That is the worst freaking qb play I have ever seen. He is now NEGATIVE ON TOTAL yardaage for the day. The worst ever. The freaking worst ever. Ever. Throw the ball away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Throw the freaking ball away you effing moron
This is absolutely unbelievable. We are totally handing them the game. I have not seen 1 area I believe we have improved on since the start of the season.
To say this is an ugly game does a disservice to the word ugly. I hope and pray we can cleanse most of this team and get as many new player in as possible. I am not sure how many season I can continually watch this crap.
That is the worst freaking qb play I have ever seen. He is now NEGATIVE ON TOTAL yardaage for the day. The worst ever. The freaking worst ever. Ever. Throw the ball away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Throw the freaking ball away you effing moron