Anytime one of my Bama friends brings up 12 (now 13) championships I just tell them to go back and look at the 1941 championship. Now that is as bad as it gets. If you can't convice a Bama fan that the 1941 NC is a sham then there is no reasoning with them. It has actually worked on a few of them, but not with most.
The thing is that the 12 (now 13) NC's is so much of who they are, written on everything they sell and is just about everywhere down there is that they can't take it back now. Even if they realize that it is all a lie they can't go back on it now. What are they going to have a press release at the nearest Wal-Mart and say, "After thinking about it we really only have 8 nat'l titles, sorry"? It's too much of who they are at this point.
I honestly think deep down a lot of the sensible Tide fans (I know there are only two) know it's all a lie.