Kavanaugh Confirmation

Wasn't Democratic Senator Al Franken from Minnesota forced out of the Senate within a month of a picture surfacing which showed him pretending to grab LeeAnn Tweeden's breasts? Weren't these calls for his resignation bi-partisan (including from Dianne Feinstein)? Wasn't a Republican Senator from Idaho named Larry Craig allowed to serve out his term in 2007 and 2008 after he pleaded guilty to soliciting an undercover male police officer for sex in an airport bathroom stall in June of 2007? Were there any calls for his resignation from Republicans following the disclosure of his guilty plea?

Larry Craig did not plead guilty to soliciting an undercover male police officer. He pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct.
Again, to disorderly conduct, not the charge you are claiming.
He was playing footsie with a cop in a stall because he wanted sex... He wasn't forced to resign by his Republican colleagues. That was ridiculous. And what about Mark Foley, the Republican pedophile who was preying on teenage boys while in the House? I think he was from the 16th District in Florida in October of 2006? It's been a while but I think that's right. That was a winner.
This is what DEMOCRAT THUGS did to an Illinois county's Republican headquarters.
Ends justify the means.
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He was playing footsie with a cop in a stall because he wanted sex... He wasn't forced to resign by his Republican colleagues. That was ridiculous. And what about Mark Foley the Republican pedophile who was preying on teenage boys while in the House? I think he was from the 16th District in Florida? It's been a while but I think that's right. That was a winner.

First, I'm in no way defending anyone's behavior, simply pointing out that accusing something the Dems themselves do is a bit hypocritical. If we want to get to the ultimate example, Teddy killed a girl and the Dems rewarded him with a lifetime Senate seat. I don't believe either side can come close to claiming a true moral highground so it's a moot argument.
Luther, how long are you going to cry over Garland? I've told you, I agree he was treated unfairly, but that's over. There's no unringing that bell. Hell, if the Dems had kept this completely political and just voted no on Kavanaugh, I wouldn't argue that. If DiFi had brought the letter forward when she received it, I'd question the veracity of the allegations but it wouldn't reek of a Democratic ploy. The fact(and yes it's fact) that the Dems turned this into a political circus and are now feigning outrage is what I find so despicable. Worse than what the Republicans did to Garland by a mile. And yet you seem to support it.
I'm not crying over Garland, I'm just not forgetting. Did Ford make any claims about being used or abused by the democrats? Did she show any animosity toward DiFi and the way the information was handled or mishandled? The circus atmosphere could have been easily avoided by just postponing the vote as soon as the allegations became public. Simple......the repubs were well aware they were creating circus by forcing the vote.
And an actual guilty plea from Larry Craig. Hard to get around that either.
Just want to make clear that you are comparing an event where two consenting adults were involved and an event where one person was unconscious and the other was doing something to the unconscious (and presumably unconsenting) person.

This place is getting weirder by the minute.
Not excusing Franken, that was horrific judgement, but he did not actually assault Tweeden. That was a sophomoric attempt at humor. The condemnation of him was as swift as you would hope it to be.

I thought he did other than that picture. Also, multiple women came forward about him handling them at photoshoots.

Personally, I think he was a sacrificial lamb but he did actually grope women without their consent.

Craig did not assault anyone. He was attacked for hypocrisy.
Just want to make clear that you are comparing an event where two consenting adults were involved and an event where one person was unconscious and the other was doing something to the unconscious (and presumably unconsenting) person.

This place is getting weirder by the minute.
That cop wasn't consenting to anything. Do you remember the interview? Craig made up some bull that he had a wide stance while taking a dump.... He was playing footsie with the dude.
That cop wasn't consenting to anything. Do you remember the interview? Craig made up some bull that he had a wide stance while taking a dump.... He was playing footsie with the dude.
The cop was posing as a consenting adult, correct? Was the charge solicitation or attempted rape?
I'm not crying over Garland, I'm just not forgetting. Did Ford make any claims about being used or abused by the democrats? Did she show any animosity toward DiFi and the way the information was handled or mishandled? The circus atmosphere could have been easily avoided by just postponing the vote as soon as the allegations became public. Simple......the repubs were well aware they were creating circus by forcing the vote.

That's BS, Luther. For one thing, let's not forget Ford has a history with the Democrats. Secondly, the circus was created because DiFi held the information to the last second. She received the information well in advance, could easily have brought the information to Grassley in confidentiality to be addressed, but chose not to. She made a choice to hold until she could effect maximum damage. Stop pretending she didn't mishandle this. Even if you believe it wasn't intentional(which I believe it was 100% intentional), you know she mishandled it.

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