Here is another prime example of knee jerk reactionary
policy to address a problem that only exists in the
minds of the libtards.
Wind Energy, Renewable Energy [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
Understanding wind's unreliability is critically important
now, at a time when America's basic infrastructure is
crumbling and in desperate need of new investment.
In June, the Government Accountability Office issued
a report that said that "communities will need hundreds
of billions of dollars in coming years to construct and
upgrade wastewater infrastructure."
Add in the need for new spending on roads, dams,
bridges, pipelines, and mass transit systems, and
it quickly becomes clear that politicians'
infatuation with wind energy is diverting
money away from projects that are more
deserving and far more important to the
general public.
Trying to replace and increase power production
with wind and solar is sheer idiocy.
Another example is the Shell Alaskan oil project,
after obtaining a lease they have wasted 18
months waiting for final approval from the nutcase
environmentalists at the EPA which will probably
never come and have pulled out of the project.
Drilling those wells in Alaska makes a hell of a lot
more sense to decrease the demand for foreign
oil than the ethanol mandates ever will and what
does the EPA do??? They increase the quota of
ethanol we must use which makes sense on no
level. It doesn't decrease co2 levels, it drives
them up. It doesn't save us money, it costs more.
The worst downside is the ripple affect it has on
world food demand but then probably the marxists
in positions of power in the American government
think that is a good thing because social unrest
can be used to get their types into power in nations
they don't already control.
If these people in the oblahblah administration
were really what they say they are and were
truly concerned with co2 we wouldn't be
exporting 80 million tons of coal annually to
China and that is expected to increase by
10% this year.
The worst thing in the whole equation is that
there are millions of Americans who do no
realize when they are being scammed on the
flimsiest of excuses.