I dont know who will have the most yards or TDs. I do believe that whichever QB is throwing, he will be effective enough because the WRs WANT the ball and theyre going after it like rabid hyenas.
Here is how it all unfolds. When The Butch inserts the block demolition M243 C4 (North, Malone, Pearson, and Croom), the big bang will occur again and again. Yea, the first bellow of anguish will be heard from the boisterous Kentucky flavored bovines from the Holy Mormon Empire.
Next, a pack of ravenous wolves will be scattered by the boom that spells their doom, leaving Neyland in a dark shrouded gloom. In this case, the packaged labeled C4 will be laced with plutonium gel and cesium-137 powder. For two quarters this radioactive compound will confound and pound the canine cult. Then The Butch will give the game over to the nitroglycerine gnats (J. Smith, J. Carter, C. Blanc, and D. Young) who will finish the canine killing that is already begun.
Oklahoma will determine to what degree is the big bang big and if the boom is a boomer or a bust. From thence history will commence.