Just when you thought you'd heard it all.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Global warming blamed for Egyptian riots - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

This summer’s extreme global weather raised fears of a “Coming Food Crisis,” as CAP’s John D. Podesta and Jake Caldwell warned in Foreign Policy: “Global food security is stretched to the breaking point, and Russia’s fires and Pakistan’s floods are making a bad situation worse.”

Of course, none of it has to do with the policies of the Egyptian government or the push by the radical Islamic group Muslim Brotherhood.

Human emissions (i.e., breathing), combined with rising oil prices and extreme weather get blamed for the political chaos in Egypt. Why not? After all, liberals seem to connect everything else to global warming.
Obama Czar John Holdren wants to 'educate' GOP on global warming -- But it is Holdren who 'desperately needs remedial climate science education!' | Climate Depot

It is John Holdren who desperately needs remedial climate science education! Holdren has laid bare his scientific ignorance and alarmist ideology for all the world to see on multiple occasions over the past 40 years.

As the man-made global warming movement collapses scientifically, economically, and politically, Holdren is nothing more than a bitter clinger, hanging on to the last vestiges of yet another failed eco-scare.
It's the freaking EXAMINER! What else would you expect out of them?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
It's the freaking EXAMINER! What else would you expect out of them?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Wouldn't it be great if NY, LA and Chicago had newspapers like Spokane does??

Regardless of who printed the article, it stresses the sort of doofuses that pass today for presidential advisors.

Here is another example:

Weasel Zippers Blog Archive Not News: Obama Adviser Valerie Jarret Asks Waiter For Glass of Wine. News: It Wasn’t a Waiter, It Was a Uniformed General…


Jarrett was seated at the head table along with several other big-name politicians and a handful of high-ranking military officials. As an officer sporting several stars walked past Jarrett, she signaled for his attention and said, “I’d like another glass of wine.”

What do you call a presidential advisor that can't tell the difference between a three star general and a waiter???

I call them doofuses. :hi:
I had originally read this post on my phone and confused The Examiner with The National Examiner tabloid... lol
Valerie Jarrett, like Rosary Joe Biden, is a lush who hasn't drawn a sober breath in fifteen years.


It was 2009 and Valerie Jarrett appeared at a Kennedy Center gala with a tuxedoed male escort. She expected a front row seat on the 50 yard line.

A Marine gunnery sergeant had the duty of directing attendees to their seats at the entrance: his job was to look at their invitations, then he would say either, `A through L to the right’ or, `M through Z to the left.’

He was ordered to this duty at the last minute and wasn’t happy about it but retirement wasn’t long away, so he was determined to deal with the `swells’ and be done with it.

Ms Jarrett presented herself, her escort displayed her gold-embossed invitation, and the sergeant extended his white-gloved right hand across his midsection and said,
`A through L to the right.’

She pursed her lips and replied, “There must be some misunderstanding. I have a front row seat, mezzanine level.”

Sarge considered this for a micro-second and replied, eyes forward: `A through L to the left.’ (He had received no other instructions.)

She persisted, “You obviously have no idea who I am. Again, I am Valerie Jarrett and I have a mezzanine seat!”

He considered this carefully, then replied, “Ma’am, I don’t care if you have brass tits. A through L to the right, M through Z to the left.”
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The Midwest just got pummeled with one of the biggest snowstorms in recent memory. In Georgia, snow stopped the entire state for an entire week. Enough about global warming.
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The Midwest just got pummeled with one of the biggest snowstorms in recent memory. In Georgia, snow stopped the entire state for an entire week. Enough about global warming.

Educate yourself on the subject before letting weather and ignorant commentary guide your opinion. It's -20 here. That doesn't mean there isn't global warming any more than the fact that it was 60 two days ago does.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Educate yourself on the subject before letting weather and ignorant commentary guide your opinion. It's -20 here. That doesn't mean there isn't global warming any more than the fact that it was 60 two days ago does.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

How is what's in my head ignorant commentary? All I was saying is it's hard to take global warming seriously when it's so cold I can't feel my feet. I didn't say that in my scientific opinion it doesn't exist. All I was trying to express was the humor that I saw in a global warming thread in the middle of a blizzard. Maybe I was completely alone in finding this funny, but that's no reason for your panties to get in such a bunch.
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How is what's in my head ignorant commentary? All I was saying is it's hard to take global warming seriously when it's so cold I can't feel my feet. I didn't say that in my scientific opinion it doesn't exist. All I was trying to express was the humor in a global warming thread in the middle of a blizzard. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

Using the term "global warming" literally and to generalize as climate change is ignorant. That exact thing is rampant in this forum.
Using the term "global warming" literally and to generalize as climate change is ignorant. That exact thing is rampant in this forum.

I hope it is real and the waters wash all of us into the sea. Then I hope it gets so hot that the seas boil and forces boiling hot tsunamis all over the remaining pockets of humanity so that I'll never have to hear about global warming or climate change ever again.
And you would be the epitome of such ignorance.

The grand nonsequitur from global warming to climate change is the essence of the whole scam.

The Earth is warming as it has been for about 150 years, this is a part of nature.

The climate has been changing ever since the beginnings of the planet.

This doesn't mean we should give a few doofuses the control of all co2 on Earth.

Think about it, you emit co2 every time you exhale, do you think some commissar should be able to stop your breathing??

That seems to be what your ignorant preaching would indicate.
I hope it is real and the waters wash all of us into the sea. Then I hope it gets so hot that the seas boil and forces boiling hot tsunamis all over the remaining pockets of humanity so that I'll never have to hear about global warming or climate change ever again.

:good!: I'm a hillbilly myself anyway.

For clarification my last post was meant to respond to Volatile.

Global Warming Hoax: News


Global warming is nothing more than just another hoax, just like Y2K and the global freezing claims in the 1960's and 70's were. Global warming is being used to generate fear and panic. Those behind this movement are using it to control people's lives and for financial gain.

Below, you will find links to information and articles showing the proof that global warming is nothing more than just a bunch of hot air (pun intended).
The Egypt Deception: The Left Misleads Americans on the Cause of the Middle East Chaos | NewsReal Blog

The Left sees chaos and calls it revolution, they
see societies collapse and imagine a brighter future.

CNN and MSNBC have led the the media in cheer-
leading for the “protests” in Egypt, claiming that
this is a popular uprising for Democracy. Even as
I write this CNN is claiming that pro-Mubarak
protesters are responsible for most of the violence,.....

It's not global warming that caused the problem
but government policy based on alarmism, such
as mandating that people use grain ethanol as
fuel, a rather high handed policy to say the least.

Vulnerable governments are scrambling to lock
up world supplies of grain while they can. Algeria
bought 800,000 tonnes of wheat last week, and
Indonesia has ordered 800,000 tonnes of rice,
both greatly exceeding their normal pace of
purchases. Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Bangladesh,
are trying to secure extra grain supplies.

And when did it become the responsibility of
governments to buy and sell grain???

It came with the gradual destruction in individualism
and creeping socialism, or should I say creepy

Farming in America came to depend on subsidies
back when Stalin was starving to death millions
of his own citizens so he could dump cheap
grain on the world market in order to try to
put the American farmer out of business.

At glance, they all seem to be referencing weather in winter. Seems kind of obvious, doesn't it?

Where were they when Russia was having the hottest heat wave in its history this summer? Where are they when arctic sea ice is reaching unprecedented lows ever year? Pardon me, I must have missed the part of GCC where it says there will be no winters anywhere.
Global heating is not a hoax. No one can debate this rationally with any kind of appreciation of the science.
It does get even crazier!

Dairy farmers can’t catch a break from EPA | Across the Back Fence

At the same time the US EPA is causing food prices
around the globe to skyrocket as a result of policies
to use corn as a fuel additive instead of an
international food staple, one of the victims of the
federal agency is in the cross hairs because of —
what else — the food they create!

US dairy farmers are now being tasked to construct
hazardous materials containment facilities and create
disaster preparedness plans equivalent to those
required by refineries and companies that store bulk
hazardous materials. The premise: spilled milk could
wind up in navigable water ways and cause an
environmental disaster that millions of moms across
America address in their kitchens on a daily basis with
a few paper towels.

This falls on the heels of the EPA’s ruling that more
ethanol needs to be in our gas tanks, rather than
simply eating corn, which for centuries has been
predominantly used for human and animal food.
Because of federal policies aimed at converting corn
into a fuel additive for America’s automobiles, dairy
farmers in America are paying nearly $300 a ton for
corn that just a few years ago was less than half
that price and consumers all over the globe are
paying double and triple the amount they once paid
for corn-based food staples such as bread and tortillas.

Someone should write a song; "killing the kulaks softly."

BTW, the article mentions corn prices doubling but
that is because they buy in bulk, for smaller farmers
the price has more than tripled, I can personally testify
to that. Even at that the local feed store man said
he has cut back until he only makes $1 a hundred and
he has to make a 100 mile trip to pick up the corn.

Also milk is no more a polutant than co2, as a matter
of fact sometimes milk is spread on fields when it is
unsellable excess, it helps the grass grow and cows
prefer to graze in those areas.

Furthermore, anyone who has spent fifteen minutes
on a dairy farm knows that there is zero danger of
large milk spills.

There are some seriously insane people in some very
authoritive positions these days and there are a bunch
of them in the EPA.

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You guys are demonstrating perfectly why the rest of the nation will always make fun of the south.


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