Because dems and progressives are so damn focused on keeping everyone looking at it with this idiotic identity crap. I spoke to someone well meaning last week who was talking about diversity and I told them that the moment they start looking at people's skin color at all, it becomes a problem. Whole point of being becoming post racism is not to care what your skin color is at all because it shouldnt tell me much of anything about how you think and what you believe. If it does, then right there is the issue. Now if I see someone is "white", what does that tell me? not a damn thing. If they tell me they are Irish, Jamaican or from NYC or Alaska or that they are Episcopalian, a BOSOX fan, THAT tells me something about them.
e had a graduation ceremony for my son and some others in the backyard this weekend. Out of the maybe 6 or 7 families there, now that I think about it, my wife and I were the only "white people" and my wife is an immigrant. Well wait, maybe one of them we have known for a couple of years....hmmm not sure really if she is white or Jewish, I have never asked. But until this moment, I never actually thought about it - because it doesnt make any difference. They are our friends and my son's friends.
Only people who care if someone is "BIPOC" is an ignorant bastard of a race hustler or the unwitting f/tool of one.