Jones and the Drone


Actually, I think this is a Parallax ELEV-8 Quadcopter UAV. There is a number of personal and industrial mini drones on the market right now. Their use ranges from recreational, industrial spying, to police surveillance. I think the Israeli intelligence arm, MOSSAD uses them to monitor Hamas groups which tend to be small to avoid detection and targeting by artillery and air strikes. Highest quality ones are small, hard to see, and practically silent depending on their power source (liquid fuel, solar panels, long term batteries, etc). They come is all kinds of shapes and sizes. You can actually build one yourself with parts from Radio Shack.

How long will it be before some hacker steals the video feed for an opposing team or sends the drone down on a kamkazi attack against our players?
I have one, videos are self contained on a thumb drive and they are pretty cool to play with. I think the ESPN camera that is ran by cables would be better, but of course the practice field doesn't have towers to hook to there.

3 to 4 hundred will take you all the way and will run about 20 to 45 minutes on a charge, then of course spare battery's.

Come on, this is the South! All we need is some bailing wire, hub caps, WD-40 and duct tape to go ESPN style on the practice field.

WWMD: What Would McGyver Do?
I always knew he was a damn liberal, socialist, freedom takin', muslim, sum b!tch...with his drones and all.
No, it was that damned Bush who got the drones thing started. They just became magically delicious once that Liberal, socialist, freedom takin', muslim, sum b!tch...Obama took office. :)
No, it was that damned Bush who got the drones thing started. They just became magically delicious once that Liberal, socialist, freedom takin', muslim, sum b!tch...Obama took office. :)

Both of you are in error. The drone love began during the Reagan administration. During the Lebanon hostage crisis, the Israeli military demonstrated a tiny plane-like drone. It took photos of USA commanding officials in the area. I no longer remember if this was on a navy ship, in Jordan, or in Lebanon itself. The pictures were so clear you could easily identify who was who and I think see a document of some sort. They showed this to the USA brass who were thunderstruck not just at the clarity of the pictures, but that despite what they thought was effective security, the device had flown overhead completely undetected. What the USA did was refine drones until now we even have a stealth version, two actually.

Bush, Obama, and the others vilified in your posts employed drones to minimize placing service personnel and equipment at risk. Plus the fact drones are hard to see because of their relatively small size and silence due to engine design and height they fly. I'm not a rabid fan or Obama but give him credit for realizing we're facing both a non-traditional military opponent and unfriendly allies who stymie our ability to go after that enemy with maximum effectiveness. The only alternative is identify the command personnel and facilities and obliterate them with extreme prejudice using drones which are less likely to be detected and challenged by sovereign nations. Occasionally this backfires like it did most recently with Iran and earlier with Russia during the Georgian and Checehen conflicts.
How long will it be before some hacker steals the video feed for an opposing team or sends the drone down on a kamkazi attack against our players?

Please don't say that. I recall that the FBI actually intercepted and stopped an American born Arabian or Palestinian who bought and assembled a jet powered model of an F4-C Phantom II. Packed it with explosives and was planning to fly it into the Capitol. The thing was ready to go but the guy made the mistake of buying the explosives from an FBI sting operation. They had been watching him for a while due to certain out of country trips he'd taken. So please don't talk about our players being attacked similarly, some imbecile with a copycat mentality may actually do it. Remember the Auburn trees? Don't underestimate the incontestable stupidity of some people.
It'll be a few years yet til bama deploys one over the pratice field in knoxville...

Actually, I think this is a Parallax ELEV-8 Quadcopter UAV. There is a number of personal and industrial mini drones on the market right now. Their use ranges from recreational, industrial spying, to police surveillance. I think the Israeli intelligence arm, MOSSAD uses them to monitor Hamas groups which tend to be small to avoid detection and targeting by artillery and air strikes. Highest quality ones are small, hard to see, and practically silent depending on their power source (liquid fuel, solar panels, long term batteries, etc). They come is all kinds of shapes and sizes. You can actually build one yourself with parts from Radio Shack.

It's more likely a cinestar 8. They're rc helicopters used to film.
Please don't say that. I recall that the FBI actually intercepted and stopped an American born Arabian or Palestinian who bought and assembled a jet powered model of an F4-C Phantom II. Packed it with explosives and was planning to fly it into the Capitol. The thing was ready to go but the guy made the mistake of buying the explosives from an FBI sting operation. They had been watching him for a while due to certain out of country trips he'd taken. So please don't talk about our players being attacked similarly, some imbecile with a copycat mentality may actually do it. Remember the Auburn trees? Don't underestimate the incontestable stupidity of some people.

You do realize that thing isn't actually a drone, right?
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You do realize that thing isn't actually a drone, right?

Yes and no. It's not a drone in the contemporary sense of the word. However, anything that is outfitted to act autonomously or via remote control is a drone. You can call it a robot, an UAV, ULV, a Mars Rover, or Maria but it's still basically a drone. It exists to perform a set function whether spying, killing, or in the case of male bees, fertilizing (or f---ing) a queen. :)
I just got wind of this. Thanks for the merge whoever did that.

Damn that is awesome.
Well, I'd bet if they dropped the coin for one of those and pay a guy to operate it, they're seeing a need to have that extra film. Seeing the field from above could offer a lot of perspective on coverage and route running I'm sure.

Its awesome that your coach, or someone had the foresight to use that kind of tech to make the program better. Whoever came up with this idea is one dedicated dude.

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