Kavanaugh Confirmation

It's disturbing to me that a man's life is being torn apart by an accusation that cannot be proven to be true. And not only his life, but the lives of his family. And the liberals, including some on this board, seem to be enjoying it. This is about more than politics. These are real people with real lives. And I understand that it's possible the allegations are true, but there's no way to know that. It's just as possible the allegations are false. It's possible Ford was accosted and mistakenly believes it was Kavanaugh. There's just no way to know what actually happened 36 years ago.
Mitchell state’s Ford’s case is very weak from a legal perspective. Yeah sure... R’s hired her so her professional opinion is bought. 🙄

Outside counsel in Kavanaugh hearings argues Ford case weak on legal grounds

Definitely a weak case, nothing earth shattering there. The narrative is already pivoting to White House limiting the investigation and Kavanaugh lying to the committee.

Both of those were easily avoidable, unforced errors. Who would want a Supreme Court Justice who thought drinking in college was shameful, criminal, or disqualifying? If there’s nothing to fear from an investigation, why set limits? Tell them to get it wrapped up in a week and turn them loose.

So much dumb from this administration.
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"Job interview" for luther.

Interviewer: hello luther how are you today?
Luther: fine, thanks for asking how are you?
Interviewer: I am good thanks. Shall we get on with the interview? Good. So luther I have read through your credentials and they seem to be very good. Your professional record is pretty stellar and I think you would be a great candidate for the job.
Luther: thank you. I have worked very hard to achieve what I have in life and take my professional record very seriously.
Interviewer: glad to hear it. Now there is something I need to address with you.
Luther: ok
Interviewer: well a female that knew you decades ago, heard you were applying for this job. She says that you sexually assaulted her almost 40 years ago. Now, she just brought that to our attention a few weeks ago. But we wanted to hear your side of the story. So, did you sexually assault this woman?
Luther: no I did not and those lies are preposterous.
Interviewer: well thank you Luther, we will see you next week. Have a good day.
Luther: thank you. You too.

If this Kavanaugh circus was just a "job interview" then thats the way it should have ended. But we all know what it is. A smear campaign designed to block a Trump nominee for no other reason than Trump nominated him.
By speeding you’re more likely to wreck causing more harm to those you’re trying to help or possibly injure someone innocent.

And while I might choose to speed in that situation I’d in no way be “justified “ to do so.
Don't play his stupid game. He knows very well that he has given a Hobson's choice, and he will claim that the persecution of Judge Kavanaugh is one of those instances where the ends are justified. My hope is that when President Trump gets to nominate the old hag's replacement he goes full hard right and the Republicans ram it thru without a chance for the Dims to challenge it. Ends being justified and all.
The question is a fallacy that's trying to save face for you. Your logic is that it is always immoral in some way to drive a car. Your original assertion was that it becomes immoral one mph above the speed limit. As so often happens with you because you you don't actually try to arrive at truth, but instead try to win internet arguments, your logic has morphed unthinkingly.

I will repeat myself. It becomes immoral when it reaches the point of *reckless* endangerment. That is a much different thing than, "it's always a teensy bit dangerous" so tell me exactly when it becomes immoral... It becomes immoral when you are no longer under reasonable and save control of your vehicle.

That's a stupid argument that isn't searching for anything other than a life preserved after you've made yourself look an idiot.

I refuse to play your stupid game of answering stupid questions that have no answer and don't have anything to do with the original debate.
I'll accept your admission of defeat.

Is it immoral to bust the window out of a stranger's car?
Hit a stranger in the head with a brick?
Trespass and and break into a neighbor's house?
This is what DEMOCRAT THUGS did to an Illinois county's Republican headquarters.
Is here where i throw in how trumps ruining America? Or just say some low IQ ijit has fallen for the rhetoric they have seen on msm and decided to act on it. That's classy.
It's disturbing to me that a man's life is being torn apart by an accusation that cannot be proven to be true. And not only his life, but the lives of his family. And the liberals, including some on this board, seem to be enjoying it. This is about more than politics. These are real people with real lives. And I understand that it's possible the allegations are true, but there's no way to know that. It's just as possible the allegations are false. It's possible Ford was accosted and mistakenly believes it was Kavanaugh. There's just no way to know what actually happened 36 years ago.
Cut them some slack. They're so morally bankrupt that they think everyone s just like them. They're proud of these tactics and think Judge K is collateral damage, a sacrifice worthy of their cause. They have been given numerous opportunities to denounce it and they keep doubling down on it. It's pathetic. I just hope the sane American public see it for what it is and make them pay for it at the ballot box.
It's disturbing to me that a man's life is being torn apart by an accusation that cannot be proven to be true. And not only his life, but the lives of his family. And the liberals, including some on this board, seem to be enjoying it. This is about more than politics. These are real people with real lives. And I understand that it's possible the allegations are true, but there's no way to know that. It's just as possible the allegations are false. It's possible Ford was accosted and mistakenly believes it was Kavanaugh. There's just no way to know what actually happened 36 years ago.
According to the doosh Adam Schiff, it's up to Kavanaugh to prove he is innocent. LOL
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"Job interview" for luther.

Interviewer: hello luther how are you today?
Luther: fine, thanks for asking how are you?
Interviewer: I am good thanks. Shall we get on with the interview? Good. So luther I have read through your credentials and they seem to be very good. Your professional record is pretty stellar and I think you would be a great candidate for the job.
Luther: thank you. I have worked very hard to achieve what I have in life and take my professional record very seriously.
Interviewer: glad to hear it. Now there is something I need to address with you.
Luther: ok
Interviewer: well a female that knew you decades ago, heard you were applying for this job. She says that you sexually assaulted her almost 40 years ago. Now, she just brought that to our attention a few weeks ago. But we wanted to hear your side of the story. So, did you sexually assault this woman?
Luther: no I did not and those lies are preposterous.
Interviewer: well thank you Luther, we will see you next week. Have a good day.
Luther: thank you. You too.

If this Kavanaugh circus was just a "job interview" then thats the way it should have ended. But we all know what it is. A smear campaign designed to block a Trump nominee for no other reason than Trump nominated him.
Isn't this Trump's second nomination?

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