Jon Gruden calls Butch

I wonder how Butch responded to Gruden's praise.
Maybe he said, "Yes coach, we play sleeveless in the cold and the results are #flubyflu. Sleeves are the mark of a sissy. We may get beat, but we are tough. After the game, the whole team must take #antibioticbyantibiotic"

Gotta love Butch, but I really, really hope he starts winning big soon. I'm tired of experiencing #coachbycoach. Go Vols!
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Monday at The Knoxville QB club Butch said, "...little victories, Jon Gruden called me this morning, and said 'I saw it'. I had about nine other head coaches call me and say, 'I saw it. That was your football team. I could see you wearing off on them'...Butch said, "Not one person had long sleeves on. That's a mentality. That's an attitude. And that's saying we're not effected by the elements."

I like the sound of that, but I'm afraid they were effected by the elements. However, if Chuckie is impressed by the sleeveless Vols, I am too!!!

Also, I'm pretty sure AJ had long sleeves on...

I wonder who the nine other coaches who called him were...
1. The ole ball coach ?
2. George Quarrels ?
3. Will Muschamp ?....

Go Vols! Go Butch! Tell Gruden I said Hi!

P.S. Smokescreen... haha

I would bet $100 to a bag of baby wipes that CJG did NOT call Lyle. The guy is a GREAT salesman, he's constantly trying to make us believe he's the guy but thus far all he's done is sell he hasn't produced on the field. Of course hard to judge one season, on field I say we slightly underachieved off field (recruiting) we have heavily overachieved. Next year will tell a little more I'm not convinced he's the right guy but I'm I'm not convinced he's the wrong one either. He's done nothing on the field to prove anything. This post isn't meant as bashing just saying I'm not sold on the guy yet, not sure if he is real or a fraud (based on all his selling). I have a gut feeling (which is usually wrong thankfully) that he won't get it done but I'm trying to ignore that feeling and support our Vols. The recruiting class if repeated a few times and in a few years we will win even if by accident.
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Nope. I give my opinions... I just don't claim to know things I have no ability to know. If you don't like honesty... that's your issue.

And for someone who sits on the fence... I've been getting quite a bit of hate lately for giving honest assessments of the coaching job this staff did this year.

Its a wonder anyone would want to coach here with*geniuses like this one here spouting off this crap. 95% of this thread is negative. We are the slowest team the SEC has seen in years. Dooley's recruiting. A love child made from a cross of Bear Bryants and Nick Saban's sperm..... also add 1/3 General Neyland just for pure excellence. This team still would have lost more than it won. Arm chair know it alls that spew their crap like this one here talk big.....hell they might have even coached their sons little league team for a year...know everything about the game and what a proven winner like Jones should and should not do....friggin OP was spreading a little sunshine that he thought might brighten Vol fans outlooks a tad only to be ridiculed by these children on here. The best thing for Tennessee would be if these fence straddlers just took off to the other side. They would feel so much better and oh how nice it would be to not have to hear any of their $hit. Tennessee football is in great hands. Its a sad fact what Tennessee football has became these past few years. Vandy is a better team than us at the moment. I don't like it, its tough to accept but its the truth. A black horse is a black horse no matter how you look at it. Vandy is second to only Alabama the last 2 years in SEC games won and lost. It sucks but it is what it is. Jones will have his players seasoned in a couple years. Anyone with an ounce of football knowledge should know this. A team of our current caliber....not based on our past glories or where we wished we were, but this team finished where it should have. It don't matter who the coach it. We are who we are. There are brighter days ahead though. Butch Jones is gonna bring Tennessee back and oh how great it will be!! Ok go ahead and bash away. Talk about my grammer or this being one paragraph. Jump on misspelled words and errors that might be in this. I quit trying to impress anyone with anything I wrote once I graduated college!! Go Vols and go Butch Jones. You are the man, I hope we have the pleasure of you being our coach for many years. Don't let these cry babies get to you. They never had to work hard for anything it was just given to them. You can tell this by their stench. Ok I'm done.Also go ahead and tell me how hard you all have worked in your pampered
Maybe gruden ask him if he played his instrument n band better than coach

Loosen the top button n then relax u r not in band any longer cbj.

We lost to candy people.. Freaking candy.. The qb club should have ask if they could help coaching our qb..

N that is freaking inexcusable n if we lose to kent.. Omg

Please tell me you're not actually a UT alumnus. Goodness gracious.
I've said basically the same thing since we were discussing "what ifs" before the season even started.

I would consider UGA a relative "success" for this staff even though UGA got much worse after that. The Vandy game never should have depended on that one call. It should not have been that close. Jones' strategic decision to "play not to lose" lost that game. I respect his gumption for trying Peterman... but that strategic decision probably cost UT a shot at UF.

Be honest with yourself. How many times out of 100 would UT have beaten USCe this year? Not just "lost". Those were non-competitive games. UT was outplayed which I could live with. But they were also outcoached badly... that is harder to deal with when you really want to be hopeful about the near term future of the program... when you would REALLY like to find ANY tangible reason to believe this staff has what it takes to win big games in the SEC.

You really think losing to Vandy was "OK"? Really? Sorry. That was VERY poor coaching from the strategy to gameplanning to play calling to adjustments (or lack thereof). They played not to lose and that appeared to kill the enthusiasm of the O. The only positive I saw in that game is the D played their tails off only to come up short in "soft" coverage at the end.

I truly hope not. That's why I left open the possibility that he might do a 180 and actually prove he belongs in the SEC next year. I just cannot find an anchor point in the coaching we witnessed this season to latch on to. Player development? No. Unit development? No. Gameplanning, elite playcalling, great schemes,.... ? No.

I would rather have something that I can at least hang some hope on. If you can point to something tangible... please do. I saw a team that peaked vs UGA and USCe then sharply declined. They played poorly before those games and after.

That's great but you and I both know that you need both elite talent and elite coaching if you want to win championships. If they can hang on then they'll have SOME talent to work with. But even that can't hang on one class alone.

The first class was OK but nothing to get jacked up about. This class looks to be good. But if he doesn't prove next fall that he can coach players up and win some games that he isn't "supposed" to win... he's not going to keep getting the type of talent he's getting now. To compete for great out of state players on a continuing basis... YOU MUST win. Those kid are attracted to winners.

The roster UT has now was based on two mediocre classes and one pretty good one... with attrition.

That's simply not true. It was/is a roster with significant deficiencies. But they were NOT enough to excuse total lay downs vs Ore, Bama, MU, AU, and Vandy.... or a near miss vs USA.

Well coached teams LOOK faster and more talented than they are. Poorly coached teams LOOK slower and less talented than they are. The same guys who looked decent playing in Wilcox's D suddenly looked like they were running in wooden shoes I

n Sunseri's D. Did they just forget how to run... or was it the coaching?

And Fulmer.... often had plenty of Jimmy's and Joe's to compete with the best but was dominated by guys who understood the X's and O's.... and who realized it takes both.

You sir, suck. I can't imagine being a Vol "fan" so negative that when the team does well...other fans tell you " Told you so!" What a douche. Rot in your misery and despair.
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Was it like this?

You sir, suck. I can't imagine being a Vol "fan" so negative that when the team does well...other fans tell you " Told you so!" What a douche. Rot in your misery and despair.

What was so negative about it?? It's his breakdown and opinion. Just because u are incapable of understanding what he said doesn't mean he is rotting in anything.

At the end of the day there are the types on here that can handle and enjoy reading different POVs and there are the dopes that just can't handle or understand so they bash. They hate the "negative stuff" but then bash in a negative way showing that they were just incapable of truly understanding the other persons POV. U and the insecure doofus that wrote the drival about people who were handed "everything and never earned anything" are the latter.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I'm gonna shamelessly bump this thread because I spent at least 5 whole minutes making that comic summary of the OP.

Happy Thanksgiving ......SLEEVES!!!

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