Kavanaugh Confirmation

The FBI came and asked me questions when my neighbor applied for a promotion ( some type of Government employee). They don't mess around on background checks. Also, no way my neighbor put me down as a reference.

I have had 4 in the last 2 years. Including home land security check.

It’s obvious there a bunch of folks that have no idea how the process works.
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I don't think K's possible excessive drinking habits are an issue but how he conducts himself when he is drunk is.
Apparently how he conducted himself 30 years ago is. The entire thing is ludicrous. This whole thing must be a nightmare for him. I think his Twilight Zone comparison is spot on.
That’s a dead man walking no matter what party he’s in . He’s got no backbone to one side and can’t be trusted by the other side .
He's burned way too many bridges on his way out the door in the GOP to get support from the RNC, and Democrats would never trust him since he is such a flake. If he decides to support decriminalization of green, maybe he could run as a libertarian.
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Good edit.
In the absence of OC's answer, I'll provide one for you.

Hitting a stranger in the head with a brick: could be justified (moral) or unjustified (immoral) depending on the ends.
Breaking out a stranger's car window: could be justified (moral) or unjustified (immoral) depending on the ends.
Breaking into a neighbor's house: could be justified (moral) or unjustified (immoral) depending on the ends.

Now wait for OC's twists.
He's burned way too many bridges on his way out the door in the GOP to get support from the RNC, and Democrats would never trust him since he is such a flake. If he decides to support decriminalization of green, maybe he could run as a libertarian.

The time of Independents is upon us. Now let's see which party can claim the most middle ground.
The time of Independents is upon us. Now let's see which party can claim the most middle ground.
I wish we had five or six parties with legitimate chances in every single election. I don't think we will ever get there though, the two parties have entirely too much cash.
Good edit.
In the absence of OC's answer, I'll provide one for you.

Hitting a stranger in the head with a brick: could be justified (moral) or unjustified (immoral) depending on the ends.
Breaking out a stranger's car window: could be justified (moral) or unjustified (immoral) depending on the ends.
Breaking into a neighbor's house: could be justified (moral) or unjustified (immoral) depending on the ends.

Now wait for OC's twists.
Dude. Seriously. You are not clever.
I've heard of the one free bite rule for dogs. Did not know about the one free sexual assault rule for federal judges.
Sexual assault has become a blanket term that covers everything from an unwanted touch to rape. The offense Kavanaugh gave -- holding her down against her will for a few minutes -- if true, doesn't rise to the level of offense that would keep someone of the supreme court, imo. There needs to be greater distinction of kind and quality of sexual assault. Not that I would excuse Kav. from such a relatively minor offense, but I wouldn't over punish him for it either.

An emerging problem for Kav. appears to be perjury, though, if he lied about his drinking habit under oath.
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The FBI came and asked me questions when my neighbor applied for a promotion ( some type of Government employee). They don't mess around on background checks. Also, no way my neighbor put me down as a reference.
Correct! You give them a list of names and they know you coordinated that! So they ask your neighbors too! And if you haven’t been there very long they go ask your previous neighbors too.
I wish we had five or six parties with legitimate chances in every single election. I don't think we will ever get there though, the two parties have entirely too much cash.
Parliamentary systems with multiple parties still lead to left right coalitions though. If anything, the politicking might be worse.
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Correct! You give them a list of names and they know you coordinated that! So they ask your neighbors too! And if you haven’t been there very long they go ask your previous neighbors too.
Yep.... I got questioned last year on behalf of a civilian contractor I know who was renewing a security clearance. Blew my mind how thorough it was.
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Parliamentary systems with multiple parties still lead to left right coalitions though. If anything, the politicking might be worse.
I like to think it would force parties to form actual coalitions with some give and take from all parties involved. But that might be wishful thinking on my part.
I like to think it would force parties to form actual coalitions with some give and take from all parties involved. But that might be wishful thinking on my part.
I'm thinking in terms of movements like Tea Party and Metoo. Once they gained traction, the establishment co-opted them. I'd bet that within a year Metoo goes the way of the TP and is unrecognizable.
Convenient how the timing of Fiensteins actions worked out ain't it?
The narrative from both sides is completely predictable. We can lay out how the next several days are going to go and what the messaging will be from all sides.... and yet we still go through the motions.
Parliamentary systems with multiple parties still lead to left right coalitions though. If anything, the politicking might be worse.
Yep. Despite what Europeans say more political parties is certainly not the solution. We have two "big tent" political parties where some factions in the parties have diametrically opposed interests (e.g., open borders advocates and union members within the Democratic Party). This seems funny to some people, and it is, but if you had 6 political parties 2 or 3 of the 6 end up forming a coalition government that gives them over 50% of the seats. The parties not in the coalition tend to band together to oppose things pushed by the coalition. It is in effect the same thing as a 2 party system.

The Repubs and Dems are, in essence, coalitions of factions. The divisions within the 2 major parties along which you could split them up are pretty clear.

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