Jumping the Fence



This is the Way.
Oct 26, 2014
So let's say, just for a hypothetical, you are forced to vote for someone for POTUS that is in a different party or ideology than you support. They don't have to be realistic or viable options (none of mine are). Who would that be?

I'll start: Larry Hogan and Adam Kinzinger

I'll add another with a caveat: Justin Amash. I used to make fun of people on here that would say "Zep is ten years away from becoming a left leaning libertarian", but judging by some of the discourse and opinions I see on here and social media, that might not be outside of possibility down the road.
If I absolutely hated my country and my fellow man, I would vote for The Bern. Lots of student debt, mainly my wife’s. Would be nice if y’all paid it so I don’t have too. 😉

Maybe Joe Rogan? We don’t see eye to eye on everything. I highly doubt he would define himself as a Conservative. But boy does he piss off the left! He would be a fun Prez.
If I absolutely hated my country and my fellow man, I would vote for The Bern. Lots of student debt, mainly my wife’s. Would be nice if y’all paid it so I don’t have too. 😉

Maybe Joe Rogan? We don’t see eye to eye on everything. I highly doubt he would define himself as a Conservative. But boy does he piss off the left! He would be a fun Prez.
There's a lot of overlap between Bernie and Joe Rogan, so that makes sense. One of Le Bern's best interviews I've heard was with Joe Rogan. He didn't do the "shake finger and yell at everyone" thing, it was a pretty calm, thorough discussion.
If I absolutely hated my country and my fellow man, I would vote for The Bern. Lots of student debt, mainly my wife’s. Would be nice if y’all paid it so I don’t have too. 😉

Maybe Joe Rogan? We don’t see eye to eye on everything. I highly doubt he would define himself as a Conservative. But boy does he piss off the left! He would be a fun Prez.
Joe Rogan huh? I am not disagreeing with him being brought into the discussion. But be prepared for the "he doesn't have the resume" or "he doesn't have the experience" comments. Usually the response by some if you bring up someone with no political experience whatsoever.
Joe Rogan huh? I am not disagreeing with him being brought into the discussion. But be prepared for the "he doesn't have the resume" or "he doesn't have the experience" comments. Usually the response by some if you bring up someone with no political experience whatsoever.
That gets thrown at all politicians and political commentators, especially if one disagrees with them.
That gets thrown at all politicians and political commentators, especially if one disagrees with them.
Oh I know. I say that because that is what some of the other "conservatives" and a few of the "libertarians" and "moderates" were saying when I mentioned Candace Owens as a possible VP selection and even a possible candidate for president in the future. And since someone mentioned Rogan then Owens is definitely a possibility as well. As often as people on here mention how corrupt politicians are and that term limits are needed, that they would actually be open to the idea of non career politicians running.

Of course when I ask people what needs to be on that resume they can never give me an answer.
Oh I know. I say that because that is what some of the other "conservatives" and a few of the "libertarians" and "moderates" were saying when I mentioned Candace Owens as a possible VP selection and even a possible candidate for president in the future. And since someone mentioned Rogan then Owens is definitely a possibility as well. As often as people on here mention how corrupt politicians are and that term limits are needed, that they would actually be open to the idea of non career politicians running.

Of course when I ask people what needs to be on that resume they can never give me an answer.

The constitution lays out the qualifications to run. This cartoon lays out the qualifications to win!

Oh I know. I say that because that is what some of the other "conservatives" and a few of the "libertarians" and "moderates" were saying when I mentioned Candace Owens as a possible VP selection and even a possible candidate for president in the future. And since someone mentioned Rogan then Owens is definitely a possibility as well. As often as people on here mention how corrupt politicians are and that term limits are needed, that they would actually be open to the idea of non career politicians running.

Of course when I ask people what needs to be on that resume they can never give me an answer.
Well, I'm not going to argue with you on this. I thought in the 2020 primaries that a guy with executive experience as mayor of a city was better than anything the Senatorial candidates could offer. I still believe that.

So who on the opposite of your beliefs would you reluctantly vote for?
Well, I'm not going to argue with you on this. I thought in the 2020 primaries that a guy with executive experience as mayor of a city was better than anything the Senatorial candidates could offer. I still believe that.

So who on the opposite of your beliefs would you reluctantly vote for?
I almost voted for Jill Stein in 2016. Because of the top 4 candidates she seemed to be the most honest. Her VP candidate at the time, can't remember his name, seemed reasonable in interviews as well. I would consider voting for another reasonable Green Party candidate again. However I was disappointed this last time around when the mainstream Green Party was pushing vaccine mandates. But the National Black Caucus of the Green Party was against any mandate.
I almost voted for Jill Stein in 2016. Because of the top 4 candidates she seemed to be the most honest. Her VP candidate at the time, can't remember his name, seemed reasonable in interviews as well. I would consider voting for another reasonable Green Party candidate again. However I was disappointed this last time around when the mainstream Green Party was pushing vaccine mandates. But the National Black Caucus of the Green Party was against any mandate.
I don't even remember the Green Party candidate from 2020.
So let's say, just for a hypothetical, you are forced to vote for someone for POTUS that is in a different party or ideology than you support. They don't have to be realistic or viable options (none of mine are). Who would that be?

I'll start: Larry Hogan and Adam Kinzinger

I'll add another with a caveat: Justin Amash. I used to make fun of people on here that would say "Zep is ten years away from becoming a left leaning libertarian", but judging by some of the discourse and opinions I see on here and social media, that might not be outside of possibility down the road.
Hogan and Kinzinger are establishment jokes and are good examples of why term limits are needed.

As for Amash. I don't think he'd be popular with much of the conservative, democrat, "moderate", or even many of the self proclaimed libertarians here. If you want to know why then take a look at his Twitter from just the past 2 weeks. Much of his views do actually seem to align with that you see amongst the some of the MAGA crowd and some of what is known as the dissident left.
I almost voted for Jill Stein in 2016. Because of the top 4 candidates she seemed to be the most honest. Her VP candidate at the time, can't remember his name, seemed reasonable in interviews as well. I would consider voting for another reasonable Green Party candidate again. However I was disappointed this last time around when the mainstream Green Party was pushing vaccine mandates. But the National Black Caucus of the Green Party was against any mandate.

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Well I would never vote for a Dem, but I guess if somebody put a gun to my head and made me pick I would vote for Joe Manchin or Heath Schuler. Both are so called "blue dogs", though Heath is out of politics now it looks like. He voted against Obama care if I remember correctly.
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I've crossed party lines a couple of times for the greater good. Namely Bush twice. I liked Reagan, so I didn't have a problem with him. My problem with Dems during the Bush era came down to a guy with a fake southern accent. I know an accent when I hear it. If he was willing to exaggerate that? What else would he be willing to fake about?

I'm still looking. It won't be a republican, because you guys went off the deep end and lost touch with reality. I'll wind up just begrudgingly voting for who ever Dems put on the list this time. There is a some great, energetic, young talent around, I'm just pretty sure you guys have terrified them from putting anyone but 80 yr old Biden in office... again. Blah.
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I'll catch grief for this, but I think people want, and need honesty in a candidate more than anything right now. Not going to lie, I like Mayor Pete. He's honest, forthright, a Naval VET. Been at war and understands geopolitical situations. Highly intelligent, and very well spoken (he can break you down). He's stubborn, but that can be a good trait at that level. Honestly, I would have put him in charge of the Middle East, just to piss them off.
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I'll catch grief for this, but I think people want, and need honesty in a candidate more than anything right now. Not going to lie, I like Mayor Pete. He's honest, forthright, a Naval VET. Been at war and understands geopolitical situations. Highly intelligent, and very well spoken (he can break you down). He's stubborn, but that can be a good trait at that level. Honestly, I would have put him in charge of the Middle East, just to piss them off.
I too would vote for Pete...

To go back to being mayor of some small backwater town where he is limited on the disaster he's caused.

wasn't the best choice for transportation was he? Both the airlines, and trains, and even the roads badly need updating. I don't mind he took a little time to be with his new kid, butt he DOES need to get back to work if he wants to save his political career. Transportation would NOT have been my choice.

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