Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson are CLEARLY the 2 best QBs in the 2018 NFL Draft

Saying something WILL happen is an assertion.

Assertion - a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.

Last time I checked a "guarantee" isn't a prediction. You want me to keep finding you contradicting yourself, I have plenty more where that came from. You've spouted so much s*** on here you can't even keep track of the lies you're telling.

Do you see my avatar? That's me paying up on my bet with @bamawriter.

I lost on that bet where I made a specific prediction that had to come true on a specific date. I am a man of my word so when it didn't come true I paid up. To this day I still haven't changed the avatar though it would have been easy to and pretend that bet never happened.

Go back and read through this thread. There was a time folks were laughing at Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen being the best QBs from this draft and stars in the NFL. Now its become a reality to the point ya'll would rather spend pages arguing with me about Brad Kaaya in a thread about Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson.

Just know I have not backed off one inch from my Josh Dobbs takes. He will be a future Hall of Famer and superstar NFL QB. His chance is just taking a little longer to come than most other QBs. But when he does get his shot he will be exactly what I said he would be. Like Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson.
Go back and read through this thread. There was a time folks were laughing at Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen being the best QBs from this draft and stars in the NFL. Now its become a reality to the point ya'll would rather spend pages arguing with me about Brad Kaaya in a thread about Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson.

Just know I have not backed off one inch from my Josh Dobbs takes. He will be a future Hall of Famer and superstar NFL QB. His chance is just taking a little longer to come than most other QBs. But when he does get his shot he will be exactly what I said he would be. Like Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson.

We're pointing out that you crowing about being right about 2 QBs is hilarious considering how many you get wrong.
Look who is now arguing with themself!

But yeah you don't "kick the can down the road".

You posted this on May 6 2018. Since you struggle with basic details......that's been almost 2 and a half years ago.

April 27, 2018.

So just to be straight. This thread started out being about Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson. After I looked so right on that prediction, ya'll shifted to debating me about Brad Kaaya. After I owned ya'll on that you have now changed the subject to Josh Dobbs.

Thank you for admitting defeat. Typically when someone is winning a debate they don't change the topic.
So just to be straight. This thread started out being about Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson. After I looked so right on that prediction, ya'll shifted to debating me about Brad Kaaya. After I owned ya'll on that you have now changed the subject to Josh Dobbs.

Thank you for admitting defeat. Typically when someone is winning a debate they don't change the topic.

So you admit to being a liar?

Actually, you bumped this thread to crow about these 2 to distract at how badly your predictions usually are. How's John Kelly doing? How's Callaway?
We're pointing out that you crowing about being right about 2 QBs is hilarious considering how many you get wrong.

I have only claimed 3 QBs would be elite superstars in the NFL. Dobbs, Allen, and Jackson. Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson are already there. Dobbs will join them soon.
So you admit to being a liar?

How so? Please explain how me being wrong on my TIMELINE for Dobbs ascension to superstardom is the same as @bamawriter declaring something happened in the past that never happened?

I paid up on the only bet I made with another poster regarding a Dobbs prediction. @bamawriter can attest to that. With regard to the guarantee Dobbs would be a superstar in 1-2 years, I have admitted that I was wrong on that. Its why I now no longer make time specific guarantees on when Dobbs will blow up.
How so? Please explain how me being wrong on my TIMELINE for Dobbs ascension to superstardom is the same as @bamawriter declaring something happened in the past that never happened?

I paid up on the only bet I made with another poster regarding a Dobbs prediction. @bamawriter can attest to that. With regard to the guarantee Dobbs would be a superstar in 1-2 years, I have admitted that I was wrong on that. Its why I now no longer make time specific guarantees on when Dobbs will blow up.

There was a second part to that declaration you made.

And of course you won't commit to a timeline.....because you're a coward. And you're kicking the can down the road.....which we've been saying for 3 freaking years.
I'm out. D4H is better at proving D4H wrong than I could ever dream of being.

The best part, going through his old posts he actually complains to someone that they are using outliers. The guy whose entire argument about Dobbs is based on nothing but comparison to a handful of outliers.
There was a second part to that declaration you made.

And of course you won't commit to a timeline.....because you're a coward. And you're kicking the can down the road.....which we've been saying for 3 freaking years.

Go back and read more of my posts. I have admitted already to being wrong about putting specific timelines on when Dobbs would ascend to superstardom. Its why I don't do that anymore.

A future prediction not coming true isn't a lie for the final time. Go look up the definition of a lie. Your lack of understanding of the english language is getting to be ridiculous now.
I don't think you understand what a "lie" is.

Being wrong on a prediction isn't a lie. Saying something happened in the past but having no evidence to back it up is a lie.

You really need to work on your reading comprehension.

Actually no....that's not necessarily a lie; that's only a lie if you KNOW the thing didn't happen. Not having evidence doesn't make it a lie because you merely could be mistaken or not remembering correctly. ROFL my God you are bad this.

Saying you will admit you "don't know anything" if something doesn't happen, and said thing doesn't happen and then in turn you do NOT admit you "don't know anything"......that means you lied.

So go ahead and admit you don't know anything and congrats, you'll no longer be a liar.
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Go back and read more of my posts. I have admitted already to being wrong about putting specific timelines on when Dobbs would ascend to superstardom. Its why I don't do that anymore.

A future prediction not coming true isn't a lie for the final time. Go look up the definition of a lie. Your lack of understanding of the english language is getting to be ridiculous now.

That's not what you agreed to admit; you know what you agreed to admit to and have not done it; therefore you lied.

Sorry buttercup, but that's pretty basic English.
Actually no....that's not necessarily a lie; that's only a lie if you KNOW the thing didn't happen. Not having evidence doesn't make it a lie because you merely could be mistaken or not remembering correctly. ROFL my God you are bad this.

Saying you will admit you "don't know anything" if something doesn't happen, and said thing doesn't happen and then in turn you do NOT admit you "don't know anything"......that means you lied.

So go ahead and admit you don't know anything and congrats, you'll no longer be a liar.

You might want to go back and read @bamawriter's posts in this thread a little more closely. He lied when he said he never actually claimed it was a "workout" until I cited his own post with the actual word "workout" in it.

I have already admitted to "not knowing anything" about the future. I was "wrong" in my prediction Dobbs would be a superstar in 1-2 years from the 2018 off-season. Its why I no longer make TIME SPECIFIC predictions. If you have noticed, all I say now is when Dobbs gets his chance he will be a superstar. I now understand that "I don't know anything" about time specific predictions into the future.
You might want to go back and read @bamawriter's posts in this thread a little more closely. He lied when he said he never actually claimed it was a "workout" until I cited his own post with the actual word "workout" in it.

This is why I'm not going to keep going with this discussion. D4H can't even call me a liar without lying about the ways in which I allegedly lied.
This is why I'm not going to keep going with this discussion. D4H can't even call me a liar without lying about the ways in which I allegedly lied.

ROFL this dude literally just accused everyone of diverting the subject by bringng up Dobbs, and turns around diverts his own lying by saying "BUT BUT BUT @bamawriter lied!"
You might want to go back and read @bamawriter's posts in this thread a little more closely. He lied when he said he never actually claimed it was a "workout" until I cited his own post with the actual word "workout" in it.

I have already admitted to "not knowing anything" about the future. I was "wrong" in my prediction Dobbs would be a superstar in 1-2 years from the 2018 off-season. Its why I no longer make TIME SPECIFIC predictions. If you have noticed, all I say now is when Dobbs gets his chance he will be a superstar. I now understand that "I don't know anything" about time specific predictions into the future.

Mmmmmmm.......yeah.....pretty sure given the context the "don't know anything" wasn't referring to "TIME SPECIFIC" predictions. You stated you'd admit you knew nothing about player evaluations. In fact, let me that find that one for you.
Wow, come back through here and D4H is in rare form. Out of curiosity I looked around from another angle on this regarding Kaaya and this injury thing D4h is clinging to like a drowning person to a piece of driftwood. (It's a matter of absolute and irrefutable record Kaaya was relegated to nobody status in short order by multiple teams, precisely why appeals to comparisons with Brady or Warner hold no sway whatsoever in the discussion)

The dearth of information regarding this "surgery" is astounding. Trying to actively look for anything is pretty much fruitless. That it happened at all is basically limited to a few social media type references. So I tried another approach. We all know that the Bengals acquired him AFTER the surgery so what did it look like from Cincy's POV? Some examples:

Brad Kaaya News

Not even a mention of injury, much less some kind of major spinal surgery.

Bengals Acquire Kaaya on Waivers

So talks about the new QB and again, nothing about any degree of injury whatsoever other than citing being on injured reserve previously.

Bengals Claim Intriguing Young Talent To Potentially Play Alongside Andy Dalton, A.J. Green

So the most we can get is just a blurb about "back injury" and injured reserve. Still, not exactly making a headline about a health/recovery issue being a concern.

Bengals claim Brad Kaaya off waivers from Colts

Again, injured reserve but no mention of surgery or ongoing medical concerns of any kind.

There's more of the same. Whatever procedure Kaaya underwent it apparently wasn't even worth mentioning(!) when discussing him as an incoming player. That's a fantastically underwhelming linchpin on which to base the demise of a career that was, by every possible demonstrable observation, already a smoking hole in the ground.
This is why I'm not going to keep going with this discussion. D4H can't even call me a liar without lying about the ways in which I allegedly lied.

You do know I have you exact words quoted right? This is what you said:

Maybe that's what you thought I meant by "tryout," but I said no such thing.

You tried to weasel out of the lie you said about him having a workout by playing semantics with the word "tryout". You tried to say that when you said Kaaya got a "tryout" with the Bengals that you didn't mean it in the sense of a "workout" and that it was wrong for me to imply that. I responded by citing your own quote that kicked off this whole back n forth.

Again, he got a tryout with the Bengals and they didn't sign him. And there's no report that he failed a physical. He got a workout.

Then I said:

You said "he got a tryout" then followed it up with "he got a workout". I don't know any other way to read that than to think he got on a football field with the Bengals and engaged in some sort of physical activity. That is a total lie. We have zero evidence he actually worked out for them. All the articles say is he was claimed off waivers and then one month later the Bengals declined to pick up his contract.

You might have been able to weasel out of the word "tryout" if you hadn't followed it up with the word "workout".

Now tell me how I lied?
ROFL this dude literally just accused everyone of diverting the subject by bringng up Dobbs, and turns around diverts his own lying by saying "BUT BUT BUT @bamawriter lied!"

No. I was responding to your post where you tried defend @bamawriter. You swooped in like Superman trying save Lois Lane by arguing that he didn't lie when he said Kaaya got a "workout" because it wasn't intentional. You said it could have been a simple mistake on his part. I responded to this by telling you to go back and read our back n forth on that subject. While its plausible @bamawriter wasn't intentionally lying about Kaaya getting a "workout" he did lie in the follow up when he claimed he never actually said it was a "workout" and that I simply misinterpreted what he meant when he said the word "tryout". I responded to that by citing his own post where he followed up the word "tryout" with the word "workout" clearly showing he did say Kaaya got "workout". Its only after I called him out on that bold face lie that he quit debating me on that point.

I have the quotes in question cited in my last post before this one. Go and read them.
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