JUST DECLASSIFIED: The Russia hoax was Hillary’s plan

If I had to pick one poster here who would instantly and unflinchingly accept something plainly labeled as "Russian intelligence" as ironclad fact, I would pick you.

Good to see I would be right.
He got the info from an anonymous source

Ratcliffe. Just LOLOLOLOLOL.


And riddle me this, Trump soldiers, why does Trump ALWAYS side with Putin? ALWAYS!!! And why does he never call him out on nefarious activities? Why does he constantly look the other way and refuse to crticize Russia? Why does he undermine sanctions against Russia?
You riddle me this. Why did the heads of the Obama intelligence agencies testify that there was no proof of Trump colluding with Russians?
This pathetically transparent ploy is designed to somehow make this election about Hillary Clinton yet again. Trump is shameless. Absolutely shameless.

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