Kavanaugh Confirmation

Not from Klobuchar... I saw that part of it and she was being more than fair with him and asking relevant questions.[/QUOTE]
Before she started questioning, judge K told her how much he respected her. She was the only one he said that to. Yeah, he lost his cool with her, but I understand why. He did end up apologizing to her after the break. That part is often forgotten.
There is not going to be a "gotcha" moment. This was just too darn long ago. If I am looking at this objectively, I couldn't vote against his confirmation just based on the accusations of Dr. Ford. However, Kavanaugh really revealed his partisanship by invoking the Clintons and the 2016 election as a means of his defense. He also showed some petulance by asking Sen. Klobuchar if she had ever been drunk as a means of deflection from her question. He sounded resentful of her question but that was the point of the hearing and relevant; his question to her in response was not. She should have said, "This hearing is to gauge the credibility of an accusation made against YOU, Judge Kavanaugh. Not me!" I can understand being mad if being falsely accused of something on a national stage in front of your family but he just flat out lost his cool and should have been better than that. He is seeking a seat on our highest court, after all.

You so naïve to believe that no one is partisan to a certain extent of personal belief? You think RGB, Kagan, Sontomeyer, etc....All of them including ALL OF THEM. If it was not so partisan the parties would not be throwing such hissy fits.

It is about MONEY and POWER.
Not from Klobuchar... I saw that part of it and she was being more than fair with him and asking relevant questions.[/QUOTE]
She pontificated in her fathers alchoholism with the intent of painting BK as one. She asked a question that already been asked and answered many times before.
I would imagine he was in the mood of the moment. He did apologize to her.

If this is a disqualifier I don't even know what to say anymore.
Seemed pretty clear that whenever Democrats went down the road she did, there was a strategy to go right back at them. It was tone deaf on his part though to go after her right after she acknowledged her own father's alcohol issues.
Not from Klobuchar... I saw that part of it and she was being more than fair with him and asking relevant questions.
She pontificated in her fathers alchoholism with the intent of painting BK as one. She asked a question that already been asked and answered many times before.[/QUOTE]

......and I believe she asked him if he would request yet another FBI background check into himself......more than once.
Where is the call for righting the wrong?

Luther, how long are you going to cry over Garland? I've told you, I agree he was treated unfairly, but that's over. There's no unringing that bell. Hell, if the Dems had kept this completely political and just voted no on Kavanaugh, I wouldn't argue that. If DiFi had brought the letter forward when she received it, I'd question the veracity of the allegations but it wouldn't reek of a Democratic ploy. The fact(and yes it's fact) that the Dems turned this into a political circus and are now feigning outrage is what I find so despicable. Worse than what the Republicans did to Garland by a mile. And yet you seem to support it.
Seemed pretty clear that whenever Democrats went down the road she did, there was a strategy to go right back at them. It was tone deaf on his part though to go after her right after she acknowledged her own father's alcohol issues.

I gave the like because I agreed , now saying that I also would have given it right back to her the way she was setting him up to be a drunk , they used a woman and the daughter of an alcoholic as an expert to question him on his drinking and he saw through it and was a smartass back to her ... I enjoyed it and found it satisfying .
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Sometimes adults who perpetrate a wrong attempt to make amends. It's a small indicator that they acknowledge it was wrong and will attempt to do better in the future. Absent that, one is left to assume that it is just the way they are and will continue to be.

Do you apply this standard to both sides or just Republicans? Do you expect the Dems to right their wrongs?

Of course not.
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Do you apply this standard to both sides or just Republicans? Do you expect the Dems to right their wrongs?

Of course not.

That’s different , Dems don’t commit a wrong on purpose so it’s a non starter . Anything they do is because they are so passionate about a cause therefore it’s technically correct .
I’m waiting for the Democrats to investigate Ted Keddedys youth drinking. I think he might have killed a girl. Somebody write a letter to Feinstein. I think the girl drowned. Just a rumor I’m sure..
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I fear that the FBI's conclusion will be ambiguous as to the veracity of the accusations and/or the defense. If so, the great divide will only get worse and the potential for civil violence increase.

The RCC is at a hard simmer due to the sex abuse scandal. The UMC is facing the loss of thousands of members depending on the 'gay marriage' vote (either way) expected next year. Traditional Dems and GOPers are no longer represented by their party's most visible and vocal leaders. This confirmation hearing is a microcosm of the dangerous tensions in our country today. Sadly, we are also only five weeks from potential power shift due to the midterms.

Having said that I am not sure of the outcome I should hope for this week. Maybe finding Ms Ford's charges lack support and Judge Kavanaugh withdrawing in disgust at the process. I just don't know anymore.
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Do you apply this standard to both sides or just Republicans? Do you expect the Dems to right their wrongs?

Of course not.
Wasn't Democratic Senator Al Franken from Minnesota forced out of the Senate within a month of a picture surfacing which showed him pretending to grab LeeAnn Tweeden's breasts? Weren't these calls for his resignation bi-partisan (including from Dianne Feinstein)? Wasn't a Republican Senator from Idaho named Larry Craig allowed to serve out his term in 2007 and 2008 after he pleaded guilty to soliciting an undercover male police officer for sex in an airport bathroom stall in June of 2007? Were there any calls for his resignation from Republicans following the disclosure of his guilty plea?
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I’m waiting for the Democrats to investigate Ted Keddedys youth drinking. I think he might have killed a girl. Somebody write a letter to Feinstein. I think the girl drowned. Just a rumor I’m sure..

Teddy's behavior was inexcusable, but he's dead now. Perhaps the FBI can look into the rape allegations against Bill Clinton? I'm sure the Democrats will support this, after all, an allegation must be accepted as fact.
I fear that the FBI's conclusion will be ambiguous as to the veracity of the accusations and/or the defense. If so, the great divide will only get worse and the potential for civil violence increase.

The RCC is at a hard simmer due to the sex abuse scandal. The UMC is facing the loss of thousands of members depending on the 'gay marriage' vote (either way) expected next year. Traditional Dems and GOPers are no longer represented by their party's most visible and vocal leaders. This confirmation hearing is a microcosm of the dangerous tensions in our country today. Sadly, we are also only five weeks from potential power shift due to the midterms.

Having said that I am not sure of the outcome I should hope for this week. Maybe finding Ms Ford's charges lack support and Judge Kavanaugh withdrawing in disgust at the process. I just don't know anymore.
The fbi will reach no conclusions. They will log testimony and submit it.
Wasn't Democratic Senator Al Franken from Minnesota forced out of the Senate within a month of a picture surfacing which showed him pretending to grab LeeAnn Tweeden's breasts? Weren't these calls for his resignation bi-partisan (including from Dianne Feinstein)? Wasn't a Republican Senator from Idaho named Larry Craig allowed to serve out his term in 2007 and 2008 after he pleaded guilty to soliciting an undercover male police officer for sex in an airport bathroom stall in June of 2007? Were there any calls for his resignation from Republicans following the disclosure of his guilty plea?
There was an actual photo of Franken. Hard to get around that.
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