Just so we know...

Just can’t get too high or low early in the season. The gauntlet starts next weekend.
Tbh, I don’t know if there is a gauntlet. OU looks mediocre. Arky is bad. Florida is worse. Kentucky is…strange but any team that gets blown out at home by SCar doesn’t scare me. Mississipi State we will slaughter, they’re awful. Then we’ve got UTEP and Vandy mixed in. I don’t see two good teams back to back on that schedule, much less a “gauntlet” of 3-5 tough games like in years past. I see Bama and UGA, separated by a pretty big gap, with a bunch of very weak teams before, after, and between. Handle business and the floor for this team is 10-2. Beating the teams you should beat is never a given though.
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I'd just remind us....we've played and won 3 games so far (record setting performances no doubt)...yeah against inferior teams but it's the start of the season. Let's talk on this subject again say around January? THEN...we'll have enough info to have what may resemble an intelligent discussion about just how good we are. JMO

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