Just so we know...

You can't watch a spring game and determine anything. Crazy that you knew something that nobody else knew. But, you are absolutely incorrect. They have a veteran Oline, veteran QB, a playmaking WR and a NFL DB. They very well could win the ACC or at the very least finish 2nd behind Miami. Even with McCall knocked out, they will come back and win by DD's today.
You can watch a spring game and know enough, when someone is that slow/soft its obvious. You can also look at how they played last season, and who they have returning this season. NC State struggled with Uconn and Virginia, two teams Tennessee smashed last year, this is a big red flag because those two programs are horrible at football.
You say they have Veteran QB/Veteran Oline, but that irrelevant. Go watch them, they are struggling with LA Tech who went 3 and 9 last year, and week one they struggled with WCU a FCS team. They will not finish 2nd in the ACC, you are completely delusional if you think that. Thing is I fail to understand why you are so triggered by the fact NC State sucks? Its not like Tennessee had issues with them, Tennessee played sloppy at times and still smashed them, are you a secret NC State fan, even so they are awful, open your eyes dude.
We whooped their ass like we should have last week. You’re supposed to do that to inferior opponents and NC state was overhyped. It doesn’t take anything away from that 40 piece we put on them last week
N.C. State is not a good ball team. At this point we should consider that win a good win, but not one that means we're elite. Doesn't mean we're not...but N.C.State doesn't look anything close to a ranked team.
Hey Buddy!!
The ole Wolfsack are currently leading the Great LA Tech by 10.
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Good, they should be winning, but LA Tech is really really bad, they went 3-9 last season and lost their last 6 games. Soon to be 7
We should probably excuse NCSt's slow start after we stole their manhood on national television. You have to give them credit today, though. After trailing La Tech 17 - 6, they finally woke up and outscored their opponents 24-3. The Wolfpack couldn't stop our running game but they held La Tech to only 33 yards rushing. So it was an important win for them and a nice rebound from the week before.
Good, they should be winning, but LA Tech is really really bad, they went 3-9 last season and lost their last 6 games. Soon to be 7
It took a hail mary to beat Memphis after we lost to Florida in 1999. After getting manhandled, some teams just come out flat, especially after your QB gets knocked out.

That's not to say they are a great team, but circumstances differ each week.
Of course we should not think we’re a top 10 because of THAT win. Maybe they were grossly overrated and really are more of a top 50-60 or even 70 team…even if so we handled them easily once we adjusted to their unique defense they played.

It proves we are doing what we should do IF we maybe ARE elite.

Plus every elite team will have a couple games they could’ve lost but didn’t . And we have yet to have one of those. Hopefully today is not one and we show up ready to POUND and not take a soul lightly.

Heupel gets his boys ready to play almost every single time. I trust him now to do that 99% of the time.

If we get upset, from here on out, I’m first gonna look at the players before I look at Josh. I feel he’s earned that respect.

And yet, part of the reason I have that respect, is that even IF it’s all the players that we DO get upset, he will take ALL the blame. Because he is a TRUE leader.
NC st. is a "decent" team just met a better team. No sir that does make us elite or give me delusions of greatness but still a solid road win. To be honest i'm a little scared of today. Not afraid Kent St. will out play us but we come out flat, unenthused, looking ahead, or worse injury's....

With that said "VOLS BY FIDDY" haha.

Well go out on a limb there since we're only favored by 49. LOL.
OP here...all I am saying is that it's not a game we can measure our team with as much as we would want to. Likewise...if they played Miami this week and won we would look at our win through a different lens. Everyone chill.
Miami is not a good team either. You will see. The entire ACC is garbage.
N.C. State is not a good ball team. At this point we should consider that win a good win, but not one that means we're elite. Doesn't mean we're not...but N.C.State doesn't look anything close to a ranked team.

They aren't any good, but it isn't as if there was much doubt beyond halftime. We beat them like a really good team should beat a bad team, barely breaking a sweat.
N.C. State is not a good ball team. At this point we should consider that win a good win, but not one that means we're elite. Doesn't mean we're not...but N.C.State doesn't look anything close to a ranked team.
Must be the worst 2-1 team in football.
Don't understand some of our fans sometimes. What's the point of trashing ur team's schedule?
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N.C. State is not a good ball team. At this point we should consider that win a good win, but not one that means we're elite. Doesn't mean we're not...but N.C.State doesn't look anything close to a ranked team.
^….exceedingly fun at parties.
Guys…whether NCSt is good or bad is irrelevant…we took them behind the shed either way…granted, what we did is a little more impressive if they are actually good…but even if they’re bad we spanked them like we should have so who cares
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No they are complete garbage. I knew it when I watched their spring game, they are really bad, a little worse than I thought, but I knew they sucked. They are Virginia last year type of bad, they almost lost to Virginia last year so this proves my point.

No, Virginia lost those OOC games. I think NC State is about like Pittsburgh in 2022, they will win 8 or so games. That Pitt team struggled in a lot of games against inferior competition.

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