Jumping the Fence

wasn't the best choice for transportation was he? Both the airlines, and trains, and even the roads badly need updating. I don't mind he took a little time to be with his new kid, butt he DOES need to get back to work if he wants to save his political career. Transportation would NOT have been my choice.

So let's say, just for a hypothetical, you are forced to vote for someone for POTUS that is in a different party or ideology than you support. They don't have to be realistic or viable options (none of mine are). Who would that be?

I'll start: Larry Hogan and Adam Kinzinger

I'll add another with a caveat: Justin Amash. I used to make fun of people on here that would say "Zep is ten years away from becoming a left leaning libertarian", but judging by some of the discourse and opinions I see on here and social media, that might not be outside of possibility down the road.
The lactating Mayor Pete.
Well I would never vote for a Dem, but I guess if somebody put a gun to my head and made me pick I would vote for Joe Manchin or Heath Schuler. Both are so called "blue dogs", though Heath is out of politics now it looks like. He voted against Obama care if I remember correctly.
Heath Shuler was one of those old school conservative democrats. They still existed in larger numbers in the 70s, 80s, 90s. Which is why Carter was able to beat Ford and why Clinton won much of the South. I would say some still exist and refuse to come to the reality of what the democrat party is today.
Heath Shuler was one of those old school conservative democrats. They still existed in larger numbers in the 70s, 80s, 90s. Which is why Carter was able to beat Ford and why Clinton won much of the South. I would say some still exist and refuse to come to the reality of what the democrat party is today.

Clinton was far left until he couldn't be. To his credit he was smart enough to understand he valued being president more than he did his agenda.
Maybe Tusli Gabbard. I still disagree with most of her stuff but she is principled. Maybe Bernie as well, same reason, hate his politics but he is as principled as politicians go, and for an old guy he still had it together.

Not sure what other politicians out there I would consider principled.

Maybe Sinema.
An extremely moderate Dem.. which is hard to find, and also makes them extreme nowadays lol.. or someone reasonable who doesn’t freak out.. Harold Ford impresses me with his ability to get along with the other half of the country and not talk down to people.. someone like that.. where it’s not an act.. Tulsi (but she converted… so not sure that counts)..
Oh I know. I say that because that is what some of the other "conservatives" and a few of the "libertarians" and "moderates" were saying when I mentioned Candace Owens as a possible VP selection and even a possible candidate for president in the future. And since someone mentioned Rogan then Owens is definitely a possibility as well. As often as people on here mention how corrupt politicians are and that term limits are needed, that they would actually be open to the idea of non career politicians running.

Of course when I ask people what needs to be on that resume they can never give me an answer.
The sheer fact that you promote that idiot Owens for VP speaks for itself on your lack of common sense. Rogan is highly intelligent and quite insightful thus he’s too smart to run for office. Owens is neither of those things.

I can’t really think of anyone across the aisle I would vote for prez or VP at the moment but when you see individuals like Sinema willing to cross aisles for legislative cooperation and consider the alternative argument that is refreshing. I’ll admit she has surprised me. And if we could get all the candidates to move back towards center then party largely becomes much less important
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The sheer fact that you promote that idiot Owens for VP speaks for itself on your lack of common sense. Rogan is highly intelligent and quite insightful thus he’s too smart to run for office. Owens is neither of those things.

I can’t really think of anyone across the aisle I would vote for prez or VP at the moment but when you see individuals like Sinema willing to cross aisles for legislative cooperation and consider the alternative argument that is refreshing. I’ll admit she has surprised me. And if we could get all the candidates to move back towards center then party largely becomes much less important
What is your issue with Candace Owens? And what has she said in the last 30 days that has upset you?

Sinema is playing the role of dissenter. The Democrats in reality don't want much of their legislation getting passed. And if they need another dissenter in the Senate in the future they will likely have Jon Tester from Montana play the role.
Heath Shuler was one of those old school conservative democrats. They still existed in larger numbers in the 70s, 80s, 90s. Which is why Carter was able to beat Ford and why Clinton won much of the South. I would say some still exist and refuse to come to the reality of what the democrat party is today.

Right. I think he served two terms. I think the reason he got out was because of the hard left turn his party took, at least that's what I think.
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What is your issue with Candace Owens? And what has she said in the last 30 days that has upset you?

Sinema is playing the role of dissenter. The Democrats in reality don't want much of their legislation getting passed. And if they need another dissenter in the Senate in the future they will likely have Jon Tester from Montana play the role.

I like Candace. She's pretty easy on the eyes too.
Right. I think he served two terms. I think the reason he got out was because of the hard left turn his party took, at least that's what I think.

IDK..he was hardcore Obama..the originator of the Change thingy. Well spoken though.
Maybe Tusli Gabbard. I still disagree with most of her stuff but she is principled. Maybe Bernie as well, same reason, hate his politics but he is as principled as politicians go, and for an old guy he still had it together.

Not sure what other politicians out there I would consider principled.

Maybe Sinema.
Bernie was okay in 2016 when running against Hillary. However he has since been basically parroting whatever talking points the Democrat Party puts out.
What is your issue with Candace Owens? And what has she said in the last 30 days that has upset you?

Sinema is playing the role of dissenter. The Democrats in reality don't want much of their legislation getting passed. And if they need another dissenter in the Senate in the future they will likely have Jon Tester from Montana play the role.
She’s an idiot that has no redeeming qualities related to public service. That’s it. Thus when I see somebody say something really really stupid like “she’d make a great VP” I’m gonna call out that stupidity every time.
She’s an idiot that has no redeeming qualities related to public service. That’s it. This when I see somebody say something really really stupid like “she’d make a great VP” I’m gonna call out just stupidity every time.
What about "unjust stupidity"? That too?
Sure she looks like a great lay. That alone doesn’t qualify her for public service and yet that’s about the only redeeming quality I can see in her 🤷‍♂️

My fantasy: Become super wealthy and pay to get AOC and Candace to do a string bikini fight in the ring.....yeah. I may be a pig, but I have awesome ideas.

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