JUST DECLASSIFIED: The Russia hoax was Hillary’s plan

Hillary isn't running....LOL.....dirt surfaces on Trump almost daily....yes, I do expect Trump to spew a few hundred more lies/false claims leading up to the election that only his minions believe...there will be no real evidence

Despiration is setting in, they're rejoicing over sht that makes no difference at all. Maybe they can dig up some dirt on Al Gore tomorrow, that should help Donny's chances.

Completely clueless is more of an apt descriptor, I'm not woke at all. I leave it to all you big brain 4chan sleuths to uncover the truth.

The fact that you post this with all of the publicly available information in Sept 2020 is all anyone needs to know.

Waste of time.
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Trump, and his defenders, are capable of pushing back and you have to trust the American people can see through the swamp gas both parties put out to make the best bad decision for themselves.

I think Trump has a chance here in the closing days to make a better case about what his vision is for the coming term, and that might allow him to get the EC victory again.

I know he would be better served focusing on that than playing the victim of, by comparison, milquetoast figures like Obama and Hillary.


Who was Obama's VP in the dirtiest admin in history? The one that's saying "It's law and order that on the ballot in this election"?

The administration that spied on a political rival based on defrauded courts, after having been told by their intelligence apparatus that [they had been told that] his former Sec St was planning to use just such a claim to frame him for political reasons?

Who could that have been?

You think this is about Hillary and Obama?

It'll be interesting to see how Trump plays this against Biden during the debate, with all eyes on them.
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Weird how erry'body loves to tell me how my troll game is off, for years I've been hearing that.

I must have been GOD level back in the day if I'm still twisting your panties without even meaning to do so.
Your troll game has been in a sad, steady decline for some time.
If his tax returns showed ties to Russia like they want to keep shoveling it would almost certainly be a bigger story than him paying $750 or whatnot (good for him on that, by the way- I'm all for paying as little in taxes as possible).
Of course. I was just being a smart ass.
"Don't be a hater" - WTF are you on about? I give you props for your troll and you blast me?

Lighten up.
Eh my bad then. I misread it as shade props then since like I said for a sitting POTUS that’s as close as anybody is gonna get to a trial. 🤷‍♂️

And really the pride spelling was top notch.
Read the timeline again. This is an absolute **** look for Obama, anyone associated with his administration, and his entire DoJ.

They had intel that Hillary's campaign was going to try to frame Trump for being a Russian asset. They took the dossier Hillary bought, claimed to have verified it, thus defrauding the FISA court, then spied on the Trump campaign and presidency based on it.

We don't do that **** in America. Well... We didn't.
Always remember leftists only care about their team winning, above all else. They've replaced God with a political party.
This is absolutely hilarious to watch Trump pull the levers of government to further advance foreign disinformation campaigns. It was known within the intelligence community soon after the fact that Russia was behind the July DNC hack. The idea that Hillary created, whole cloth, a theory THAT JUST HAPPENED TO BE TRUE is absurd.

This is so ironic given the levers of government that were pulled to advance disinformation vis a vis Russiagate
The fact that you post this with all of the publicly available information in Sept 2020 is all anyone needs to know.

Waste of time.
Sep just likes to troll. You got to just tune him out. He's like that fly that never goes away. 😊
Allegations in the memo are clearly listed as being alleged by Russian intelligence.

So, and I don't believe I have to ask this, you and others here believe Russian intelligence operations are credible sources of information now?
No less credible than Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and others that would testify one way and then go lie on TV saying the opposite. I know, that’s a very low bar and that’s where Russian intelligence belongs.
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Ratcliffe. Just LOLOLOLOLOL.


And riddle me this, Trump soldiers, why does Trump ALWAYS side with Putin? ALWAYS!!! And why does he never call him out on nefarious activities? Why does he constantly look the other way and refuse to crticize Russia? Why does he undermine sanctions against Russia?

Ratcliffe. Just LOLOLOLOLOL.


And riddle me this, Trump soldiers, why does Trump ALWAYS side with Putin? ALWAYS!!! And why does he never call him out on nefarious activities? Why does he constantly look the other way and refuse to crticize Russia? Why does he undermine sanctions against Russia?
Been watching Maddow reruns?
Lol. You support a corrupt senile moron who has used his position to make millions for his own family. Otherwise has zero accomplishments in his life
I don't support Biden. I'm voting third party. The President has used the oval office to make millions for his family

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