just listening to TSR

Im interested to see who is the first freshman to earn their stripes. I think it might be Austin Sanders. What do you guys think


Football time is on, they were saying they were very impressed with Dobbs and Ferguson. Granted this is the first day, but they said they were very impressed with Fergusons arm strength and Dobbs delivery. Albeit they weren't in pads, they said you can notice things like chemistry that they have worked on all summer. Got a positive outlook on these two.

Im not knocking no one but if we go with a freshman QB it will be a long season before the BRAY people say a word he didnt start a game till about there was 3 or 4 left anf memphis was the first, if we put one of them from the get go they might not recover from the azz kicking they will get, this is BIG BOYS FOOTBALL not little 10 or little 12.
For those saying if Ferg or Dobbs play its going to be a long season, well guess what...it's going to be a long season anyway. The silver linings in seasons like these is seeing some of the freshman come of age...gives me hope for the future.
Somebody tell Z to take the lid off that bottle and just drink it. Sorry, just a little on edge.
I didn't know Brienne from Game of Thrones was a reporter?


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Bray was skinnier than both.

Yes. If memory serves me correctly, Bray arrived on campus weighing about 195 and he's a good three inches taller than Dobbs. Dobbs' height, weight, and body type reminds me a good bit of Tony Robinson. Hopefully, he will never sustain the catastrophic injury that Tony suffered.
Yes. If memory serves me correctly, Bray arrived on campus weighing about 195 and he's a good three inches taller than Dobbs. Dobbs' height, weight, and body type reminds me a good bit of Tony Robinson. Hopefully, he will never sustain the catastrophic injury that Tony suffered.

Bray was prob 175 when he first got on campus. I don't care what any magazine or whatever said.
Marquez North looks good.


I hope this isn't a bad sign of fundamentals. I went my whole life, even through pop warner, etc. Thinking that it is okay to break off your inside foot when making a cut. Notice how Marquez North is breaking off of his inside foot to make this cut. You are suppose to break off of your outside foot to make the best cut and get the biggest burst of speed. It took me as long as playing a flag football class to learn this for myself. The professor was a Minnesota Golden Gofer WR back in the day. He taught us to break off our outside foot. When I started doing it I was shocked how much of a difference it actually makes. Not only did that shock me. It shocked me how we never learned it in pop-warner, middle school, or high school. I think it needs to be taught from an early age to really give a kid n edge. He'll most likely be one of the only kids that knows this. If anyone can pass this on to Azzani and let him know to get them to get into a habit of doing it, feel free. I'm sure he already knows about it and has taught it. I just hope the players get in the habit of doing it.
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This is from the "Signees" section of the 1982 media guide. I think Dobbs is 6'4 195.

I had forgotten that TR was that tall. Dude would've been an absolute freak in today's offenses.
Yep. Tony was, in my opinion, one athlete that you could take straight out of the 1980s, fast-forward to the present, put him in orange and white and he would be just as effective as he was then. He had a .30-06 rifle attached to his right shoulder and outstanding mobility although he didn't deliberately run as frequently as Shuler, Holloway, or Martin. Unfortunately, I also believe that it is safe to say that he was no where nearly as smart as Dobbs.

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