just listening to TSR

I hope this isn't a bad sign of fundamentals. I went my whole life, even through pop warner, etc. Thinking that it is okay to break off your inside foot when making a cut. Notice how Marquez North is breaking off of his inside foot to make this cut. You are suppose to break off of your outside foot to make the best cut and get the biggest burst of speed. It took me as long as playing a flag football class to learn this for myself. The professor was a Minnesota Golden Gofer WR back in the day. He taught us to break off our outside foot. When I started doing it I was shocked how much of a difference it actually makes. Not only did that shock me. It shocked me how we never learned it in pop-warner, middle school, or high school. I think it needs to be taught from an early age to really give a kid n edge. He'll most likely be one of the only kids that knows this. If anyone can pass this on to Azzani and let him know to get them to get into a habit of doing it, feel free. I'm sure he already knows about it and has taught it. I just hope the players get in the habit of doing it.
:lolabove: So he is gonna' take advise from u cause u played pop warner ball? "Child please!"
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:lolabove: So he is gonna' take advise from u cause u played pop warner ball? "Child please!"

Wouldn't matter if I played pop warner or was a cheer leader. I'm just wondering why he makes cuts on the wrong foot. He is a college football player and doesn't yet know that you break off of your outside foot for a better burst. I'm just saying I don't know if he was never taught that all through pop warner, middle, or high school. Making a point of how I don't get that this isn't taught to kids when they are in pop warner. It really does help especially a WR that needs to learn route running.
I hope this isn't a bad sign of fundamentals. I went my whole life, even through pop warner, etc. Thinking that it is okay to break off your inside foot when making a cut. Notice how Marquez North is breaking off of his inside foot to make this cut. You are suppose to break off of your outside foot to make the best cut and get the biggest burst of speed. It took me as long as playing a flag football class to learn this for myself. The professor was a Minnesota Golden Gofer WR back in the day. He taught us to break off our outside foot. When I started doing it I was shocked how much of a difference it actually makes. Not only did that shock me. It shocked me how we never learned it in pop-warner, middle school, or high school. I think it needs to be taught from an early age to really give a kid n edge. He'll most likely be one of the only kids that knows this. If anyone can pass this on to Azzani and let him know to get them to get into a habit of doing it, feel free. I'm sure he already knows about it and has taught it. I just hope the players get in the habit of doing it.

Appreciate the effort but you are assuming a lot from a photo. You cannot tell if that is indeed the step for which he is cutting on. It could be the second or fourth step for all we know. Regardless, Azzani has been teaching WRs for a long time so let's trust him to make sure our WRs are using the proper fundamentals.
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Appreciate the effort but you are assuming a lot from a photo. You cannot tell if that is indeed the step for which he is cutting on. It could be the second or fourth step for all we know. Regardless, Azzani has been teaching WRs for a long time so let's trust him to make sure our WRs are using the proper fundamentals.

Exactly. That guy is talking about cutting with your outside foot for an out-route. North looks like he's just changing direction... probably for the downfield blocking drill they were doing.

But in the end it's dissecting a photo with no other context.
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I hope this isn't a bad sign of fundamentals. I went my whole life, even through pop warner, etc. Thinking that it is okay to break off your inside foot when making a cut. Notice how Marquez North is breaking off of his inside foot to make this cut. You are suppose to break off of your outside foot to make the best cut and get the biggest burst of speed. It took me as long as playing a flag football class to learn this for myself. The professor was a Minnesota Golden Gofer WR back in the day. He taught us to break off our outside foot. When I started doing it I was shocked how much of a difference it actually makes. Not only did that shock me. It shocked me how we never learned it in pop-warner, middle school, or high school. I think it needs to be taught from an early age to really give a kid n edge. He'll most likely be one of the only kids that knows this. If anyone can pass this on to Azzani and let him know to get them to get into a habit of doing it, feel free. I'm sure he already knows about it and has taught it. I just hope the players get in the habit of doing it.

Thanks coach
Everyone seems to think Dobbs has an edge over Ferg, but I would love to see Ferg play with a chip on his shoulder and take the job by mid season. But that's just me.

I honestly don't care who plays QB as long as they play well.
Exactly. That guy is talking about cutting with your outside foot for an out-route. North looks like he's just changing direction... probably for the downfield blocking drill they were doing.

But in the end it's dissecting a photo with no other context.

Doesn't matter what route it is, you break off of you outside foot. It actually does make noticeable difference.
Thanks coach

Not claiming to be the coach. Just asking why so many people don't know to break on your outside foot running routes. I meet people that have played football all of their lives that do not know this. If you haven't tried it you won't know the difference it actually makes.
Not claiming to be the coach. Just asking why so many people don't know to break on your outside foot running routes. I meet people that have played football all of their lives that do not know this. If you haven't tried it you won't know the difference it actually makes.

I believe you but what I am saying is that from the picture it looks more like he is running a wheel/curved route rather than a more precise route like a step and cut.
We need a running QB to take advantage of seams through the defense and the ability to outrun the secondary. We don't necessarily need another Johnny Football (or Money Badger, etc.), but we can't have a Bray-type QB either in the spread. At least not in the SEC.
I believe you but what I am saying is that from the picture it looks more like he is running a wheel/curved route rather than a more precise route like a step and cut.

I get what you're saying. I also didn't take into account if he made his cut already. Just was wondering why so many people don't seem to know this. It's like it's kept a secret to break off of your outside foot running a route. I just hope they are coached up and ready come football season. Can't wait for football, even though i'm sure we'll take our lumps this year. Just still feel we are trailing bama, uf, uga, lsu, USCe as far as talent. I do believe if we give Butch time and he recruits like he has, that we'll be back soon.
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