obvious, and no depth. Not worth a watch, in my opinion.
Here's why Warner Brothers/DC released that statement
Batman shooting families 'horrified' by Joker film
C'mon. Where do we draw the line on this? Don't ever say anything negative to anybody cuz it may set them off. You never know. Kids getting bad grades might set them off...cuz it makes them feel bad...and they may get a hold of an AK and shoot something up because of it. If people are nuts...they're nuts.The movie is about a guy who has been rejected by society and turns super violent, and this is a real fear with people because it actually is a problem in America. The director was freaking out over this and pointed out that there is no warning for John Wick but John Wick is an obviously fake world and he kills assassins. Nobody is going to be inspired by John Wick to go shoot up the mall. Will that be the case with Joker? IDK. I haven't seen it yet but I have no choice but to admit that this is a possibility.
Maybe you shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.C'mon. Where do we draw the line on this? Don't ever say anything negative to anybody cuz it may set them off. You never know. Kids getting bad grades might set them off...cuz it makes them feel bad...and they may get a hold of an AK and shoot something up because of it. If people are nuts...they're nuts.
The movie is about a guy who has been rejected by society and turns super violent, and this is a real fear with people because it actually is a problem in America. The director was freaking out over this and pointed out that there is no warning for John Wick but John Wick is an obviously fake world and he kills assassins. Nobody is going to be inspired by John Wick to go shoot up the mall. Will that be the case with Joker? IDK. I haven't seen it yet but I have no choice but to admit that this is a possibility.
People can be inspired by anything. How many young people have been “inspired “ by rap music to get involved in gangs/street culture and killed or been killed? It’s a freaking comic book movie. People are so mentally fragile today it’s sickening.