Just when you thought you'd heard it all.

You guys are demonstrating perfectly why the rest of the nation will always make fun of the south.


You're a perfect example of why most people
think Yankees are



Global Warming Believers Propose Tax on Meat... | Gather

“This tax is not at all a matter of forcing people
to become vegetarians, but merely moving towards
a slightly more climate-smart diet,” says Stefan
Wirsenius of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
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You used 'yankee' to describe someone you presume is from the north.
1.) The civil war is over. Yankee makes you sound offensively regressive.
2.) I'm from a 'confederate' state if you will. With most of my family living in TN also.

Also, who do you think runs this country? It is those who live in the metropolis cities of the northeast, and a few other coastal cities in the west. They don't care one bit what us ignorant people from TN think, because quite frankly, people like you give us a bad rep.

No one that achieved a passing grade in 10th grade science denies the globe is warming. The debate is whether or not is man made. Hop back on the short bus and brush up on your ejumication'.

You're a perfect example of why most people
think Yankees are



Global Warming Believers Propose Tax on Meat... | Gather
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Global heating is not a hoax. No one can debate this rationally with any kind of appreciation of the science.

Here let me produce some excellent science on that topic:

Global Warming: A closer look at the numbers

Human activites contribute slightly to greenhouse
gas concentrations through farming, manufacturing,
power generation, and transportation. However,
these emissions are so dwarfed in comparison to emissions from natural sources we can do nothing
about, that even the most costly efforts to
limit human emissions would have a very small--
perhaps undetectable-- effect on global climate.


As a niche area of an immature science, too few of
us realized the true essence of the matter.

The illusion of mathematical credibility was destroyed
when a clear -headed and rigorous analysis of the
uncertainty around their claims produced error bars
that dwarf the magnitude of the supposed century-
long warming (errors of +/- 3+°C going back in time
against a signal of 0.8°C of warming). The fact is,
within the ability to measure a global temperature
anomaly, the last 100 years has been the same
temperature, with short cool and warm periods
that actually follow the gyrations of the ocean
currents. A sort of ‘duh!’ realization when you
consider (a) the mass of water compared to air
and (b) the heat content of water compared
to air. The engine of our climate is contained
in the reservoir of heat captured and being held
in our oceans, not in the marginal atmospheric
gas called CO2.

Now there is no credibility for these people –
they are the laughing stocks who claimed the
Himalayan Glaciers would all be gone in 14 years
and that snow would never return to England in
the winter.

MiltonConservative: Simple Chemistry and the Real Greenhouse Effect.

Carbon dioxide does NOT form aggregates. It is not
lighter than air and thus does not rise quickly. There
is no phase change when carbon dioxide enters the
atmosphere. Carbon dioxide carries less than half
the heat per molecule compared to water.

One gram of Carbon Dioxide heated at the surface
by incident sunlight carries (2 * 539 = 1078) 1078
times less energy into the atmosphere than one
gram of water.

Carbon dioxide represents 0.0387 % of the atmosphere.
Water in the lower atmosphere represents 1% to 4%
or 25 to 100 times the amount of carbon dioxide.

Combining the two statements above, Water
is (25 * 1078 = 27,175) to (100 * 1078 = 108,700)
times more responsible for greenhouse effect
than carbon dioxide.

CO2 ACQUITTAL (Rocket Scientist's Journal)

Throughout the past 420 millennia, comprising four
interglacial periods, the Vostok record of atmospheric
carbon dioxide concentration is imprinted with, and
fully characterized by, the physics of the solubility
of CO2 in water, along with the lag in the deep
ocean circulation. Notwithstanding that carbon
dioxide is a greenhouse gas, atmospheric carbon
dioxide has neither caused nor amplified global temperature increases. Increased carbon dioxide
has been an effect of global warming, not a


Carbon dioxide does not accumulate in the

because quite frankly, people like you give us a bad rep.

Maybe you should take a look in the mirror.


No one that achieved a passing grade in 10th grade science denies the globe is warming. The debate is whether or not is man made. Hop back on the short bus and brush up on your ejumication'.

The debate is whether we should adopt idiotic energy
policies based on bad science. The fact of the matter
is that we have been adopting idiotic energy policies for
going on forty years and the present administration takes
that idiocy to insane levels, literally.

This needs to end, the sooner the better.

BTW, your stoopid little personal slurs make you look
not one bit wiser or smarter either.
Doesn't one volcano release more into the air than people do?

No. Google it, if you'd like. I've broken down the numbers before.

Also, you'll find volcanic eruptions have a net cooling effect, due to the release of sulphates and particulate matter being ejected into the stratosphere, in the case of plinian eruptions.

It'd be a lot easier to respect global climate change skeptics if they didn't repeat the same inaccuracies over and over.
No. Google it, if you'd like. I've broken down the numbers before.

Also, you'll find volcanic eruptions have a net cooling effect, due to the release of sulphates and particulate matter being ejected into the stratosphere, in the case of plinian eruptions.

It'd be a lot easier to respect global climate change skeptics if they didn't repeat the same inaccuracies over and over.

That's why I asked the question. Interesting.
Apologies, I guess I misread your intent.

EDIT: Or not, and I was right on the money the first time.

Prime example of idiocy:

American Thinker: No Coal, No Power, No Gas

The answer may be quite simple. It seems that a great deal of natural gas got "stuck in the pipes" because there was not enough electricity to operate the pumps to move it along. And there was not enough electricity to operate the pumps because environmentalists had seen to it that plans for new coal-powered generating plants had been shuttered back in 2007. So without the coal, there was no electricity, and without the electricity, there was no natural gas. And since much of the natural gas was intended to supply electrical power generating plants, there was even less electricity to supply the pumps and everything else.

The Texas blackouts are a foretaste of what the rest of the country can expect, given the concerted effort of the Obama administration to shut down coal generating plants and to place obstacles in the way of coal mining. Just weeks ago, the EPA revoked the permit for Arch Coal's Spruce Number One mine in Virginia, one of the largest coal mining projects in the country. For the past two years, in fact, the EPA has pursued a hyper-aggressive program of enforcement that seems intended to price coal electrical generation out of the market. As in Texas, plans for new coal power plants have been scrubbed.

Ironically, the US is in danger of power blackouts at a time when it is exporting greater and greater amount of coal to China and other countries. Already, America is sending 80 million tons of coal overseas, but plans are underway to increase exports by 10% in 2011. Countries overseas understand that coal is the cheapest and most reliable form of energy available for producing electrical power. At a time when America is curtailing its coal generating capacity, China and India are building one new coal generating plant every week. And America is shipping its vital resources overseas even as its citizens are left, quite literally, out in the cold.

When Obama was elected I said; "everyone hold both hands in the air, you are about to be robbed."

Little did I know rape would be added to the charges.
At glance, they all seem to be referencing weather in winter. Seems kind of obvious, doesn't it?

Where were they when Russia was having the hottest heat wave in its history this summer? Where are they when arctic sea ice is reaching unprecedented lows ever year? Pardon me, I must have missed the part of GCC where it says there will be no winters anywhere.


You do just exactly of which what you accuse others.


For one you act like this is unprecedented, it isn't.

Inconvenient Ice Study: Less ice in the Arctic Ocean 6000-7000 years ago | Watts Up With That?

”The climate in the northern regions has never been
milder since the last Ice Age than it was about 6000-
7000 years ago. We still don’t know whether the Arctic
Ocean was completely ice free, but there was more
open water in the area north of Greenland than there
is today,
” says Astrid Lyså, a geologist and
researcher at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU).

”The beach ridges which we have had dated to about
6000-7000 years ago were shaped by wave activity,”
says Astrid Lyså. They are located at the mouth of
Independence Fjord in North Greenland, on an open,
flat plain facing directly onto the Arctic Ocean.
Today, drift ice forms a continuous cover from the
land here. Astrid Lyså says that such old beach
formations require that the sea all the way to
the North Pole was periodically ice free for a long

For another you act like this is something to be alarmed about, it isn't.


From the Washington Post, aka Pravda on the Potomac.

The Arctic seems to be warming up. Reports ... all
point to a radical change in climatic conditions,
and hitherto unheard of high temperatures in that
part of the earth's surface.

Ice conditions were exceptional. In fact, so little ice
has never before been noted. Dr. Hoel reports that
he made a section of the Gulf Stream at 81 degrees
north latitude and took soundings to a depth of 3,100
meters. These show the Gulf Stream very warm, and
it could be traced as a surface current till beyond
the 81st parallel.

Where formerly great masses of ice were found,
there are now often moraines, accumulations of
earth and stone. At many points where glaciers
formerly extended far into the sea they have
entirely disappeared.

The wapo article is from 1922.


Finally you act like your claims are true, they aren't!

Polar Ice Caps are NOT Melting: Exposing More Global Warming Hokum

Core measurements and satellite data show that the
polar ice caps (arctic and antarctic) are expanding,
not shrinking.


Global warming is a myth being peddled by left-wing
scientists and liberals who want to use it as an excuse
to impose more government controls on our economy
and to push through income-redistribution s
chemes masked as "energy" and/or "climate" bills..


And we havn't even discussed how much or how
little subarctic vocanoes have to do with the equation,
we do know that recent discoveries have shown far
more of that activity than we had previously even
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CEI Releases Global Warming Study Censored by EPA | Competitive Enterprise Institute

New data also indicate that ocean cycles are probably
the most important single factor
in explaining
temperature fluctuations, though solar cycles may
play a role as well
, and that reliable satellite
data undercut the likelihood of endangerment from
greenhouse gases. All of this demonstrates EPA should
independently analyze the science, rather than just
adopt the conclusions of outside organizations.

Energy secretary says 2 facilities, fossil fuel research face cuts | The Tennessean | tennessean.com

Chu said that the budget proposal, which will be
released Monday, would cut the Office of Fossil
Energy by 45 percent, or $418 million. That includes
eliminating the Fuels Program, the Fuel Cells Program,
the Oil and Gas Research and Development Program
and the Unconventional Fossil Technology Program.
The budget also would save $70 million by reducing
funding for the hydrogen technology program in the
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

The administration also would end operations at the
Tevatron facility at Fermi National Laboratory in
Illinois, saving $35 million, and close the Holifield
Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory in Tennessee,
$10.3 million. The department made the decision
to close that facility in January.
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I wonder why new shipping lanes run along the northern coast of Russia these days? Huh, I guess they just never thought of saving all that shipping cost until now.

Post all the cartoons you want. I just wish you'd make up your mind as to whether the "warming is a natural process" or "there is no warming" or "there's cooling!" Seems like you play it all 3 ways depending on what the immediate argument you are faced with. At least I'm consistent, even if I am part of a vast global conspiracy the likes of which haven't been seen since evolution and the roundness of the Earth (oh that's right, the Bible mentioned that tidbit but it was overlooked for over a thousand years).
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I wonder why new shipping lanes run along the northern coast of Russia these days? Huh, I guess they just never thought of saving all that shipping cost until now.

Post all the cartoons you want. I just wish you'd make up your mind as to whether the "warming is a natural process" or "there is no warming" or "there's cooling!" Seems like you play it all 3 ways depending on what the immediate argument you are faced with. At least I'm consistent, even if I am part of a vast global conspiracy the likes of which haven't been seen since evolution and the roundness of the Earth (oh that's right, the Bible mentioned that tidbit but it was overlooked for over a thousand years).

New??? You must be crazy, the Russians typically
have ports open on the White Sea, adjacent to the
Actic Ocean and have had most summers for a long
long time.

Where were you last year??

50 ships, thousands of people, stuck in Baltic Sea ice

Around 50 ships, including large ferries carrying
thousands, were stuck in the ice in the Baltic Sea,
with many unable to move until Friday, Swedish
maritime authorities said.

Several vessels, including at least one passenger
ferry carrying more than 1,000 people, had collided
with each other as they drifted amid huge blocks
of moving ice.

Wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which
one gets full first.

Educate yourself instead of being a brainwashed


More than 700 international scientists have challenged
the claims on man-made global warming promoted by
the IPCC. The dissenting scientists come from nations
all over the world, including Japan, Italy, the United
Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Canada, the Netherlands,
and the United States, and are affiliated with some of
the worlds premier scientific institutions including the
U.S. Navy, U.S. Defense Department, U.S. Energy
Department, U.S. Air Force, NASA, and the EPA.

This bill, first introduced in the 111th Congress, would
have saved taxpayers $12.5 million in FY10 and millions
more in the years to come by permanently ending the
United States financial contributions to the IPCC.

Enemies of theis nation and the brainwashed idiots
who swallow their offal like it is candy have blocked
nuclear reactors being built in this country for nearly
forty years, over the same amount of time the green
weenies have done their best to block any oil drilling
and have managed to block any new refineries being
built and as a result some of our oil is shipped
overseas to be refined, that's insane, and now
Obama is trying to shut down the coal industry in

Face it, AGW has hit an ice berg and gone down like
the Titanic.

David Archibald on Climate and Energy Security | Watts Up With That?

Slides below, be patient while they load. There is a
wealth of information here. A PDF is also available.


Your alarmist claims deserve nothing more than cartoons
in reply!


While France gets nearly all of it's energy from nuclear
plants, we continue to block them here in America to
appease the 'environmentalists', while most every
country in the world is drilling for oil anywhere they can
find it, America does it's best to prevent domestic
drilling to appease the 'environmentalists', while China
and India are bringing on huge new coal fired electrical
plants every week, America is shutting down it's coal
industry and blocking new plants to appease the

Isn't it about time we look behind the drapes to see
who the environmentalist wizards are and what they
really believe?????

Grow the eff up!!!

And that has EVERYTHING to do with variations
in ocean currents and NOTHING at all to do with
burning fossil fuels or co2 levels!!


I'm surprised you havn't brought up wolverines yet.

Let me ask you this, what do you think of shutting
off irrigation water in California for the sake of the
delta smelt minnow??
What sorts of variations in ocean currents? Which currents?

I think there has to be a balance between threatened species and human interests. Once something like the Delta Smelt Minnow is gone, it's gone forever. But I'm sure you don't see any intrinsic value in biodiversity.
to hell with the delta smelt minnow, I want my strawberries! I'm forced to buy cheese doodles because California strawberries are becoming as rare as 800lb gorillas!
to hell with the delta smelt minnow, I want my strawberries! I'm forced to buy cheese doodles because California strawberries are becoming as rare as 800lb gorillas!

Maybe it's a bad idea to grow 70 % of our fruits and vegetables in one valley on the west coast. Call me crazy.
Maybe it's a bad idea to grow 70 % of our fruits and vegetables in one valley on the west coast. Call me crazy.

it's an even worse idea to destroy the livelihood of thousands of people over some silly little fish that occupies a spot in the food chain that's filled with other critters just like it.

I may change my tune if it's found out that the delta smelt minnow secretes an oil that can cure cancer, but then, that would have the anti-vivisection types all up in arms.

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