There is a happy medium. I have seen some verbal barbs and some intense games/situations. But I don't believe that I have ever seen an assault on an official. I have coached my 5th grade son for 5 years, and I have had some disagreements and some back and forth. But I have never cussed or made any personal attacks. Yet, some still get upset when you question their call. It's like they are beyond reproach. Both sides of the aisle can't be so sensitive.
Maybe it becomes a problem at the higher levels in a few years when some of these guys retire, but right now, the problem in college is not for a lack of officials. I go back to hiring them full-time. If the SEC decided to pay officials a minimum of $150k per year for spring games, 13 weeks in the fall, and then train every other time of the year, they would get applicants who would be devoted to honing their craft and keeping their job. They would also grade them out and may not get retained if they fell below a certain level...just like every other job out there.